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Ignorance Run

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Set the follwing options to "off"





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R button is not allowed

Unit list is not allowed

No using serenesforest or other sources to obtain enemy or item stats

No writing down your characters stats or attempting to keep track of them in any way.

Basically, the point of this run is that you will receive absolutely no information on anything, ever. Good luck!!

Edited by Fetchystick
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I have a feeling this is something that would sound easy but actually be surprisingly difficult. I, at least, probably don't realize how much I rely on the R button.

You may be right. I recall a no-resets run I started some time ago, where a Fighter with a Halberd jumped out of the fog and killed Franz. Without checking even inventory, that sort of thing could happen in many more locations.

Edited by Othin
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Hm...What are the rules regarding preparations?

No R button to view stats. No giving people a stat booster JUST to view stats in the USE screen. No pressing select in the deployment screen to bring up the unit list. Check map button is allowed, but the R button cannot be used.

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I'm kind of doing this right now but it doesn't feel pure because you see remaining HP whenever a unit enters battle, and all of their stats when they level up. FE3 is better for this, since they actually "silently" level up.

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Streaming this atm for whoever cares.

edit: fyi, I'm not using Seth, going fairly slowly. plan to train Vanessa, Franz, my Lord (I think I'll take Eirika route), maybe throw in some prepromos.

edit 2: done streaming

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