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(FE4) SOYO Draft III


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And I think the last character should be free, so I can have Levin and Tiltyu shenanigans.

No Holsety for you! It doesn't really matter who Refa picks. Holsety!Corple really isn't that helpful.

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First Gen

Sigurd - Good thing he's amazing, he doesn't have a whole lot of firepower alongside him.

Deirdre - ...

Ardan - I really hope he promotes. I doubt it though

Alec - He'll do well with the hero sword and help out early on. Beyond that, nothing really, his stats are unspectacular.

Dew - Thanks for giving me funding for Sylvia and Aideen! They'll be able to get what they want now!

Cuan - I love this guy, he's a beast.

Sylvia - She'll probably get the leg ring for a majority of first gen.

Aideen - With her and Sylvia, chapter 3 becomes a complete joke!

Levin? - It would be nice to have him to get that Bargain ring, and Holsety.

Lex? - Elite and a Hero Axe are always nice.

Second Gen

Celice - Absolutley amazing.

Julia - Much better than her mother.

Lana - Yay, healer!

Lester - Well, at least it won't be Azel!Lester, but it might be Ardan or Levin Lester, which isn't to fabulous either.

Leen - Dancer!

Corple - I MIGHT GET HOLSETY FOR ENDGAME WHICH WOULD BE AWESOME Otherwise worthless, as I already have Lana.

Brohan - I might just kill this dude. He's decent, but costs turns. Kinda like second Gen Lex.

Tristian - Screw putting effort into him, Oifaye is eons better anyway.

Roddleban - He's not bad on paper, but lack of movement hurts.

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Levin it is. Just to even the playing field between Shanan and Ares.

Anyways, time to review...my team.


Sigurd- Thank god this guy is free, otherwise first gen would be unbeatable (I think I speak for more than just my team here).

Diadora- *rolls eyes*

Lachelis- I get her in Chapter 2, and hopefully I can promote her, because she's basically useless before then.

Ethlin- Ethlin is pretty damn amazing, but I lose her after Chapter 3, which means I have...5 units to complete the final chapters with. For reference, that's 2-3 units less than everyone else. Yippee.

Claude- Well, I guess I can throw the Physics staff on him to make useful.

Noishe- Despite him being a low tier character, he's apparently (?) a good father for Lachelis according to the Wiki page. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Overall- Yeah, first gen is going to go rather swimmingly until Chapter 3, and hopefully Lachelis can promote and fulfill Ethlin's function in the later chapters. If not...this is going to be very very painful. I kinda got screwed over on first generation, with only one useful unit besides Sigurd (well, Lachelis will be useful, but by that time, Ethlin will be gone). Maybe I'm just being negative because this is the first time I've done an SOYO draft.


Celice- because the two other highest ranked characters (not counting Arthur (Levin)) were drafted, Celice will be my MVP for this generation

Oifaye- Awesome as usual

Julia- Um...Narga is pretty awesome, so she's automatically more useful than her mom

Leaf- Compared to the numerous other layabouts that my second generation team has, Leaf is a godsend

Altenna- Amazing as usual, especially with that Holy Weapon

Delmud (Noishe as father obviously, who else could I pick? Claude?)- He can't be all that useful without Pursuit

Nanna- She's a troubador which automatically makes her awesome, but she's not going to be that great at fighting, because again, of a lack of Pursuit

Hannibal- Well, I'm not going to be using him because that would be far too much work. So...there's a wasted character.

Asaello- An on foot archer with no holy weapon...he's just as good as you'd expect, which is not that good at all.

Linda- She has Elite, so that makes her awesome in my books (or at least useable)

Femina- Bleh...I love winged horses and all, but she doesn't even have pursuit. What advantages does she have besides flying?

Amid- Just another mediocre mage character, I guess. Doesn't really have anything that stands out to me.

Laylea- Dancers are always nice.

Overall- I have a crapton of characters in the second generation, and 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 of them will be somewhat useful! Pity about the other 5 characters, especially Hannibal, who is useless at best.

