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(FE9-FE10) Tellius Draft #3


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Chapter 10 - 4/49

Titania escaped carrying Ike, who saw no combat this chapter. Oscar went around and opened Brom's door and Mia/Ilyana played chase with the enemies. Ilyana managed to kill a few things though. Mia just killed the first soldier on the map and got the door key. Gawd, why can't you dodge as well as your RD self Didn't get the master seal. Meh. Oscar and Mia are probably going to promote naturally, but Ilyana is as durable as wet paper so she might've wanted it.

Unit            Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Luck    Def     Res     
Ike            12.44    28      10      3       13      14      10      9       4       
Titania         7.75    38      15      5       16      17      14      13      9
Oscar          13.91    32      11      2       12      12      7       12      2   
Mia            13.64    25      10      1       14      17      9       8       3
Ilyana         12.57    22      2       11      12      10      8       3       13
Brom           12.00    31      12      1       11      8       4       15      3   

Chapter 11- 5/54

Ilyana rocked this chapter. She critted two loldiers and killed a thief and then a few other chips/kills here and there. Couldn't kill the boss though :facepalm: Titania hammered the armor on the arrive tile. Everyone else stayed behind to get kills, except Oscar who sort of helped Tits.

Edited by CR-S01
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Done, endgame took 12 turns.

Because I wanted Mist and Steffan transfers, and took time to get their final level.

Resolve/Wrath Ike ko'ed Ashnard 2 times.






Mist- Mag.- A Boyd



Lethe-N/A- A Ike

Oh yeah, and the kills list.








































Freaking overkilled lategame.

Too bad his earlygame is "MEH" with lol 5 base strength.

A Lethe


Promoted at the begginning of mid-game, and raped

Gave him boots, and watched heads fly.

A Mist


Awesome, he used forged axes to solo a good chunk of aa map

And only needed 1 forged iron bow for the entire run !


A pain to get her, but totally worth it.

Gave her the brave bow, and watched her boss-kill assholes like Homasa

That, and forged Silver axes for the last 5 chapters.


Helpful earlygame, good mid-game, and useful late game.

Of course, she raped the desert, and procced str more than speed.

A Ike


Great pre-promo, but a bit more trouble than what he's worth.

Still good, he only got crit-blicked once in the entire run.


Takes time, but is worth it.

My playstyle uses healers a lot.

A Boyd

I'll do RD in the evening.

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Maybe it's just me or my team or something, but I'm getting more annoyed at Ch23 than I did at Ch21. Probably because I don't want to settle for a turncount that I know I can do better than. Anyways, here is Ch19-Ch22.

Ch19: 2/108

Marcia rush. Everyone else trained. Makalov reach promotion here. Pretty simple.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapons
Ike		2.67	45*	18	7	19	21	13	16	9	Sword B
Titania   	12.12	43	17	6	20	20	16	15	11	Lance B Axe S
Soren		2.92	33	3	22*	20	21*	10	6	22	Fire D Thunder D Wind C Staff E
Marcia   	12.49	45*	18	6	22	25	13	18*	15	Sword E Lance A
Mordecai	7.84	49	25	2	15	13	12	18	8	(Transformed)
Makalov   	1.21	40	16	4	15*	20	10	16	6	Sword B Axe E
Janaff		10.10	41	14	5	16	18	17	12	10	-

Ch20: 2/110

Prior to the map, I gave Soren Shade, so he could survive at the top of the mountain, and an Arms Scroll for his Fire rank, so he could wield Meteor, although I didn't use it during Ch20. Marcia ferried Soren up the mountain with Reyson's assistance. Janaff trailed behind them, so after a Reyson chant and a Smite, he could arrive. Everyone else worked on getting the Smite scroll and defending Reyson. I actually got a lucky Crit on Shihiram, so I didn't have to get Janaff up the map, which made getting Smite easier. Nonetheless, I think I'd have done it regardless.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapons
Ike		3.36	46*	18	7	20	21	13	16	9	Sword B
Titania   	12.22	43	17	6	20	20	16	15	11	Lance B Axe S
Soren		4.04	34	3	23*	21	21*	11	6	23	Fire C Thunder D Wind C Staff E
Marcia   	13.59	46*	19	6	22	26	14	18*	15	Sword E Lance A
Mordecai	8.44	50	26	2	16	14	12	18	8	(Transformed)
Makalov   	2.24	40	17	4	16*	21	10	16	6	Sword B Axe E
Janaff		10.61	41	14	5	16	18	17	12	10	-

