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ITT James Plays Thracia 776

Smiley Jim

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what the cocks are you smoking

Marty is useful for the entire fucking game even if you don't feed him any kills ever.

EDIT: And I played on NON-Elite mode.

Also when you get to C4 please call Fergus Felgus so I can erupt with nerd rage like the old days <3

Yeah. And not understanding why some people don't use him. He can capture about any foe in the game and can be great with Wrath+ Sety/Odo Scrolls.

The 2 problems with Brighton are:

1. Even with a Steel Sword, 2x atk from Wrath still falls short of OHKOing armors.

2. Brighton misses a lot, can't really crit on the second attack of a double attack, and his AS is pretty balls.

Expect him to suck without the Sun Hit Manual. (Which is better given to Leaf)

He might have been joking.


The translator, Shaya just put that "In America" line to be funny. xD

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Chapter 12: That Mysterious Forest From Hell

Units Deployed:

Leaf, Fin, Nanna, Asvel, Fergus, Brighton, Othin, Carrion, Karin, Saphy, Lifis, Olwen

Units Acquired:

Marita, Salem

New Units

Marita: She has completely overkilled offense in a game where it's not hard to kill things, but has fairly bad concrete durability. Still, one of the finest boss-killers in the game.

Salem: Honestly, the only thing going for him is staff utility and his huge Jormung chip. Don't expect his combat to be as good as that of Canas or even Ray.

This map marks the introduction of status staves. Salem has a sleep staff that he will use on three of your guys, and in this game, status conditions do not wear off over time. And because you don't have access to Restore staves yet, anybody who is slept here is out for the rest of the map. Thankfully, he will not target Leaf or Marita(and if you have 8+ mag, he can't touch you regardless) As for anything else, there are a few bandits here with the steal skill, but they are way too slow to make use of it. In order to recruit Salem, you need to capture him and not let go of him(so it's like recruiting Lifis, only except you need to worry about 22 atk hitting res.)

Gaiden Alert: Beat the map in 19 turns or less.

I send all my units left, as usual. I grab the Heim scroll house on turn 1 so that the assholes can't destroy it. On turns 2 and 3, I simply killed a whole bunch of bandits due to being in a field of shrubbery(and having mostly mounted units, with Leaf, Othin, and Asvel being my only non-mounted combat units)and also cast M-shield whenever I could due to the sleep staff. I had also visited the house with the silence staff at this time. I got to the boss by turn 4 EP, and killed him on the following PP(after I grabbed his(now Olwen's)Vantage manual). I also captured Salem about a turn after I killed Colbo(since Marita was slightly injured, not that it would've mattered as Jormung poisons you, so I had to rig a miss either way.) In any case, I started a rescue chain to get Leaf to teh fort as soon as I could. And by the way, I was able to not let anyone get put to sleep, so I have a full use Sleep staff, ready to use on Trude next map.

9 turns.

Leaf 		16  00  38  10  00  09  15  12  09  07  Adept
Fin      	12  02  32  14  02  14  15  08  13  12  Prayer
Othin   	14  03  40  15  03  14  19  11  13  15  Wrath
Lifis   	18  00  31  12  00  09  18  02  07  12  Steal
Saphy   	18  00  30  02  14  12  14  10  00  03
Shiva   	15  00  35  14  01  20  19  12  08  08  Sol
Dalshien   	14  05  40  20  02  14  09  01  20  20
Tanya   	12  02  26  12  04  17  20  10  07  08  
Bryton   	14  00  36  09  01  08  08  04  12  12  Wrath
Fergus   	14  06  39  17  03  19  20  15  11  12  
Carion   	10  00  30  10  04  11  15  12  11  08
Karin   	09  00  23  09  08  08  20  19  06  05  
Asvel   	12  07  35  01  17  16  20  16  05  07  Adept
Nanna   	15  00  25  06  06  15  14  18  05  06  Charisma
Olwen   	00  03  24  06  13  08  10  06  04  05  Vantage
Marita   	06  00  25  07  01  10  17  10  04  06  Luna


Swag: Magic ring, Heim scroll, Ambush M, Silence, Sleep

Edited by darkandroid125
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Chapter 12: Pahn the Dandelion

Units Deployed:

Leaf, Tanya, Dalshien, Lifis, Lara, Saphy, Salem

Units Acquired:

Pahn, Trude, Tina

New Units:

Pahn: Like Lifis, he's a thief. Unlike Lifis(on average. Mine is pretty blessed), Pahn actually has usable combat, and comes with some good skills and 5 PCC. I recommend ditching your current thief for him.

Trude: Your fourth merc, and unfortunately, he's fairly unimpressive. 1 PCC does not do a lot for a unit's offense, and Nihil is situational at best. He is still decent at what he does.

Tina: Another staffbot. She is the sole user of the Thief staff, which can net you some stuff that Lifis can't grab AND you can't capture. I don't really have much else to say.

First things first, bring Lara to this map. I'm not going to say exactly why, but if you have Lara talk to Pahn, she will get a new lease on life. Also, you can get some rather interesting swag here, including 2 Master Seals and a Fortify staff. Note that in order to recruit Trude, you need to capture the bastard or talk to him with Pahn. Oh, and I can't stress this out enough: After recruiting Pahn, HAVE HIM TAKE TINA'S THIEF STAFF!


