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Need Some Help With These Two Games

Flying Shogi

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And both are easy to solve if I would have a microphone. But, I don't.

For those of you who have played Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney and Apollo Justice, you guys know that there's a point in the game where you have to blow into the DS mic to proceed with the game. That's where the problem comes in, I'm playing these two games on the emulator and without a mic, I can't get pass that part of the game. So can someone help me?

I'll upload the savs.

It seems like I can't upload these files onto SF so I guess I'll have to PM those files

Nevermind, I worked it out.

Edited by UberLughFTW
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The emulator should have a mic emulation function. For most games, you don't need to say something specific--the mic just needs to detect that there's a force being blown into the mic. So most emulator's include an option to emulate this force. What emulator are you using?

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The emulator should have a mic emulation function. For most games, you don't need to say something specific--the mic just needs to detect that there's a force being blown into the mic. So most emulator's include an option to emulate this force. What emulator are you using?

I'm using Desume 0.9.7 x86.

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I don't know exactly how to do it, but if you meddle with your computer's sound options (the one next to the Date displayed in the lower bar), the game will recognize it's own sound as if someone was blowing, but I've used No$GBA instead. May as well try it out anyway, I guess.

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