Ch21: 6/116

Reyson used a Laguz Stone on turn 1, while most everyone else went forward and used a Pure Water. Marcia ferried Soren over the moats, while Janaff took Ike, and later Sothe for the Brave Sword. Makalov and Titania went and got the Energy Drop. Mordecai was crucial for a few Smites. Marcia 2RKOed Ena with the Laguz Lance, which ended the chapter with only 1 use left, since she also used it on a couple armors near Ena. Due to the enemy forces blocking Ike's path to the Seize tile, I had to vigor Tauroneo to clear a path for Ike, which prevented me from refreshing Sothe for the Brave Sword. This could have been remedied had Janaff opened the door with a Door Key, but I didn't want to reset just for the Brave Sword.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapons
Ike		3.87	46*	18	7	20	21	13	16	9	Sword B
Titania   	13.02	44	18	6	21	20	16	15	11	Lance B Axe S
Soren		5.86	34	3	23*	21	22*	11	6	23	Fire C Thunder D Wind C Staff E
Marcia   	15.03	47*	20	7	23	27	14	19*	16	Sword E Lance S
Mordecai	9.04	51	26	2	16	14	13	18	8	(Transformed)
Makalov   	3.81	41	17	4	16*	22	10	17	6	Sword B Axe E
Janaff		11.27	43	15	5	17	19	18	12	10	-

Ch22: 1/117

Soren was on boss duty due to Meteor. I had everyone else assist in clearing a path for Marcia to kill the Swordmaster with the Chest Key. Unfortunately I needed two Smites, so Reyson couldn't assist Soren. Soren had to proc a 22% Adept though, which isn't too unlikely, so it only took a couple of resets. Funnily, Ike got MVP, even though all he did was kill a priest.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapons
Ike		4.38	47*	19	7	20	22	14	17	10	Sword B
Titania   	13.12	44	18	6	21	20	16	15	11	Lance B Axe S
Soren		6.95	35	3	24*	22	22*	12	6	24	Fire C Thunder D Wind C Staff E
Marcia   	15.18	47*	20	7	23	27	14	19*	16	Sword E Lance S
Mordecai	9.54	51	26	2	16	14	13	18	8	(Transformed)
Makalov   	4.32	42	18	4	17*	23	11	17	7	Sword B Axe E
Janaff		11.90	43	15	5	17	19	18	12	10	-

EDIT: derp, just realized I forgot Tauroneo's stats for the past two chapters, will log them from now on.

Edited by zorbees
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Chapter 18

Battle preparations

I forged a Max Mt/+20 Hit Hand axe for Titania I named "Daytona".


Ike - 50 Exp

Zihark - 50 Exp


Titania - Counter

Volke - Gamble

Zihark - Adept


I used the Laguz stone on Reyson on Turn 1. Ike and Titania killed off all the enemies in the halls, then Titania went for the Crows. Zihark killed those annoying enemies at the entrance of the fort that costed me 3 turns for having 2-range...or Zihark might as well been the one who costed me that for lacking it.

Volke got all the treasures.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike        3.75 45 19   6  19  21  13  16   9    B Titania
Titania   16.06 46 20   7  22  21  18  16  13    B Ike
Volke     20.-- 32 17   0  19  19  11   9   4
Zihark     7.83 37 19   5  23  26  12  13   5

10 turns.

Chapter 19

Battle preparations

I forged Zihark a max Mt/Crit Steel sword I named "Broken phantsm".


Ike - 50 Exp

Zihark - 50 Exp


Titania - Counter

Volke - Gamble

Zihark - Adept


I had Titania Rescue and Drop Zihark at the boss' range so he could go 1RKO him on Turn 2. Reyson was used to give Titania a push.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike        4.42 46 19   7  20  21  13  17  10    B Titania
Titania   16.15 46 20   7  22  21  18  16  13    B Ike
Volke      1.00 34 19   1  22  21  11  11   6
Zihark     9.37 39 20   5  25  27  13  14   5

2 turns.

Chapter 20

Battle preparations

Yay Callil.

I buy two Daggers for Volke.


