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(FE9-FE10) Tellius Draft #3


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Chapter 9

Battle preparations


I completed another level for Ike



Titania ferried Ike and dropped him on Turn 4 by a corner and Canto'd right in front of him, so the reinforcements don't attack him. After that, on Turn 5, Titania weakened the boss with a Steel axe and left the opening for Ike to kill the boss. On the next turn, Ike Seized.

I tried to pull a 5-turn, but it requires luck having Ike survive that horde of enemies.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       12.82 35 11   3  12  13  10   9   4
Titania    6.86 38 15   5  16  16  13  13   9

6 turns.

Chapter 10

Battle preparations


Ike - completed another level for him

Volke - Lvl 12


Yay, this isn't and Ike and Titania duo anymore.

Anyway, Titania ferried Ike and dropped him off by Nephenee's cell on Turn 2. Volke killed a Soldier and chipped another one. Titania cleared the path for Ike and Ike ran away.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       13.56 35 11   3  13  14  10  10   4
Titania    7.25 39 15   5  16  17  14  13   9
Volke     12.44 26 13   0  14  14   8   7   3

4 turns.

Chapter 11

Battle preparations

Bought another Knife for Volke, and a few Hand axes for Titania.


Completed another level for Ike


I had to bring in Lethe so she could recruit Zihark. So here's what I did...

On the first turn, I had Ike in the range of all the Soldiers and the Cavalier to the South, and made sure he was able to 1RKO them (he left one with 1HP left, though). On Turn 2, Lethe would just move a little bit forward by the road leading to Zihark, meanwhile staying out of the Bow Knight and Myrmidon's range. On Turn 3, she recruited him. ok.

Volke went to the West side to retrieve the Dracoshield, and gather some CEXP along the way. He got to kill a Thief in the end. Titania did her job, solo'ing the main side, heading up to the North and eventually killing the boss for a Master Seal. Zihark killed a Myrmidon and got me a Killer lance from a house.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       15.30 37 12   3  14  15  11  11   5
Titania    8.28 40 16   5  17  17  14  14   9
Volke     13.79 27 13   0  15  15   8   7   3
Zihark    10.34 25 10   1  13  15   6   7   0

5 turns.

Chapter 12

Battle preparations

I recruited Sothe and took away his Knife, for Volke.

I realized I forgot to get the Laguzslayer on the last chapter...I thought I got screwed. So what I did was pack the Killer lance on Titania's inventory.


Volke - 50 Exp

Zihark - I got him to lvl 12


Built Ike x Titania C support


The main strategy was to have Titania deal critikills with the Killer lance...and it went surprisingly well for her. And for the guys, who would team up on a Crow, it went pretty well for them as well. I gave around two kills for Volke, and most of the kills for Zihark. Zihark with the Killing edge and Adept got him to have the second best offense in the team...which isn't saying much, but it went alot better than I expected. After Jill's been recruited, I had her give the Laguzguard to Zihark. Zihark would later end up killing the boss after Titania and Ike have weakened him.

I could've 8-turned this, but it would've required having Titania be at the range of another Crow and end up landing a critikill on 'im.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       15.47 37 12   3  14  15  11  11   5    C Titania
Titania    9.54 40 16   5  18  17  15  14  10    C Ike
Volke     15.24 28 14   0  16  16   9   8   3
Zihark    14.87 27 12   1  15  18   8   8   0

9 turns.

Chapter 13

I forged a Max Mt red Iron sword forge for Zihark that I named "Rho Aias".


Volke - 50 Exp

Zihark - 50 Exp


Semi-Defend chapter. Blargh. Astrid and Gatrie died. At least Gatrie survied 3246263263262 more turns and actually got kills for himself. He died an horonable death.

Ike and Zihark stayed at the Center of the map, taking turns guarding the Defend square and killing the enemies sorrounding said place. Titania went from here to there and killed most of the map, as usual. She got criticalled and Adept'd by Norris but got to survive. Volke gathered most of the treasure and killed some enemies when he could. He contributed on the last turn by killing the stationary Mage on the enemy ship. Sothe got two treasures on the middle ship.