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Noish is a good father for Delmud because he has nice skills (Critical, Charge) and can pass swords down onto Delmud. He'll need a pursuit ring, but he shouldn't have much competition for it.

I think i'll start this later on after I finish my EHM log.

And damn you, I wanted Lex :angry:

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Well, I kind of wanted to give either Leaf or Nanna the Pursuit Ring (Leaf until promotion, but he could...probably live without it). I'll...have to think about this one.

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I should do that. Didn't realize that undrafted units could do conversations that could get them lover points. Well, with this knowledge, Delmud will be much more useful (and of course, Noish).

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Prologue: Edain's Reverse Harem - 14 turns

All my units are guys chasing after her, but I bet she likes the attention. There's no way to 5 turn Jungby without heavy RNG abuse or Alec, so I settle for a 6 turn. Azel potters about making sure that Alvis won't get distracted.Midale arrives and gets the Speed Ring. Sigurd goes off to pray and meet Alvis. His strength isn't high enough for me to do my clever bridge trick, but I manage a reasonable turn 14 capture.

Sigurd  11 48 42 16 00 14 12 11 11 03 Silver Sword, Iron Lance, Steel sword
Azel	03 44 31 00 12 07 10 02 02 06 Fire
Midale  05 22 33 09 00 08 09 03 08 00 Iron Bow, Speed Ring


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Prologue: Sigurd's Steel Sword Shitstomp

12 turn clear.

Managed to get the 5 turn to Jungby with Alec's help. Him and Sigurd went south, while Ardan trudged towards the villages, and practiced his 4RKO'ing skillz. Cuan helped him out, and eventually ran to the top left village that I usually ignore. Alec got the speed ring, because it would be wasted on Ardan, and Cuan had better things to do. Sigurd got his silver sword from Alvis, and charged ahead for a 7 turn clear of Evans! Alec will appreciate Sigurd's Steel Sword.

Sigurd  12 07 43 17 00 15 14 10 13 04 Silver Sword, Iron Lance, Steel sword
Alec    04 79 33 09 00 10 11 04 08 00 Iron Sword, Speed Ring
Ardan   03 50 36 13 00 05 04 03 13 00 Iron Sword
Cuan    06 44 37 18 00 11 10 05 11 03 Steel Lance, Javelin

Totally stole Doku's Code box because I'm lazy.

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Chapter Prologue 14/14 turns

Just a Sigurd rush. Fin guarded the castle.


I have started putting Fin and Ayra in close quarters. It will take a while unless, and this is a gray area in the rules. Can I use undrafted units for jealousy purposes. They technically aren't fighting, but I just don't know. Also Diedre "died". But Silence really isn't needed against the boss.

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That's a good question. It's incredibly situational, most of the pairings that benefit from it stink. I don't mind for this draft, we can have a fun discussion later!

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Prologue: 14/14 turns

So, this was a lot harder than I thought. I needed SOMEONE to defend the castle because of the hordes of units heading that way (although I'm sure with better planning on my part I could have killed them before they bumrushed towards Chalphy), so Ethlin was the scapegoat, while Sigurd and Noishe went to take Jungy. Because the RNG hates me, they were both almost killed before I got to the church (oh, and I got the Speed Ring beforehand). Afterwords, some of the Evans advance force suicided on Alvis whilst Sigurd waited at the church for a full heal. Then he proceeded to take Evans while Noishe stayed behind to clean up. Overall, I'm sure I could've done better with Ethlin, but I'm not going to redo that because I *feel* that I got fairly lucky with my levelups.

Sigurd  11 14 41 18 00 15 15 11 13 04 Silver Sword, Iron Lance, Steel sword, Speed Ring
Noishe  05 46 35 12 00 07 08 04 08 00 Steel Sword
Ethlin  02 46 29 05 08 11 13 08 04 06 Slim Sword, Live

Stole Horace's code, who stole from Doku. Thanks for that, BTW.

PS Am I the only one who let Jungby Castle and most of the villages get totalled?

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Chapter 1: Why so many forest tiles clumped together IS, WHY?