Ike - 50

Volke - 50 Exp

Zihark - 50 Exp

Callil - Lvl 8


Titania - Counter (lol)

Volke - Adept + Gamble

Zihark - Adept

Callil - Nihil


Titania carried Ike to the top of the hill and dropped him off on Turn 2. Volke and Callil went to get me a Smite and gather some CEXP on their way there. Zihark killed things and got me the Rescue staff. Reyson saved me a turn by transforming by himself, flying up the hill and refreshing Titania and Ike.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike        5.29 47 20   7  20  22  13  17  10    B Titania
Titania   16.84 46 20   7  22  21  18  16  13    B Ike
Volke      2.46 34 19   1  22  22  11  11   6
Zihark    10.25 39 20   5  25  27  13  14   5

4 turns.

Chapter 21 of freaking HELL

Battle preparations


Ike - 50 Exp

Volke - 50 Exp

Zihark - 50 Exp

Callil - 50 Exp


Ike - Wrath

Titania - Counter

Volke - Adept + Gamble

Zihark - Adept

Callil - Nihil


Fuck. This. Shit.

Sleep staves here, Sleep staves there. Sleep staves EVERYWHERE. Well, not really...but don't you think three were freaking enough already? You know 4-4 from FE10? Well, there's only ONE Sleep staffer there, not THREE. My reaction is the same as before:


Anyway, Titania ferried Ike all the way across the...pond? Reyson helped alot to get them across faster by an early transformation (courtesy of the Laguz stone). Sothe got the Stiletto for Volke. Volke got the Energy Drop and killed a few enemies along the way. Callil killed things as well, and I originally planned her to chip (or even finish off) Ena, but Titania and Ike dealt with her.

Reyson is very useful. He is slowly gaining the respect I never had for him.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       7.49  49 21   7  21  23  14  18  11    B Titania
Titania   17.50 47 20   7  23  21  18  17  13    B Ike
Volke      4.08 36 21   1  23  23  12  11   6
Zihark    11.09 40 21   5  26  28  14  14   5
Callil     9.97 34  9  22  20  19  16   9  18

8 turns.

Chapter 22

Battle preparations


Ike - 50 Exp

Volke - 50 Exp

Volke - 50 Exp

Callil - 50 Exp


Ike - Wrath

Titania - Counter

Volke - Adept + Gamble

Zihark - Adept

Callil - Flare


Volke got shoved by Ike and Zihark so he could get a kill. Callil activated Flare on the boss with a meteorite, since she can't kill him in two hits (just one HP off!), got Vigor'd by Reyson and finished him off.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       7.99  49 21   7  21  23  14  18  11    B Titania
Titania   17.50 47 20   7  23  21  18  17  13    B Ike
Volke      4.76 36 21   1  23  23  12  11   6
Zihark    11.59 40 21   5  26  28  14  14   5
Callil    11.11 35 10  23  21  20  17   9  19

1 turn.

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Mist is made of Paper........

And she cannot dodge shit in RD p3

Trying to get her to NOT die in 3-2.

I mean-

Ike is raping

Heather is RAPING

Boyd is obliterating everything...

Mist is in a corner, and sometimes the Pallies go past the other units and attack her.......

Now I'm beginning to see why Soul gave up on her...

Well, so far-

Ike with transfers just needs more bexp to cap speed and get good res.

Boyd needs another speedwing, and to get celerity/adept/Resolve

Heather needs Adept/Resolve and forges.

Mist needs to stop dying whenever any moving object goes her direction.

Edited by Mr. Limerick
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Heather is RAPING

I'd love to be in the enemies' place, then. :3


And yeah, Mist sucks. You should've fed her kills at every chance and BEXP her to 99 Exp before every chapter. And Blossom, Blossom for all of her level-ups. I wouldn't mind trying her out, but she's just so useless in FE10.

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I'd love to be in the enemies' place, then. :3


And yeah, Mist sucks. You should've fed her kills at every chance and BEXP her to 99 Exp before every chapter. And Blossom, Blossom for all of her level-ups. I wouldn't mind trying her out, but she's just so useless in FE10.

Should'a got a Mage instead of Mist.....


SHoulda gotten Illyana instead of mist...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bumping this thread with the question "Where is everybody?" I'm guessing busy over the holidays like I was, but idk. It'd be nice to see some updates.