I got everything except the Occult scroll. :(:

Note: Also got this on the first try.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       16.94 38 13   4  14  16  11  11   5    C Titania
Titania   11.09 42 17   6  19  18  16  14  11    C Ike
Volke     16.46 29 15   0  16  17  10   8   3
Zihark    17.19 29 13   1  17  20   9   9   1

8 turns.

Chapter 14

Battle preparations

Ike - 50 Exp

Volke - 50 Exp

Zihark - 50 Exp


I brought in some because he could clear the fog for Ike, Titania and Zihark.

Titania rolfstomped everything in her way, taking full advantage of her Mov per turn. Ike and Zihark killed the rest of the enemies in the way, like the Bandits, a Fighter and an Archer. Volke got the Spirit Dust and got in one or two fights. Sothe did nothing. Back to Titania, on Turn 3, I have her move by the bush to the North corner, and there I meet with Gashilama. Good thing I had her equipped with the Killer Lance. I was worried this was going to end really bad, because Gashilama was a high Bio, while Titania was at low. They both had Killer weapons and the same Atk power. He was at a slight advantage (due to WTA), so it was all up to the RNG now. On the positive side, Titania can double with high chances of critical. So, what happened? Titania tanked one of Gashilama's normal attacks, and she counter-attacked with a fierce critical. Critikill.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       17.75 39 13   4  15  16  11  12   6    C Titania
Titania   11.60 42 17   6  19  18  16  14  11    C Ike
Volke     17.05 30 15   0  17  17  10   8   3
Zihark    18.20 29 14   1  17  20  10   9   1

3 turns.

Chapter 15

Battle preparations

Packed the Master seal on Zihark.


Ike - 50 Exp

Volke - 50 Exp

Zihark - 50 Exp


Increased Ike x Titania to a B support


So I brought in Mordecai. Here's my plan:

On Turn 1, I have Mordecai use the Laguz Stone to transform. Zihark utilizes his full Mov upwards. Volke attacks the untransformed Tiger up there, close the untransformed Crow. After that Mordecai goes on Smiting Zihark. Volke assists with a Shove. On Turn 3, Mordecai Smites Zihark, and Zihark moves in at range of the two Tigers and Cats that are close to Muarim. He manages to kill them all, thanks to the Killing Edge and Adept. Mostly the Killing Edge (it works best while I'm not looking, for some reason). On Turn 4, I have Zihark stand in front of Muarim and promote right in his face. There, Zihark's all fresh with increased stats and full HP. And guess what? Muarim doesn't attack unless you attack him first.

My reaction:


So I ended up taking an extra turn, which sucks, because that's exactly what I got from turtling my way up to Muarim and having him killed by Titania and Zihark. The good side to this? Well, Zihark promoted exactly after hitting lvl 20. On my other try, that was Zihark's level at the end of the chapter.

Volke got me them Boots and Mordecai got me a Shine tome (which I'll sell, by the way)

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       18.25 39 14   4  15  17  12  12   6    B Titania
Titania   11.60 42 17   6  19  18  16  14  11    B Ike
Volke     18.26 31 16   0  18  18  10   8   3
Zihark     2.08 35 16   4  21  23  10  12   4

5 (+4) turns.

Chapter 16

Battle preparations

I give the Boots to Titania, trusting she'll end up giving great use to them in the end. She packed two Killers (Axe and lance), a Hand axe and something else I'm forgetting.


Ike - 50 Exp

Volke - 50 Exp


Titania ferried Ike up to the throne room and dropped him off on Turn 3. Zihark and Volke stayed behind and killed enemies to gain more CEXP. On Turn 4, Titania landed a critical with the Killer Lance on the boss and ended it with a second hit. Ike Seized.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       19.27 40 14   4  16  17  12  13   6    B Titania
Titania   12.18 43 18   6  20  19  16  15  11    B Ike
Volke     19.37 31 17   0  18  19  11   8   3
Zihark     2.76 35 16   4  21  23  10  12   4

4 turns.

Edited by Jigglypuff
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Tellius Draft 3 Hosted by me

My Team: Jill, Nephenee, Tormod, Rolf, Lucia, Ena in PoR and RD.

Nailah, Sigrun, Kyza, Caineghis in RD.

