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What do I do when my latest animated soulmate is a villain?


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Fine. But only the cute children.

Why? I say only the cool children. Cute children can be lame. Ugly children can be cool.

I remember this one time a kid said that he wanted to be a poet or a biologist when he grew up. He was only in kindergarten and he liked poetry and biology. That's cool. He wasn't that cute but I guess he wasn't ugly either.

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If you're putting cool above cute, something's wrong with you.

I have never been one to deny that something's wrong with me. But this is not one of those things. Cute is overrated. Beautiful? Beautiful is great. And in the realm of female beauty, some (as though incidental) beauty is also cute.

Edited by BlueMartianKitty
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man crash that isn't how things work. You can't just be like "derp I DON'T HATE THE FUCKING TRANNIES ANYMORE I SWEAR STOP QUOTING STUFF ;______;". You have to legitimately stop hating transsexuals. So basically, that quote is never coming down. Not the part right after it where you mention that you hate prejudices on people who don't deserve despite hating transsexuals either.

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Well, to be fair, the human race ends if we all turn gay, so in a way homosexuals are actively working on the goal of driving our species to extinction by refusing to reproduce.

Actually, it's passively working on the goal of driving our species to extinction. It would be active if they were killing people.

you hate prejudices on people who don't deserve despite hating transsexuals either.

Are you saying that Crash hates other people who are prejudiced despite having prejudices himself? Man, if I hated everyone who had prejudices I'd probably just default to hating everyone cuz sometimes you just have to guess about other people, you know? You don't always know, if indeed you ever know enough about others.

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I have never been one to deny that something's wrong with me. But this is not one of those things. Cute is overrated. Beautiful? Beautiful is great. And in the realm of female beauty, some (as though incidental) beauty is also cute.

Cute is not overrated. Sexyness is overrated.

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I think redemption is one of the most corrosive and toxic ideas to have ever been formed. The simple truth of the matter is that most people don't really have the willpower to change themselves, even with outside assistance. Thus an alcoholic will more than likely stay an alcoholic and a criminal will become more of a criminal. Human beings simply can't change worth a damn. That's why it's true that liberals of old are conservatives of new. So what is the best way to solve this problem? For one we should de-brainwash ourselves from the idea that people can be redemmed and that we should waste resources. Punishment will always be the number one way of changing a person, as violence is the true path of change. Any American knows this truth.

It's not truth.

What I am saying is the quickest way to change a man is to wound him. Redemption is too costly and the results aren't very impressive.

That's not true at all. I actually recently posted about this in Serious Discussion:


The gist of the report is that so-called community sentences are actually more effective at preventing recidivism and significantly cheaper than custodial sentences.

Which should be no surprise. The objective of punishment should be to turn a criminal into a functioning member of society, something that is much better achieved by community sentences than by isolating them with other criminals.

It might work for Finland but it won't work for a country filled with vile immigrants from lands that say it's ok to kill homosexuals and drug pushers who are in the sexual trafficking business.

It works in England, which has a not insignificant proportion of immigrants from less developed countries.

Also, at least for male homosexuals, the damage that anal sex does makes it much easier to transmit HIV (and yes, no matter how much lube you use, the rectum was not meant to be treated that way, and minor lacerations and tears will happen, making it much easier for viruses to cross between the semen to the bloodstream. This is basic anatomy). So homosexuals that engage in a free sexual lifestyle are much more likely to contract and thus spread ST Ds than their straight counterparts.

Anal sex carries comparable risks to both men and women who receive it. In that way, homosexuals are no more or less likely to contract or spread STDs. It would be more accurate to say that people who prefer anal sex are more likely to contract or spread STDs. But that doesn't necessarily go hand in hand with homosexuality.

Also, even if it isn't a choice, homosexuality is a brain disorder, and people are naturally nervous when exposed to these sorts of things (it is the same case when it comes to other mental disorders, like Downs).

Homosexuality does not constitute a disorder: disorders are defined as either impairing functionality or causing distress to the person, neither of which applies to homosexuality.

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man crash that isn't how things work. You can't just be like "derp I DON'T HATE THE FUCKING TRANNIES ANYMORE I SWEAR STOP QUOTING STUFF ;______;". You have to legitimately stop hating transsexuals. So basically, that quote is never coming down. Not the part right after it where you mention that you hate prejudices on people who don't deserve despite hating transsexuals either.

Right, if you're not going to play fair...

Do you want to take that quote down or would you prefer it if I spoke to the mods about it?

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I am playing fair. There's absolutely no reason for you to care about it, either, considering how hostile you are against the idea of not hating transsexuals as it is. Really now, you're just another TV Tropes user in this thread. And, like many TV Tropes users, you glorify yourself as a "God" who can never be questioned or else you can have your "fellow Gods" nuke everything you dislike, it's really too bad Fast Eddie isn't here to help you. Where in the rules is "quoting something someone said elsewhere is not a thing you can do"? On the other hand, the code of conduct has Rule 3.D. which forbids prejudice comments. In fact, I think it would be fine if you were warned for that, it isn't like people haven't been outright banned for doing even less notable stuff off-site before (despite how fucking stupid that is).

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Except you're doing it purely to harass and mock me, I even tried to be polite when asking you not to quote that, you have no reason to keep it up unless you're only concerned with slandering me.

P.s. You're blowing the troper thing out of proportion, just like usual.

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Right, if you're not going to play fair...

Do you want to take that quote down or would you prefer it if I spoke to the mods about it?


The mods do not exist to serve your every whim and smite anyone who dares depict you unfavorably. If they actually warned people based on your definition of trolling and flaming, some 90% of the forum regulars would have been long since banned.

As a point of reference, this is what your average report probably looks like:

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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Really now? Because from where I stand, the people on this forum are perfectly justified in taking you to task for the many dumb statements and unfortunate implications that appear in the things you say. If you really seem to think that Hika is doing a lot more than just noting some of your flaws, then give us a list of everything that's so terrible and slanderous and why it's so horrible.

I'm waiting.

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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