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FE4 Mafia - Game over


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Im thinking strawman maybe Serial killer. Not saying too much in the thread, hasn't claimed, Psych would you happen to know if he visited people that died the nights of their deaths at all? I don't think he would be vigilante with how he's been playing. He didn't ever kill people the town seemed to think were more suspicious and chose not to say anything to the town about his actions if he is a vigilante

So this is a shot in the dark, i think i confused myself while typing this but i think strawman is an sk which we need to die. So. ##Vote: Strawman

The timing of this post... makes absolutely no sense to me. You made this post BEFORE Strawman roleclaimed Vig. And you're talking about how his playstyle doesn't fit as Vigilante, killing the wrong people, and not saying anything about it. How the heck did you even know that he was going to claim Vigilante if there was absolutely no information that pointed at that fact? Not only did you suggest that he's a Serial Killer, but you seem to assume that he would try to claim Vigilante, and even went as far as ask Psych if he was ever found shooting people. It's almost as if you KNEW that he had a killing role and was responsible for one of those deaths. If you are truly a lynch bomb with no active role, then it means that, being NOC, all the information you have can be deduced from this thread only, and I really don't see any posts BEFORE that one that implies that Strawman is the Vig.

##Unvote: Clipsey!

##Vote: Shinori

Explain yourself.

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Night 0: No one

Night 1: Snike

Night 2: Psych

Night 3: Psych

Any ideas for tonight? Or should it still be on Psych?


Or at least pick randomly between the two of us so hopefully the maf will guess wrong with their kill.

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Mafia can just role block one of us and kill the other, so not quite sure why him guessing will help Core.

Also, who are we lynching? Kay? Kay seems like a good idea, unless Shinori does something.

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Mafia can just role block one of us and kill the other, so not quite sure why him guessing will help Core.

Also, who are we lynching? Kay? Kay seems like a good idea, unless Shinori does something.

Hmm unfortunately you are correct.


I think we should go for either Kay or Shinori, depending on their responses. Kay still needs to claim, and Shinori needs to explain his great intuition.

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Night 0: No one

Night 1: Snike

Night 2: Psych

Night 3: Psych

Any ideas for tonight? Or should it still be on Psych?

Don't reveal who you're going to target. Or even publicly narrow down the possibilities. If you're on Psych, although you'll prevent him from getting roleblocked, you would allow him to get shot without the Mafia having to worry about any other protective/Watcher/etc role. The same goes with Corey (whose alignment I'm still unsure of).

Shinori sounds like a better idea, since...that was a pretty big screw-up, and I'm not really willing to chalk it up to inexperience this time.

Inexperience doesn't explain how a passive role seems to have figured out that somebody has a killing role. This is knowledge he should not have had.

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Sorry just got back from the ER. Im very out of it so forgive me if i cant post well at the moment. What i posted was just from guessing and thoughts. the only people that hadnt claimed had been me, strawman, iris, and ether. Iris was found innocent by Diavolo. Im lynch bomb, Ether has been iinactive so i didnt think she would be the person doing anything especially since she was subbed out the night of the extra kill. That left one person, strawman., So i assumed he would most likely be sk since that was the only third party role that could kill i think. And i figured that if he was the SK he would most likely claim vigilante or he would be a vigilante.

Hope this makes sense i can try to explain better but im very out of it atm.

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Shinori seems to know a lot of things he shouldn't know. Since people seem to want me to claim anyway, I may as well expose his overinformed-ness. Yep, I'm Safeguard. Too tired to make a proper post right now, sorry.

##Vote: Shinori

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Shinori seems to know a lot of things he shouldn't know. Since people seem to want me to claim anyway, I may as well expose his overinformed-ness. Yep, I'm Safeguard. Too tired to make a proper post right now, sorry.

##Vote: Shinori

....Are you serious right now? Then why did I catch you visiting Core and he got roleblocked? And why did Nightmare claim Safeguard too? >_>

##Unvote, Vote Kay

Me thinks we have caught us a scum.

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Not much i can say to defend myself except what ive said. All i did was put pieces together from iris's post that had the list of everyone that claimed. So i just went with the most likely person out of the few that hadnt claimed and assumed that person was the SK and proceeded to ask questions. I figured thats what people without abilities were supposed to do. See the flaws in what people post or say and bring it out into the public.

Im in alot of pain right now so im sorry if i dont post too often tonight or coherently once again.

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Shinori seems to know a lot of things he shouldn't know. Since people seem to want me to claim anyway, I may as well expose his overinformed-ness. Yep, I'm Safeguard. Too tired to make a proper post right now, sorry.

Vote: Shinori

You completely ignored the fact that you have a cc and that I was roleblocked when you visited me. Shinori is looking very shady but you aren't doing yourself any favors.

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....Are you serious right now? Then why did I catch you visiting Core and he got roleblocked? And why did Nightmare claim Safeguard too? >_>

##Unvote, Vote Kay

Me thinks we have caught us a scum.

Maybe Nightmare is the scum. If I was mafia, would I really claim in that much of a hurry while paying so little attention that I claimed something already claimed? We only have Core's word that he was roleblocked.

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Psych, stuff like known claims would be posted in the mafia thread. Besides that, I think when I'm mafia. I'm so quiet as mafia because I'm really careful to not do things like counterclaim someone. Don't be ridiculous.

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