Path of Radiance draft run

[spoiler=Up to Chapter 16 base]

Prologue 4/4

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Supports WLv

Ike 2 57 20 5 1 7 8 7 6 0 Sword D

Chapter 1 3/3

Boyd trades the Fighter Band to Ike. Oscar trades his to Titania and cantos. Ike moves, equips the band and attacks the fighter left of the house. Titania gets the Steel Sword and cantos left of that same fighter. Titania grabs the robe in the 2nd turn and Ike moves and heals. Ike kills the remaining southern enemies on EP. Then, Titania kills the boss but doesnt canto. Ike trades the robe and the steel sword and seizes.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Supports WLv

Ike 3 54 20 6 1 7 8 7 6 1 Sword D

Titania 1 29 base Axe A Lance C

Chapter 2 4/11


Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Supports WLv

Ike 5 31 29* 7 2 8 9 7 7 1 Sword D

Titania 1 64 base Axe A Lance C

Chapter 3 3/14

Titania rushed. Ike made sure that Gatrie and Shinon weren't attacked. Titania gets the Hand Axe. Uses it on the boss and finishes the job in EP.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Supports WLv

Ike 6 25 30 7 2 9 10 8 7 2 Sword C

Titania 2 09 34 13 4 13 14 12 11 7 Lance C Axe A

Chapter 4 2/16

Titania rushed and lured boss. She attacked him on my turn with hand axe and then he SD'd on EP.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 6 58 30 7 2 9 10 8 7 2 Sword C

Titania 2 81 34 13 4 13 14 12 11 7 Lance C Axe S

Chapter 5 6/22

Defend chapter. Ike stayed in the defend square while Titania handled the enemies. Everyone else stayed to the east where they wouldnt be reached by enemies.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 7 56 31 8 2 9 11 8 7 2 Sword C

Titania 3 35 35 13 4 14 15 12 12 7 Lance C Axe S

Chapter 6 5/27

Titania carried Ike. She drops him in turn 4. He barely survives with 6 hp and she KOs boss in turn 5. Ike escapes.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 7 97 31 8 2 9 11 8 7 2 Sword C

Titania 4 21 36 13 4 15 15 13 12 8 Lance C Axe S

Chapter 7 9/36

Had to use Regal Sword a lot for better crit. Ike raped stuff while Titania rushed around killing stuff. Short Spear was needed for boss area.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 10 83 33 10 3 11 12 9 9 3 Sword B

Titania 5 50 37 14 4 15 16 13 12 8 Lance C Axe S

Chapter 8 Preparations:

Bought Hand Axes for Titania. Completed Ike's level.

Ike 11 00 34 10 3 12 13 9 9 3

Gave Titania and Ike a bunch of vulneraries and prepared to be annoyed.

Chapter 8 8/44

Meh. I did it on first try. Lots of regal sword use. Got the soldier band.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 13 50 36 11 3 13 14 10 10 4 Sword B

Titania 6 38 38 15 5 16 17 13 13 9 Lance C Axe S

Chapter 9 Preparations:

Gave Ike BEXP or rather, completed his level.

Ike 14 00 37 12 3 13 14 10 10 5

Gave Titania a Steel Lance and another Hand Axe just in case I need them. Sold the Priest Band. Sold the Ward Ike got from the thief last chapter. Forged an Iron Bow with Max MT and +10 Hit for Rolf and gave it to Oscar who will be deployed to give it to him.

Chapter 9 5/49

Titania carried Ike to the seize point. If only Titania could crit or have a better weapon, this could be a 4 turn. But as it is, Titania can only weaken the boss for Ike to get the kill. Rolf got a chip in against a loldier.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 15 11 38 12 4 14 15 11 11 5 Sword B

Titania 6 88 38 15 5 16 17 13 13 9 Lance C Axe S

Rolf 1 17 18 5 0 8 6 4 6 2 Bow E

Chapter 10 Preparations:

Built Ike x Titania C. Rolf was given 8.XX BEXP.

Rolf 10 00 24 8 1 12 11 8 9 3

+50 BEXP to Ike.

Bought 2 Steel Axes for Titania.