22 Turn Clear.

Sigurd ran down towards Genoa, and seized that by turn 5. Cuan finished off Kinbois after Sigurd whacked him a couple times, and Alec picked up scraps where he could. Dew dodgetanked the axedudes chasing Aideen, and stole their money, which he later gave to Aideen, along with the warp staff. Ardan was to slow to pick up a single kill :(

Aideen spammed Warp to get exp, she has more than enough money to repair it, and Dew exists forever, so why not?

Ethlin also got her return staff, and recruited Aira for the Hero Sword in chapter 3.

Sigurd  17 52 48 19 00 15 15 12 14 04 Silver Sword, Iron Lance, Javelin, Magic Ring, Skill Ring
Alec    09 82 36 11 00 12 13 05 09 00 Steel Sword, Iron Lance, Speed Ring
Ardan   05 56 38 15 00 05 05 03 15 00 Slim Sword
Cuan    12 07 44 21 00 13 12 05 13 04 Steel Lance, Javelin
Dew     03 92 30 03 01 06 16 13 02 00 Slim Sword
Aideen  09 80 32 01 16 09 10 16 01 10 Relive, Warp
Deirdre 04 39 27 00 15 09 12 06 03 17 Aura, Silence, Circlet

36 Turn Total.

Jungby Castle exploded for me too, but I had an extra prologue unit, so I was able to save all the villages. It helps when Cuan has 9 movement too. Ardan got the nearest two, Cuan got the top left one, Alec got the speed ring and the one nearest the bridge to Evans.

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Chapter 2: Featuring Alec mowing down Free Knights with... an Iron Lance!

30 Turn Clear.

Everyone did reasonably well in the arena (even Ardan made it to the final dude after he got his pursuit ring).

Sigurd talks to Lachesis on turn 4, now that I have a dancer, I can't let the Knight Ring go poof. I seize Elliot's castle on turn 9, thanks to the Light Sword killing the boss!

Sigurd, Cuan, and Alec continue heading North, with the rest of my team falling well behind. Alec murders all the free knights for a ton of exp, while Sigurd pokes away at the boss from afar with the Light Sword. The boss falls on turn 16, and Sigurd seizes. Meanwhile, I lay claim to the Bargain Ring (I think I'll be the only person to get this without losing turns, because of both Sylvia and Levin), and Sylvia grabs all the villages, while Levin goes up near Agusty castle.

Sigurd is warped back to Elliot's castle a turn later than anticipated, as Aideen was lagging behind. Him, Cuan, Alec, and Ardan (who retrieved his pursuit ring) took care of the cavalry and mercs around Mr. Sleep Staff, allowing Sigurd to kill the boss and seize on turn 25!

Deirdre is warped to Sleep Staff Castle to patch up Cuan, Sigurd patches himself up by clearing the arena. They head north. Levin takes out all the bow users and the boss before they arrive. Sigurd seized on turn 30.

66 Turns Total.

Sigurd  23 30 54 21 00 18 17 15 17 04 Silver Sword, Iron Lance, Light Sword, Magic Ring, Skill Ring, Shield Ring
Alec    17 27 42 16 01 15 17 07 13 00 Steel Sword, Iron Lance, Speed Ring
Ardan   10 51 42 17 00 06 08 03 18 00 Slim Sword, Pursuit Ring
Cuan    22 03 56 26 02 16 14 06 16 05 Hero Lance, Silver Lance, Elite Ring
Dew     05 13 31 04 01 08 17 16 04 00 Slim Sword
Aideen  20 20 37 04 19 13 11 24 01 11 Relive, Warp, Return
Deirdre Screw it
Levin   09 85 37 01 13 13 19 08 07 09 Elwind
Sylvia  01 60 28 03 00 04 12 06 01 05 Slim Sword, Bargain Ring, Cutter

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Chapter 2 Jealousy works too well 35/72 turns

Fin and Ayra fell in love and I would restart so I could wait and get Ayra the heroes sword but screw it. Also I killed Beo. Tinny and Arthur will suck and not save any turns and he was being stupid. So no Tiltyu kids. A slight screw up by me resulted in Sigurd using a Javelin to kill the final boss. The Javelin now has 33 kills, the Silver sword has 64.