Speaking of updates, I'll post the few chapters I did before I went on vacation.

Ch23: 4/121

Marcia is amazing. I had her fly out and clear out the front on turn one, and Janaff moved his full movement and rescued Ike, after Ike was Smitten a couple times. Janaff gave Ike to Marcia, who dropped him on turn 2. Marcia killed the only guy blocking Ike's path with a Javelin forge, then cantoed into Petrine's attack range. On turn 4, she finished off Petrine. I did need to get a bit lucky with Ike and Marcia's survival, but I got this one fairly early on, once I figured it out. Marcia got an energy drop prior to the chapter so she'd have enough Str to kill the guy in Ike's way with a Javelin forge as opposed to a Steel Lance forge, which would prevent Marcia from countering Petrine on enemy phase.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapons
Ike		6.72	48*	20	8	21	23	14	18	11	Sword B
Titania	13.55	44	18	6	21	20	16	15	11	Lance B Axe S
Soren		7.82	36	3	25*	23	23*	12	6	25	Fire C Thunder D Wind C Staff E
Marcia	16.60	48*	22*	7	24	28	15	19*	16	Sword E Lance S
Mordecai	10.15	53	27	2	17	15	13	19	8	(Transformed)
Makalov	6.04	43	19	4	18*	24	11	18	7	Sword B Axe E
Janaff		12.70	44	15	5	18	20	18	12	11	-
Tauroneo	16.56	49	23	11	19	13	14	23	15	Sword A Lance A

Ch24: 4/125

Easy chapter with boss Marcia. Everyone else went and got the Savior scroll.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapons
Ike		7.64	49*	21	8	22	23	15	18	11	Sword A
Titania	13.86	44	18	6	21	20	16	15	11	Lance B Axe S
Soren		9.40	36	3	26*	24	23*	12	6	26	Fire B Thunder D Wind C Staff E
Marcia	16.95	48*	22*	7	24	28	15	19*	16	Sword E Lance S
Mordecai	10.30	53	27	2	17	15	13	19	8	(Transformed)
Makalov	7.45	44	19	4	18*	25	11	19	7	Sword B Axe D
Janaff		12.83	44	15	5	18	20	18	12	11	-
Tauroneo	16.57	49	23	11	19	13	14	23	15	Sword A Lance A

Ch25: 5/130

Marcia flew to the top alone, Janaff and Soren took the east, everyone else took the west. Ike and Titania eventually made it to the northwest and slew Gromell (fuck Resolve on enemies). Marcia had 4 hp going into Turn 5 Enemy Phase, but due to Vantage, she wasn't in any danger. Ike got the bosskill.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapons
Ike		9.33	51*	22	8	23	24	15	19	12	Sword A
Titania	14.46	44	18	7	21	21	17	16	12	Lance B Axe S
Soren		10.85	37	3	26*	24	24*	13	7	26*	Fire B Thunder D Wind C Staff E
Marcia	19.23	49*	23*	7	25	28	16	19*	17	Sword E Lance S
Mordecai	10.96	53	27	2	17	15	13	19	8	(Transformed)
Makalov	8.80	44	20	4	19*	26	12	19	7	Sword B Axe D
Janaff		13.41	45	16	5	19	20	18	13	11	-
Tauroneo	16.74	49	23	11	19	13	14	23	15	Sword A Lance A

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 23

Fuck. This. Shit.

Took forever to even get to do this chapter, and when I did, I ended up resetting because I kept messing up by either having Reyson die, Jill getting attacked/dying or even having Titania die.

Anyway, my strategy was to send Titania to deal with most enemies at the front for Ike to get a safe path without enemies blocking his way. Reyson helped by Vigoring Ike and some others. On the last Turn, Titania and Zihark teamed up on Petrine. Titania finished off Petrine. Jill recruited Haar without any harm. Volke killed some enemies for CEXP on the back line.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       8.66  50 22   7  22  24  14  18  11    B Titania
Titania   18.93 48 21   8  23  22  18  17  14    B Ike
Volke      5.95 36 21   1  24  23  12  12   6
Zihark    12.29 40 21   5  26  29  14  15   5
Callil    11.79 35 10  23  21  20  17   9  19
GAAR      11.09 47 21   8  19  17  12  20  10

6 turns.

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