Chapter 10 4/53

Titania rescued and ferried Ike. Rolf followed behind. Titania drops ike in turn 2. Loldiers attack him. Titania finished one off blocking the path with her hand axe then cantos. Ike moves toward escape point. Rolf finishes a watch for his door key and blocks neph's cell door in the process. Titania hammers a knight. Rolf opens neph's cell and Ike escapes.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 16 25 38 13 4 14 15 11 11 5 Sword B

Titania 6 98 38 15 5 16 17 13 13 9 Lance C Axe S

Rolf 10 28 24 8 1 12 11 8 9 3 Bow E

Chapter 11 Preparations:

I BEXP Neph to her base level after giving her the Knight Band.

Nephenee 10 00 24 9 2 11 13 7 10 3

+50 BEXP to Rolf.

Forged Neph an Iron Lance with max MT 10 Hit and Max Crit.

Bought 2 more Hand Axes for Titan just in case I need them.

Chapter 11 5/58

Titania went through BK's house and everyone else too. That was the only way I could do it. Titania hammers the knight on EP 4 and arrives after ike neph and rolf kill the boss.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 17 31 39 14 4 15 16 11 11 6 Titania C Sword B

Titania 7 34 39 15 5 16 17 14 13 9 Ike C Lance B Axe S

Nephenee 11 40 24 10 2 12 13 7 10 3 Lance E

Rolf 11 57 25 8 1 13 12 8 9 4 Bow E

Chapter 12 Preparations:

+50 BEXP to Nephenee and Rolf.

Recruited Sothe.

Bought 2 javelins for Nephenee.

Chapter 12 9/67

Recruited Jill and fed her 3 crow kills. Neph rocked this chapter. As well as Titania. Rolf's massive chip was helpful for feeding the others kills.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 18 07 40 14 4 15 17 12 12 6 Titania C Sword B

Nephenee 14 41 26 11 3 14 15 8 12 4 Lance E

Rolf 12 78 25 8 2 13 12 9 9 4 Bow E

Titania 8 32 40 16 5 17 18 14 14 9 Ike C Lance B Axe S

Jill 9 45 25 11 0 10 10 6 11 2 Lance D

Chapter 13 Preparations:

Completed Jill's level and gave her 2 BEXP levels.

Jill 12 00 26 12 1 12 11 7 12 3

Ike x Titania B.

Gave 50 BEXP to Nephenee and Rolf.

Gave Jill a Speedwing and a Seraph Robe and some chest keys.

Forged an Iron Lance with Max MT and Hit for Jill.

Chapter 13 7/74

Sothe got some chests while the others handled the enemy. When the crows showed up, everyone got a treasure making them flee. In turn 7, I kill Noris and in EP the final crows leave, ending the chapter.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 18 99 40 14 4 15 17 12 12 6 Titania B Sword B

Titania 9 26 41 16 6 18 18 15 14 10 Ike B Lance B Axe S

Nephenee 16 28 27 12 3 15 17 8 12 4 Lance E

Rolf 13 85 26 9 2 14 13 9 10 4 Bow E

Jill 13 22 34 13 1 12 14 7 12 3 Lance D

Sothe 1 01 20 5 1 7 11 5 4 0

Chapter 14 Preparations:

+50 BEXP to Rolf, Nephenee and Jill.

Gave Titania the Knight Ward. Bought a Hand Axe just in case.

Chapter 14 3/77

Torch Titania murders stuff. Sothe grabs the Spirit Dust. Neph trains on the west side. Jill, Rolf and Ike follow Titania. Titania weakens boss for Jill to get the kill.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 19 25 40 14 4 16 17 12 12 7 Titania B Sword B

Titania 9 44 41 16 6 18 18 15 14 10 Ike B Lance B Axe S

Nephenee 17 29 28 14 3 15 17 8 13 5 Lance D

Rolf 15 10 27 10 2 15 14 10 10 5 Bow D

Jill 14 73 35 13 1 13 14 7 13 3 Lance D

Sothe 1 01 20 5 1 7 11 5 4 0

Chapter 15 Preparations:

+50 BEXP to Jill Rolf and Nephenee.

Gave Nephenee the Energy Drop.

Made a Steel forge for Jill with Max everything. Gave her the secret book and another wing.

