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Agent Minimafia - Game Over, Town wins


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1) Who is the most scum in your opinion?

2) Who is the most town?

3) When the hell did Sho claim his role?

4) How many kills you think there is per night?

5) How many scum left you think there is?

1) Blitz I think. I explain this better at 3)

2) Shinori for complicated reasons

3) He did not. Yet SOMEHOW blitz seems to have gotten some idea about it. SOMEHOW this makes me think he thinks Sho as a cop variant:

@Sho, do you have any info that might help us get an anti-town lynch?

Yet somehow, SOMEHOW it seems like he wants to rub this to everyones face untill they start to think this. My question is:


My gut insting says that what he means to say is: Hey Sk/maf! (the one he isnt himself) kill Sho for being cop because I/we can't kill him tonight thanks to no kill tonight k thanx

##Vote: Cap'n Flint

My vote may or may not stay based on his counter argument

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1) Who is the most scum in your opinion?

2) Who is the most town?

3) When the hell did Sho claim his role?

4) How many kills you think there is per night?

5) How many scum left you think there is?

1) Dunno what scum is. :Ç

2) Sho, proving to be an excellent player right from the beginning. If it weren't for him, I'd let Day 1 go to waste.

3) *ignores*

4) 2, and I think the Mafia killed the Fanatics Leader. Killing such an important role right in the beginning of the game isn't a coincidence! Also, the SK killed someone at Night 1 (his/her objective is to make the Military lose and survive).

Kay may be the Serial Killer because she was away from the game, but we can't deny the possibility of a Bodyguard or Healer (I'm currently betting on Healer) stopping the SK's kill. That also explains why a Healer was killed on Night 1. Can anyone answer me if the SK's role has any other ability besides killing players? Like investigative abilities and such.

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1) Who is the most scum in your opinion?

2) Who is the most town?

3) When the hell did Sho claim his role?

4) How many kills you think there is per night?

5) How many scum left you think there is?

1. Kay or Blitz. For Kay; Inactivity doesn't explain all the weirdness going on. Blitz, just the vibes I'm getting and his posts not seeming to accomplish much. Kay could easily be mafia and her buddies sent in her action.

2. As much as I don't want to admit it...Sho. >_> Also myself? ;/ And maybe Darros.

3. Don't remember.

4. If two people died last night, I'd say two. But I wouldn't count out more, as doing so could lead to bad logic later on if we think we can lynch but we are LYLO.

5. How many are dead? Just eclipse? If 9 people are left, I'm tempted to say 2. Maybe 3.

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1) Dunno what scum is. :Ç

Scum = Someone who is by default against town. Namely mafias, Serial killers and Cults. Not to be mixed with roles that are not town but can win with town. Common examples are Survivor and... well there aren't really many of others :/:

4) 2, and I think the Mafia killed the Fanatics Leader. Killing such an important role right in the beginning of the game isn't a coincidence!

Ummm domu. Mafia don't really know who the cult leader is. Only way they can kill him is by coincidence unless they have like mafia cop that found kevin out and thats just another form of coincidence...

Also, the SK killed someone at Night 1 (his/her objective is to make the Military lose and survive).

...And mafia's isn't? Mafia and SK have no fucking reason not to kill.

Can anyone answer me if the SK's role has any other ability besides killing players?

Its not unheard of but they usually have some form of protection rather than inspection

As for the matter of Kay, I'm not really getting SK vibes from her... Or any vibes for that matter.

As for Proto... I honestly can't read this guy to save my life...

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2. As much as I don't want to admit it...Sho. >_>

... :<

4. If two people died last night, I'd say two. But I wouldn't count out more, as doing so could lead to bad logic later on if we think we can lynch but we are LYLO.

...so we ignore the fact that I might have killed kevin and then call not considering 3 scum based kills in a night in 13 player game where there is hardly no time before LYLO without scum having overkill offence?

5. How many are dead? Just eclipse? If 9 people are left, I'm tempted to say 2. Maybe 3.

as in 1-2 maf and 1 sk or 2-3 maf and 1 sk?

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Not sure.

I feel if there are hidden players here, it's highly more likely there are two mafias. I feel thinking about a Serial Killer doesn't seem important, since we'll catch them later anyway.

