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FE4 Mafia - Game over


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I believe someone else brought this up before, but what do you guys expect the numbers to be?

12-4-1 or 11-5-1.

While we don't seem to have a serial killer there is constant reference to a hostile 3rd party. "Hostile" to me implies PFK, so I would ordinarily be ruling out survivor. I can't think of too many other roles that are sole winners in forum-games this size. Fool is almost always relegated to joint wins, I don't know that I've every actually seen a Mad Bomber, I've only seen it show up in lists of "this is a role that exists". I guess it could be a mafia-town lover pair that only wins if they're last one standing, but I don't really know. The obvious choice would have been Cult, but we haven't seen hide nor hair of that yet.

Thus, with the assumption of 1 town-sided death tonight, those numbers would turn out to be 7-3-1 or 6-4-1. Unless I bungled my arithmetic.

If it were cult, then we could be looking at something as unpleasant as 3-3-4 or 2-4-4 in the worst case scenario.

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I want opinions from everybody else. If you were me, who would you persuade to vote from whom?

Man, I'm a bit confused now that Core got a mafia lynched. Maybe I was wrong all this time, so I really don't know who should vote for who. I guess, to be on the safe side, I'll have Kaoz vote for Shinori instead.

Good enough for you, professor?

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It just seems like it would be really weird that a mafia just happened to say Kay was a safeguard. Maybe its happened before but i haven't seen any mafia just happen to say someone's role previously. I just dont think that it's a coincedence that a mafia just happened to say someones role. I would be willing to bet they have a role checker since we have/had 2.

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Phase over

Hilda was on her way home when she got run over by a truck. Even though trucks don't exist. Yay.

Dear user,

You are Hilda, Town Persuader.


You are a member of House Velthomer, as well as Blume’s wife. You are the one responsible for Tiltyu’s death. Yurius has asked you to assist in ratting out the infiltrators, and you are only happy to do so.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Forcefully convincing USER1 about USER2”. You will ambush USER1 during the night, and “convince” USER1 to vote for USER2 in order to save their own skin.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

yes this was balcerzak you all knew it it was really obvious

"No... what are you doing... You can't kill me! I'm-"

An anvil smashed Yurius' head. What a way to go.

Dear user,

You are Yurius, Town Mayor.


You are the Dark Prince, the imperial prince of Grandbell and the vessel of the Dark God Loputousu. As the future heir to the throne, you just need to filter out these infiltrators, to cement your place as king of Grandbell, and the whole of Jugdral.

During the day phase, due to your status as the imperial prince, any votes you cast will count for double.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

This was Slayer.

It is now Day 4. Day 4 ends on 19 Dec 2011, 4pm, GMT +8.

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Okay, here's what I'm thinking. The only way an anvil could have penetrated the Lopt Barrier is if it was either blessed by Narga in some way, or if Julius had really tiny HP already. And the only reliable way to get Julius to such low HP without resorting to Narga is to use a nice Dark tome called Eclipse (sometimes referred to as Hell)

##Vote: Clipsey!

I'm curious about Rule #26...

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Im curious of rule 26 as well. But im also wondering about this second kill. Maybe we have an SK on our hands and he's just been targeting the same target the mafia is targeting? That would be some horrendous luck for him but alot better for us. Either that or a vigilante just did a bad move maybe? I think those are the only two possibilities.

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Im curious of rule 26 as well. But im also wondering about this second kill. Maybe we have an SK on our hands and he's just been targeting the same target the mafia is targeting? That would be some horrendous luck for him but alot better for us. Either that or a vigilante just did a bad move maybe? I think those are the only two possibilities.

Their roles were painfully obvious, so I don't think it's a vig.

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Kay visited Core

So... I don't really know what to make of that, but I'm going to rank everyone in my eyes.

9. arachnidsGrip (Psych) - I'm me, and haven't been countered yet, so I'm 100% clear. In my eyes.

12. NIGHTMARE - I didn't trust him before, but his claim seems to work out.

6. Diavolo (Core)

7. Snike 13thShadow Kaoz

16. Kay - Been getting results with her, but I'm not sure.

10. Hika Shinori

4. Kiku-Ichimonji (Proto)

14. StSS

13. Ether

11. Iris - Hasn't done much, I don't like my feelings towards her. I would be willing to lynch her today.

The people without reasonings aren't giving me a good read, but that's more or less where they go. It's basically a comparison of how clear they are to me in comparison to Kay or Iris.

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