Chapter 15 3/80

Sothe found the Boots. Jill got a lucky crit with her Steel Lance forge and OHKO Muarim.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 19 51 40 14 4 16 17 12 12 7 Titania B Sword B

Titania 9 44 41 16 6 18 18 15 14 10 Ike B Lance B Axe S

Nephenee 18 12 28 15 4 16 18 9 13 5 Lance D

Rolf 16 00 28 10 2 15 14 10 10 5 Bow D

Jill 17 16 37 14 2 16 18 8 14 4 Lance D

Sothe 1 01 20 5 1 7 11 5 4 0

Chapter 16 Preparations:

Gave the Mage Band to Tormod and BEXP'd him to base level.

Tormod 14 00 23 3 14 11 12 10 5 12

+50 BEXP to Jill Nephenee and Rolf. Gave the Boots to Jill. Sold the Blue Gem. Removed Titania's Counter and gave her Sol. Made Tormod a Thunder tome with Max MT +15 Hit and -1 WT.

Edited by Toon Link
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It was. After the 5th try and I wasnt counting on it. Heck, she did it twice and the first time I didnt expect that to happen and didnt get the boots. Naturally, I reset and got it again. That was what the Steel Lance crit forge was for anyways. It served its purpose just like ur titania got "lucky" against Gashilama.

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Note that the original plan was to have Jill 3RKO him and 4 turn the map. But unexpected stuff happens, deal with it.

Of course, the crit forging was just hoping it could help shave a turn and it did. The reset were mostly to jill dying or sothe dying. Not reset abuse.

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Chapter 17 - Stage 1

Battle preparations

I forged a Max Mt pink Steel axe for Titania I named "Rexona".

I packed some weapons and an Exilir on Jill, as she would act as a portable temporary Convoy for Titania when she's out of weapons.


Ike - 50 Exp

Volke - 50 Exp

Zihark - 24 Exp


Titania went first, clearing the path for the guys and killing the Myrmidons and the Archer. Later she would heal herself, weaken up the Knight with a Javelin a bit and position herself at the range of said Knight and the Mage to the left of the Halberdier. Ike and Volke dealt with the Fighters. Zihark dealt with the Myrmidon reinforcements to the South. Titania finished up the enemies to the North on Turn 3 of Enemy Phase.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 40 15   4  16  18  12  13   7    B Titania
Titania   12.69 43 18   6  20  19  16  15  11    B Ike
Volke     20.-- 32 17   0  19  19  11   9   4
Zihark     3.54 35 17   4  21  23  11  12   4

3 turns.

Chapter 17 - Stage 2

I just had Titania go through the safer side of the swamp despite realizing it takes the same time to go around it. She would've used up her weapons more that way. Oh yeah, Ike weakened enemies for Volke and Zihark killed enemies for CEXP.

Can you believe Titania is ONE tile short from 4-turning this? :facepalm:

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 40 15   4  16  18  12  13   7    B Titania
Titania   12.73 43 18   6  20  19  16  15  11    B Ike
Volke     20.-- 32 17   0  19  19  11   9   4
Zihark     4.01 36 17   4  22  24  11  12   4

5 turns.

Chapter 17 - Stage 3

Defend chapter. NEXT.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 40 15   4  16  18  12  13   7    B Titania
Titania   13.22 44 18   6  20  19  16  15  11    B Ike
Volke     20.-- 32 17   0  19  19  11   9   4
Zihark     5.55 36 18   4  22  24  12  13   4

10 turns.

Chapter 17 - Stage 4

Jill handed Tiamat her Hand axe, a Killer axe and an Exilir. Ike and Volke moved down to the side trying to avoid enemy range at all costs. Zihark dodge-tanked the world. Like a baws. Titania killed the Halberdier with Adept and positioned herself right next to Oliver.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike        1.00 44 18   6  18  20  12  16   9    B Titania
Titania   14.02 45 19   6  21  20  17  16  12    B Ike
Volke     20.-- 32 17   0  19  19  11   9   4
Zihark     6.49 37 18   5  23  25  12  13   4

4 turns.

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I'm trying to get through the chapter where you recruit Astrid and Gatrie.

But Astrid keeps dying....

And there are plenty of items to get.

Like a Laguz axe and occult scroll.

And then Boyds almost a Warrior...........and then Astrid dies just before Boyd can take the kill to promote..

Are we allowed to like-gve bexp at base to finish a characters level???


Sothe-lvl 6.75 would I be able to give 'I'm the neccessary bexp to finish a level up?