I just dislike the theory that every game here has a Serial Killer. It could be 3 mafias and then a hidden SK, like Schoolboy sort of.

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Okay, I'm done with my midterm. I still have some more work, but I should be able to focus on these properly now.

1) Who is the most scum in your opinion?

tbh I haven't actually seen anyone particularly scummy...

2) Who is the most town?

ShoM, for taking down Clipsey! I doubt he's a Serial Killer, because he would not have wanted to draw in so much attention if he was wrong about Clipsey! Shinori is most definitely anti-Mafia, simply because Clipsey! drove herself with him.

3) When the hell did Sho claim his role?

He didn't.

4) How many kills you think there is per night?

The first post specifically said that there are four factions. The Cult is dead, and most likely couldn't kill anyways. The Town probably has a Vigilante that would probably restrain himself unless the possible relative benefit of shooting outweighs the risk. The Mafia and Serial Killer, of course, get their own standard kills.

Now, it may have been possible for the SK and the Mafia to alternate their kills, but then there's Night 2, where two people died. If the Mafia and SK killed on alternate nights, the second death could have been caused by a Vig. This seems quite unlikely to me, unless Blitzy is the Vig, because I can't imagine any other Town-aligned player going after Kirsche or Annie at this point. The other possibility, which seems more likely, is that the SK and Mafia can kill every night. This leads to the question of what happened at Night 1. It could have been a Doctor protection (who did Annie protect???), the SK being inactive (as Kirsche suggested), or they both tried to shoot Snike (it would be funny if all three anti-Town factions went after that poor guy).

The problem with the both-Mafia-and-SK-shoot every night theory is that with only 13 players with a Cult included, that seems a little too brutal to the Town. Which goes to the next question...

5) How many scum left you think there is?

A Mafia can never be made up of less than three people. Four Mafia seems way too much in this game, particularly when a mislynch+recruit+SK kill+Mafia kill can potentially eliminate 4 Townies in a single phase cycle, making a 7-4-1-1 setup too Mafia-sided, and very unfair to the Town. Thus, I can only conclude that the setup must be 8-3-1-1, which seems fine. If that were the case, the living members would be divided as 6-2-1. A mislynch at this point can be really bad, particularly if Mafia and SK both get to shoot tonight. I am actually considering the possibility that the SK shoots every night, while the Mafia have an only-even-nights kill restriction (it would kinda justify why Paper started at Night 1 instead of Night 0).

Also, for all the theories that are being poured out, check the opening post. It clearly states that there are four factions in the game, so no multi Mafias. And rule #8 denies the existence of any hidden player..

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seriously at least consider that I may have actually been the killer when I you know, kill him by default if target him (and I did)

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For the last fucking time, I only kill those who belong to cult. Others have different threatment if I target them...

Is it possible Snike was the Serial Killer then?

If you killed Kevin, and Snike was recruited N0....then maybe the Serial Killer never killed.

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according to snike's will he was tracker. Would he actually go out his way to make people who read his will think he is tracker when the only possible scenario where it could help him was him getting recruitted and killed during N1. Well sure it happened but what are the odds that he would go "hey I might be culted and killed tonight so i will mindfuck everyone think I was tracker! not too likely scenario

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For some reason, today is going much differently than I had anticipated.

I would totally answer those questions, but I pretty much agree with Proto on everything.

i mean I was mainly thinking Kevin was scummy, but he is dead cult leader so that kills my only suspicion.

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1) Who is the most likely to be mafia in your opinion?

Anouleth or Strawman.

2) Who is the most likely to be town?


3) When did Sho claim his role?

He hasn't claimed outright, but there's plenty that can be pieced together. It's something that gets some kind of result (D1), and kills cultists but not other roles (D2).

4) How many kills do you think there are per night?

Probably Mafia and SK alternating with a few other roles that can potentially kill as well. That, or mafia kills every night, and SK kills every other night with some other abilities the rest of the time.

5) How many mafia left do you think there are?

2 Mafia remain, almost certainly.

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Well, for defending Eclipse I was just pointing out how the reasoning and logic behind that lynch was not very good at all. Lo and behold she turns out mafia and makes me look super suspicious. Not one of the best times for me to try and be a more logical player lol.

What else do you want to know?

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