After C. 3 Arena

Name    LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Items 
Sigurd  25 32 56 24 01 22 18 19 20 03 Silver Sword(64) Javelin(33) Speed/Barrier rings
Ayra    11 77 37 11 01 20 18 06 08 01 Slim/Steel/Silver Swords Skill Ring
Deidre  05 92 28 00 15 09 13 06 03 17 Circlet
Fin     13 74 38 15 02 09 17 12 09 00 Iron/Steel/Hero Lance Javelin Shield Ring

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Chapter 1: 30/44 turns

Hahaha, there's no way I'm going to be winning this now, but I'll continue on regardless. Before any movement occurs, I have Sigurd sell his Silver Sword and give it to Ethlin, because frankly, he can kill practically anything with the Silver Sword, and anything else can be killed with the Steel Lance had him take from Cuan. Anyways, Ethlin and Sigurd destroy the arena while Noishe...I think he got stuck on the swordsmaster. Afterwards, I send Sigurd ahead while leaving Noishe and Ethlin slightly behind. Getting Ayra is a pain in the ass, because I need to get her to attack Ethlin twice and have Ethlin survive. She humourosly misses both strikes and almost dies. Afterwards, I get to Verdane Forest where some units humourosly don't attack Sigurd because they can't kill him. And by humourosly, I mean obnoxious and it probably cost me a few turns. Anyways, I beat the level, it gave me a migraine.

Sigurd  17 79 46 21 00 18 17 15 14 04 Steel Sword, Iron Blade, Steel Lance, Iron Lance, Javelin, Speed Ring, Skill Ring, Magic Ring (Storage)
Ethlin  09 35 63 08 09 14 14 08 05 07 Live, Silver Sword, Return
Noishe  10 07 39 14 00 09 09 04 09 00 Steel Sword, Iron Lance, Javelin
Deirdre 04 68 27 00 15 10 12 06 03 17 Silence, Aura, Circlet

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Man, screw my team. I have only one unit who can kill anything. Lachelis is never going to promote. Guess how the sleep staff thing goes? Yeah...So now I have to do Chapter 2 all over again and put Dierdre as close to Mackilly as possible.

Now I don't feel like playing FE for a while... sad.gif

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For the sleep staff guy, there's a knight blocking Sigurd's path there, yes? Have Sigurd take a whack at him, then canto out of staff range, then next turn, have somebody else finish (Noish, maybe?) and Sigurd can kill the boss and seize.

Chapter 3: Dancing and Warping Shenanagins!

14 Turn Clear.

Standard Sigurd charge up to Jacoban, who fell to a Silver Sword crit on turn 4. Levin started heading towards the restore staff village.

I took a page out of Doku's book and had Dew with a pursuit ring and elite ring take out the cross knights with the Light sword, he killed the last Cross Knight with the last use of the sword, and will promote next chapter, marking the first time I've ever promoted Dew! Sigurd engaged Eltshan, hit him twice with the Silver Sword, and continued on towards Shagaal. Cuan finished him with the Horseslayer.

I forgot to mention Sigurd returned home, then was danced by Sylvia next turn.

Sigurd killed Shagaal on turn 9. He returned home on turn ten, while Alec soloed the pirates to the north with the Hero Sword, getting the leg ring, which he sold, and Sigurd picked up. Sigurd killed the boss on turn 14 for the seize.

tl;dr, Aideen and Sylvia make this chapter a joke. Oh, and Briggid died somewhere along the line. Dew got the strength village.