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It's up to 50 BEXP per chapter after the initial BEXP dump allowed. So yes, If you haven't used up Sothe's or Boyd's 50 BEXP per chapter, you can complete their levels or use up to 50 BEXP on them. Also, Silver Harpoon, what I did to make astrid survive the chapter was kill two enemies with jill and titana and block the way for the myrmidon to not hurt astrid. If the soldier that covers astrid to the east gets crit, the myrmidon usually doubles and kills her. So you need to kill enough enemies so that guy doesnt get killed too early. After that, Astrid attacks an enemy and cantos towards ike :D. Recruit her and have her chip or get mooch kills. I do not know why you gave Sothe so many BEXP...hes a waste of BEXP imo. He wont help you in combat, he will just loot chests.

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Chapter 16 6/86

Titania ferried Ike. Jill ferried Sothe. Titania drops Ike in turn 4. She hammers boss and finishes him in EP 5. Sothe was dropped, he got attacked for 12 damage by a myrmidon. But no further attacks due to jill covering his side. Jill destroys the door and blocks the entrance so Sothe can get the Dracoshield in turn 5 and full guard in turn 6. Rolf Tormod and Neph just did self improvement.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 19 95 40 14 4 16 17 12 12 7 Titania B Sword B

Titania 10 40 42 17 6 18 19 15 14 10 Ike B Lance B Axe S

Nephenee 18 92 28 15 4 16 18 9 13 5 Lance D

Rolf 17 23 28 10 3 16 15 11 11 5 Bow D

Jill 18 57 37 15 3 17 18 8 14 4 Lance C

Sothe 1 02 20 5 1 7 11 5 4 0

Tormod 15 22 24 3 14 11 13 10 5 13 Fire C Thunder E Wind D

I could've 5 turned this if Jill ferried Ike instead btw but that required missing both the Full Guard and Dracoshield and having Titania open Jill's way. Just decided to get the two items.

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Sigh, I won't be able to play my WII until the evening.

And, I'm giving Sothe a chunk of bexp, maybe he can cap str,skl,spd, and def to transfer to RD.

How the heck did I get me get BOYD and KIERAN??

Those 2 are friggin' epic in POR!!

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Well, good thing I didn't give Sothe that much bexp as I had shown in my example.

Yeah, getting Stefan, the boots, psychic and mebbe the Silver Blade in ch 15 is gonna be a headache.

Oh, and not killing the random laguz grunts....

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Progress: Up to Ch9. I'll fix the code formatting later, since it isn't too bad.

Prologue: 4/4


Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapons
Ike		2.57	20	5	1	7	8	7	6	0	Sword D

Ch1: 3/7

Standard again, Probably should have traded Boyd/Oscar's bands to Ike and Titania, but eh, w/e, I'll do it next chapter.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapons
Ike		3.64	20	6	1	7	8	7	6	1	Sword D
Titania    	1.29    33 	12 	4	13	14	11	11	7	Lance C Axe A

Ch2: 4/11

Took me a little time to figure out how to do this without penalties, this being my first draft with PoR, but I got it. Ike used the Robe.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapons
Ike		5.48	29*	7	2	8	9	7	7	1	Sword D
Titania    	1.64	33      12	4	13	14	11	11	7	Lance C Axe A

Ch3: 4/15

Had to figure this one out too, but I got it. 4 turns because I needed Ike to talk to Marcia.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapons
Ike		6.66	30*	7	2	9	10	8	7	2	Sword C
Titania 	2.10 	34 	13 	4 	13  	14    12	11	7	Lance C Axe A

Ch4: 2/17

Titania smash. She actually crit the boss on Turn 2 Player Phase, which saved quite a few Hand Axe uses.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapons
Ike		7.07	31*	8	2	10	11	8	7	2	Sword C
Titania        2.62	34   13 	4	13	14	12	11	7	Lance C Axe A
Soren		1.13	18	0	6	8	8	5	2	7	Fire E Thunder E Wind D

Ch5: 6/23

Defend chapter that is easily trivialized my Titania. Soren ate the Speedwing.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapons
Ike		7.53	31*	8	2	10	11	8	7	2	Sword C
Titania 		3.76	35   13 	4	14	15	12	12	7	Lance C Axe S
Soren		1.46	18	0	6	8	10*	5	2	7	Fire E Thunder E Wind D

