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hey fe8 drafters


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Most people decide not to burn RN's in the prologue because they don't believe in it, and decide to take the 3 turn. The 5 turn in chapter 1 is pretty luck based too.

Yep, this. I REFUSE to burn the RNs in the prologue out of principle.

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These two chapters are the most obvious and most common source of advantages to a playstyle as opposed to something legitimate like skill. I like a level playing field, and if people are going to not do this by choice, then I can't believe nobody's even mentioned the possibility (and validity) of banning it. Those two RNs are the only ones I ever strategically burn in FE8 drafts, so it's already a pretty weird thing. Either everybody does it or nobody does it, or my OCD won't shut up.

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Having never burned the RNs for a 2 turn clear, I've never seen a distinct problem with it. It's not like the FEDS whatever chapter Marth can Seize a turn early in the European localization - the burn is an option I'm consciously ignoring.

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First three turns of the Prologue clear. I like that.

However, the level that Eirika gains in the Prologue determines how easy Chapter 1 is. Gaining Strength and Speed is vital for the 5 turn clear.

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I read your previous post. I acknowledged and rejected its point.

My point was that if people were consciously ignoring it, it's odd that no moves have been made to ban it. Normally this is the sort of thing people would take notice of. Also, I have the PAL version of FE11, I could consciously ignore the ability to seize a turn earlier as well; I don't see any bans on it either. "I don't really care" doesn't count as a rejection of a point, unless I'm horribly misinterpreting what you said.

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My point was that if people were consciously ignoring it, it's odd that no moves have been made to ban it. Normally this is the sort of thing people would take notice of. Also, I have the PAL version of FE11, I could consciously ignore the ability to seize a turn earlier as well; I don't see any bans on it either. "I don't really care" doesn't count as a rejection of a point, unless I'm horribly misinterpreting what you said.

There is a blanket ban on the 3 turn Seize on Chapter Whatever in FE11, since AFAIK that's the only chapter where the US localization cannot Seize in the same timeframe.

My point wasn't that I didn't care about the matter - rather that I don't think anything needs to be done. Light resistance, if you will, less so apathy.

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