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Any good reccomendations for a Firewall?

Zak Something

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So earlier today, I got attacked by a nasty Virus called "Windows 7 Antivirus 2012", which I managed to get rid of without too much trouble (afterwards, I uninstalled Microsoft Security Essentials and reinstalled Avast!). Unfortunately, the virus has removed Windows Firewall (It also removed Security Center, but I fixed that). I can't find any way to reinstall or repair Windows Firewall, so I figured the next best course of action is to simply install another one. Any good recommendations?

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I've always heard good things about Comodo Firewall, though I haven't really used it myself. BlackICE used to be pretty good several years ago, but, IIRC, there wasn't a free version of it and I have no idea if it's still out there or if the newer versions are any good.

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