Ch6: 5/28

Titania carried Ike on turn 3, dropping him on turn 4. Soren trailed them, gaining some mop-up experience and diverting a couple of enemies so Ike could survive turn 4 enemy phase.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapons
Ike		8.34	32*	8	2	10	11	8	8	2	Sword C
Titania    	4.63    36   14 	4	15	15	13	12	8	Lance C Axe S
Soren		2.84	18	0	7	8	10*	5	2	8	Fire E Thunder E Wind D

Ch7: 7/35

Soren was a big help here, clearing most of the enemies on the eastern part of the map. Titania took almost everything else, except for the southern reinforcements. At the end of turn 6, all that was left was the thief, but I had no way of killing him in time for a 6 turn, or I would have left other enemies alive.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapons
Ike		9.52	32*	9	3	11	12	9	8	3	Sword B
Titania        5.82	37   14 	4	15	16	13	12	8	Lance C Axe S
Soren		5.08	20	0	9	10	11*	6	2	10	Fire E Thunder E Wind D

Ch8: 8/43

Soren wasn't even deployed here lol, I couldn't figure out how to keep him safe. Titania did most of the work but Ike took some kills as well, using the Regal Sword and a Max Mt Iron Forge. I killed the boss, and recruited Ilyana on the last turn for her stuff.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapons
Ike		11.36	34*	10	3	12	13	9	9	3	Sword B
Titania        6.70	38   15 	5	16	16	13	13	8	Lance C Axe S
Soren		9.00	22	0	11	12	13*    7	2	12	Fire E Thunder E Wind D

Edited by zorbees
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Chapter 17 Preparations:

+50 BEXP to Neph, Rolf, Jill and tormod. Gave Jill a Dracoshield. Bought 4 hand axes and gave Jill the Full Guard and Neph a Master Seal to carry around. Bought a few Vulneraries and 3 javelins.

Chapter 17-1 3/89

Jill rushes. Titania helps with the center. Neph promoted and doubled every myrmidon reinforcement. Neph killed all of the myrms and Jill killed the halberdier up there and the mages in EP.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 19 95 40 14 4 16 17 12 12 7 Titania B Sword B

Nephenee 1 63 33 17 5 19 20 9 16 7 Lance C

Rolf 18 00 29 11 3 16 16 11 11 5 Bow D

Titania 10 64 42 17 6 18 19 15 14 10 Ike B Lance B Axe S

Jill 20 84 38 15 3 18 19 9 16 5 Lance C

Tormod 15 97 24 3 14 11 13 10 5 13 Fire C Thunder E Wind D

17-2 3/92

Jill FLIIIIIES. Promotes from 2 soldier's exp. AND FLLIEEEEEEEEEEEEES. Reinforced Sothe for items.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 19 95 40 14 4 16 17 12 12 7 Titania B Sword B

Nephenee 2 17 33 17 5 19 21 9 16 7 Lance C

Rolf 18 34 29 11 3 16 16 11 11 5 Bow D

Titania 10 73 42 17 6 18 19 15 14 10 Ike B Lance B Axe S

Jill 1 32 43 17 4 20 21 9 18 6 Lance C Axe E

Tormod 16 50 25 3 15 12 13 11 5 13 Fire C Thunder E Wind D

Sothe blargh

17-3 10/102

Survive chapter. :( On a positive note, I trained Tormod and Rolf quite a lot. And even jill.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 20 00 40 15 5 16 18 12 13 7 Titania B Sword B

Nephenee 2 60 33 17 5 19 21 9 16 7 Lance C

Rolf 19 65 30 11 3 17 16 11 11 6 Bow C

Titania 10 87 42 17 6 18 19 15 14 10 Ike B Lance B Axe S

Jill 4 09 45 19 5 21 22 10 19 7 Lance B Axe E

Tormod 18 50 26 4 16 12 14 11 6 14 Fire C Thunder E Wind D

17-4 2/104

Something weird happened. 2 Mage Reinforcements spawned in the 17-3 area at the beginning of this chapter. Maybe it was tormod and titania's positioning that didnt let them appear last chapter? Weird. Jill FLIIIIIIIIIIIES towards Oliver. And ORKOs with the Steel Lance on EP 2. Tried training rolf and tormod a bit more but failed.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 1 00 44 18 7 18 20 12 16 9 Titania B Sword B

Nephenee 3 37 34 18 5 20 21 9 16 7 Lance C

Rolf 19 74 30 11 3 17 16 11 11 6 Bow C

Titania 10 92 42 17 6 18 19 15 14 10 Ike B Lance B Axe S

Jill 5 56 46 19 5 22 23 10 19 7 Lance B Axe D

Tormod 18 74 26 4 16 12 14 11 6 14 Fire C Thunder E Wind D

Chapter 18 Preparations:

+50 BEXP to Tormod, Rolf and Nephenee.