80 Turns Total.

Sigurd  25 97 55 22 00 19 17 15 18 04 Silver Sword, Magic Ring, Return, Shield Ring, Power Ring, Speed Ring
Alec    21 94 43 17 01 16 19 08 14 00 Hero Sword, Cutter, Javelin
Ardan   12 95 44 18 01 06 09 04 19 00 Slim Sword
Cuan    26 ?? In Lenster              Gae Borg
Dew     19 45 37 13 01 13 22 19 10 01 Slim Sword, Light Sword, Elite Ring, Pursuit Ring
Aideen  23 28 38 05 24 16 14 24 04 12 Relive, Warp, Return, Thunder
Deirdre Screw it
Levin   13 41 41 01 13 15 22 10 08 09 Elwind
Sylvia  02 50 29 03 01 04 12 07 01 05 Slim Sword, Bargain Ring, Knight Ring,

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Chapter 4: Run Sylvia, Run!

23 Turn Clear.

Gave Sylvia the leg ring for this chapter. Sylvia, Dew, and Sigurd charged ahead, briefly stopping for Dew to slaughter the first pegasus squad. Dew opened the bridge on turn 8, allowing Sigurd to capture on turn 9!

Mahnya took forever to die, and I had to grab Holsety, so Sigurd ran to Zaxon for a 23 turn clear! Dew gave all his money to Sigurd prior to the chapter, and again has 50000 to give to him next chapter, which allows me to do lots of ring shuffling like I have been.

103 Total Turns.

Sigurd  28 56 59 24 02 22 18 16 20 04 Silver Sword, Light Sword Magic Ring, Bargain Ring Shield Ring, Power Ring, Speed Ring
Alec    25 18 45 19 06 19 23 11 17 05 Hero Lance, Cutter, Javelin
Ardan   20 69 51 20 01 06 10 04 22 00 Slim Sword, Elite Ring
Cuan    26 ?? In Lenster              Gae Borg
Dew     27 69 41 21 06 19 27 23 17 05 Hero Sword, Thunder Sword, Return Ring
Aideen  23 28 38 05 24 16 14 24 04 12 Relive, Warp, Return, Thunder
Deirdre Screw it
Levin   19 22 47 02 15 16 25 11 11 09 Elwind, Holsety
Sylvia  04 85 29 03 01 04 12 08 01 05 Slim Sword, Leg Ring, Knight Ring, 

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Chapter 5: One of these times, Sigurd will remember to equip Tyrfing...

20 Turn Clear.

Dew and Aideen fell in love on turn 1, whilst Levin and Sylvia fell in love on turn 15. Sigurd ran ahead an double critted Langabolt with his silver sword, and seized on turn 5. I had Aideen kill Andre to see their battle quote.

More of just running ahead, and killing stuff. Dew took care of all the dragon knights except the boss, Ardan hit him with a steel bow after Dew had weakened him on the EP. Sigurd ran ahead with Tyrfing so he would not get put to sleep. Forget what turn I seized here.

Levin silenced Leptor, allowing for an easy kill. Sigurd talked to Ida on turn 20.


Sigurd  28 56 59 24 02 22 18 16 20 04 (141 Wins)

Amazing like usual, although I was a tad confused seeing a Sigurd without capped strength.

Alec    28 24 45 21 06 21 24 11 18 05 (69 Wins)

He was pretty blessed in strength and defence for the whole game, but it did not make him any better. Still, he was good up until chapter 4.

Ardan   23 11 51 22 02 07 12 04 25 03 (13 Wins)

Useless, I am surprised he promoted.

Cuan    26 ?? 58 26 02 17 14 06 18 05 Lots of wins

I love this guy. He is really clutch in chapter 2, probably the toughest chapter in Gen 1.

Dew     30 00 43 22 06 19 27 24 18 05 (46 Wins)

I now know why Doku appreciates him so much, he is really underrated.

Aideen  30 00 43 06 25 18 15 27 06 13 (1 Win)

Clutch in chapter 3 with Warping, and passes down Warp and Libro and other great staffs for use as early as the first turn of the first chapter of Gen 2. IMO one of the best mothers.

Levin   22 40 50 02 23 22 30 11 11 14 (26 Wins)

Not as spectacular as many make him out to be, Holsety costs a turn or two in Gen 1, and I probably should not have even got it, but oh well. At least I have lolSety Corple now.