Bought 2 Steel Axes, one for Titania, one for Jill. Gave Rolf the Killer Bow and a Longbow.

Forged a Steel Bow with Max Mt and +5 Hit for Rolf.

Gave some Laguz Stones to Reyson.

Chapter 18 7/111

Reyson vigors Jill and she flies around killing stuff. Rolf killed a bunch of wyverns with reyson's help and promoted. Tormod Rolf and Ike handled cavalier reinforcements. Sothe got Wrath. Titania and Nephenee picked up Jill scraps.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 1 08 44 18 7 18 20 12 16 9 Titania B Sword B

Nephenee 4 46 34 18 5 20 22 10 17 7 Lance C

Rolf 1 08 33 15 5 19 19 12 14 8 Bow C

Titania 11 38 42 17 6 19 20 16 15 11 Ike B Lance B Axe S

Jill 9 79 49 21 6 24 24 11 21 8 Lance B Axe D

Tormod 19 95 26 4 17 13 14 12 6 15 Fire C Thunder E Wind D

Sothe 1 02 base

Reyson 3 50 22 1 10 11 14 15 2 20

Chapter 19 Preparations:

Tormod x Reyson C.

+50 BEXP to Tormod, Rolf, Nephenee and Ike.

Bought 4 hand axes and put them in the convoy.

Forged a Max MT and Max Hit Hand Axe for later.

Chapter 19 2/113

Jill gets vigored by Reyson. She FLIIIIES. The others did self improvement.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 1 71 44 18 7 18 20 12 16 9 Titania B Sword B

Nephenee 4 96 34 18 5 20 22 10 17 7 Lance C

Rolf 1 93 33 15 5 19 19 12 14 8 Bow C

Titania 11 38 42 17 6 19 20 16 15 11 Ike B Lance B Axe S

Jill 10 92 49 21 7 24 25 11 21 8 Lance A Axe D

Tormod 20 76 27 4 17 13 15 12 6 15 Reyson C Fire C Thunder E Wind D

Reyson 3 60 22 1 10 11 14 15 2 20 Tormod C

Sothe 1 02 base

Said fuck no @ hiring Volke cause i want money.

Chapter 20 Preparations:

+50 BEXP to Ike, Neph, Rolf.

Tormod was promoted and given the rest of the 50 bexp per chapter.

Tormod 1 24 31 6 18 15 17 12 8 17

Gave him Calill's meteor and a Spirit Dust.

Forged Jill a Steel Axe with Max MT/Max Hit for Jill.

Chapter 20 3/116

Jill and Tormod team up on Shiharam. Tormod's meteor gets traded by Titania so he doesnt get ganged up on. Wrath neph pwns some enemies, I get the smite village and jill arrives.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 2 41 44 18 7 19 20 12 16 9 Titania B Sword B

Nephenee 6 83 36 19 6 22 23 10 18 8 Lance B

Rolf 2 75 34 15 5 20 20 12 14 8 Bow C

Titania 11 65 42 17 6 19 20 16 15 11 Ike B Lance B Axe S

Jill 11 95 50 22 7 25 25 11 21 9 Lance A Axe C

Tormod 2 22 31 6 21* 15 17 12 8 18 Reyson C Fire C Thunder D Wind D Staff E

Reyson 3 70 22 1 10 11 14 15 2 20 Tormod C

Chapter 21 Preparations:

Tormod x Reyson B.

+50 BEXP to Nephenee, Ike, Rolf, Tormod. And completed Jill's level.

Forged another Hand Axe with Max MT and Hit for Jill. Gave her a Laguz Axe and a Pure Water. Gave Ike a pure water too.

Edited by Toon Link
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