Sylvia, who cares about her stats,

Awesome in every chapter she was in. She even made a dumbshit like Ardan useful in the final Chapter, and allowed Levin to Silence Leptor, who is a massive pain in the ass to deal with.

Gen 2, commence!

Lester has 17 base luck O.o

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Chapter 6: Celice's Silver Sword Shitstomp

19 Turns Taken.

Celice, with his leg ring in hand, rushed far ahead of everybody. Made sure Julia got Rezire. I even was able to recruit Johan, I made him chase Tristian instead of Celice.

19 Turns Total.

Name      LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Items
Celice    22 00 60 25 11 22 13 17 17 12 Silver Sword, Light Sword, Power Ring, Speed Ring, Leg Ring, Shield Ring, Magic Ring
Rodolban  04 66 33 13 00 15 15 04 09 00 Iron Blade, Slim Sword
Johan     13 36 41 15 00 10 12 05 12 01 Hero Axe
Tristan   07 05 34 12 00 10 10 05 12 00 Steel Sword
Lester    07 76 33 13 03 12 13 22 11 02 Steel Bow, Pursuit Ring, Barrier Ring
Oifaye    17 69 42 17 09 19 17 09 18 08 Cutter, Javelin, Fire Sword, Slim Lance
Lana      03 80 29 03 09 10 08 13 03 08 Libro, Restore, Return, Warp, Relive, Live
Julia     02 28 24 01 12 08 11 05 04 15 Rezire, Relive

In 21 levels, Celice has gotten 3 speed :facepalm:

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So back in Chapter 2, apparently Sigurd has way too much defense with the Shield Ring so that the Social Knights will NOT attack him (even though they will do one damage after hitting him). FUCK YOU Chapter 2. Thank god I made a savestate before I took that castle, this is so incomprehensibly stupid. Thankfully IS removed this dumb (well, gameplay wise) game design for the later games.

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Chapter 2: 39 (6 turn penalty)/83 turns

Chapter 2, with my team, is an absolute pain in the ass. Hopefully my meticulous micromanaging will make the next chapter far easier (Not to mention being able to use Claude). So firstly I gave Sigurd his Silver Sword back, as Ethlin will be getting the Light Sword. Then I send everyone to Nodion, take it over, recruit Lachelis (yay?), send everyone to Heirham, and then things get somewhat exciting. I had most of my horseback units (undrafted) following my main team, none of which I used. So I had Cuan talk to Fin, got the Hero Lance, then returned him to Evans. Next turn, I get Fin to sell his Hero Lance, and Sigurd buys it without losing any move! Genius (and the Hero Lance will definetely come in handy later on, helping Sigurd OHKO many of the bosses). I use Levin and Sylvia to finish off all of the bandits, because the bargain ring will allow Lachelis to afford Elite which she'll need to get anywhere (Ethlin killed the dude with Elite). After the next castle is taken over, Ethlin warps Sigurd back to rush the final two castles, and uses Return on all of the other horse unit for easy experience. Noishe guarded the castle against the Fury squadron, humourosly getting a critical on Fury right before Sigurd takes over Augusty. Anyways, here's my team.

Sigurd  24 02 52 23 00 20 19 17 16 04 Silver Sword, Hero Lance, Javelin, Return Ring, Barrier Ring, Speed Ring, Skill Ring, Silver Lance (Storage), Libro (Storage), Sleep Staff (Storage), Shield Ring (Storage)
Dierdre 06 28 40 00 17 10 12 06 03 19 Silence, Aura, Circlet
Ethlin  22 39 43 13 09 18 17 11 07 10 Light Sword, Return, Relive, Elite
Noishe  12 83 41 15 00 10 09 04 11 00 Steel Sword, Iron Lance, Javelin
Lachlis 03 65 26 06 08 09 13 05 08 09 Prayer, Cutter, Live, Bargain Ring, Knight Ring

PS And of course the battle with Eltoshan is a crapshot. Great, as if this wasn't annoying enough. I'm basically soloing this game with Sigurd with one or two heals from Ethlin at this point (which won't happen during the next chapter).

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