Lara lost a few stats upon becoming a dancer. lol.

The first thing I did was have Saphy warp Lara to Pahn's room, then the two had a chat and Lara felt the need to become a dancer. After that, the enemies started fleeing. While this was happening, Salem successfully slept Trude so he couldn't escape and I formed a rescue operation involving Dal carrying Saphy to where Tina is(Saphy's move sucks). I had Lifis and Pahn grab chests because I could, and by turn 10 was able to grab everything except the armorslayer(which I don't give two shits about anyway.) I also had captured the sleeping beauty that I left behind(who isn't actually all that beautiful and is not named Auoura.) In any case, I recruited Tina by turn 9 and left the map by turn 10(I had a brain fart when I went to have Tina loot the MS chest only to remember that I had Pahn steal her Unlock staff, so I had to rig a move star proc on Lifis. Or waste a turn.)

10 turns.

Leaf 		16  00  38  10  00  09  15  12  09  07  Adept
Fin      	12  02  32  14  02  14  15  08  13  12  Prayer
Othin   	14  03  40  15  03  14  19  11  13  15  Wrath
Lifis   	18  00  31  12  00  09  18  02  07  12  Steal
Lara 		03  02  14  00  00  01  07  08  01  03  Dance, Steal
Saphy   	20  00  31  03  15  12  15  10  01  03
Shiva   	15  00  35  14  01  20  19  12  08  08  Sol
Dalshien   	14  06  41  20  02  14  10  02  20  20
Tanya   	12  02  26  12  04  17  20  10  07  08  
Bryton   	14  00  36  09  01  08  08  04  12  12  Wrath
Fergus   	14  06  39  17  03  19  20  15  11  12  
Carion   	10  00  30  10  04  11  15  12  11  08
Karin   	09  00  23  09  08  08  20  19  06  05  
Asvel   	12  07  35  01  17  16  20  16  05  07  Adept
Nanna   	15  00  25  06  06  15  14  18  05  06  Charisma
Olwen   	00  03  24  06  13  08  10  06  04  05  Vantage
Marita   	06  00  25  07  01  10  17  10  04  06  Luna
Salem   	05  00  22  00  08  06  07  02  02  04
Pahn 		00  03  24  07  03  08  14  11  05  08  Sol, Steal, Vantage
Trude   	08  00  30  08  00  11  12  03  05  09  Nihil
Tina 		01  00  14  00  03  01  05  15  00  03 

Wow. Lara actually got def. Still not gonna help her live fluke hits. And Saphy hits 20/0, and now needs a seal to gain exp again. And maybe a few lightning tomes. And the way she turned out, she might actually not be that bad at killing.

Swag: King sword, Thief staff, Unlock staff, S drink, Charge M, Shield ring, Master seal, Fortify

Edited by darkandroid125
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Chapter 13: Tahra Fortress Defense(part 1)

Units Deployed:

Leaf, Nanna, Fergus, Fin, Karin, Carrion, Olwen, Selphina

Units Acquired:


New Units:

Glade: As a whole, his bases are decent and his growths aren't anything to write home about, but he does have a lead star, so he's worth fielding if only for that.

This is another defense map. Note the four generic mounties next to Glade; they make great cannon fodder. Also, this boss is the first non-mounted boss you face that has a con of 20, and therefore cannot be captured. If you want his swag, you will either need to bring Lifis/Pahn or use Tina's thief staff.

IMPORTANT: Bring Selphina to this map. You will get a brave bow for caring.

I started off slow, as per usual. The enemy ballista attacked Selphina despite me having Karin in range, and Fergus demolishes the bow knight squad. I have Fin take out the guy attacking Leaf just because I could. Olwen takes out the shooter, and I have the generics hand their crap over to Glade and dismount so they can act as capture fodder. Anyway, I rushed over to where the castle is, taking down a few armors while I waited, and killed the boss on turn 6 while Glade stood guard.

Turns 7-12 were basically me defending the fort while Karin grabbed the other two houses and captured the bishop for his swag. Oh, and Glade's first level included movement. I escaped on turn 12, excluding the generics because fuck them.

12 turns.

Leaf 		17  00  38  10  00  10  16  12  10  08  Adept
Fin      	12  03  33  15  02  15  16  09  14  12  Prayer
Othin   	14  03  40  15  03  14  19  11  13  15  Wrath
Lifis   	18  00  31  12  00  09  18  02  07  12  Steal
Lara 		03  02  14  00  00  01  07  08  01  03  Dance, Steal
Saphy   	20  00  31  03  15  12  15  10  01  03
Shiva   	15  00  35  14  01  20  19  12  08  08  Sol
Dalshien   	14  06  41  20  02  14  10  02  20  20
Tanya   	12  02  26  12  04  17  20  10  07  08  
Bryton   	14  00  36  09  01  08  08  04  12  12  Wrath
Fergus   	14  10  43  19  03  20  20  15  12  13  
Carion   	10  00  33  12  04  13  16  12  11  09
Karin   	11  00  24  10  08  09  20  20  06  05  
Asvel   	12  07  35  01  17  16  20  16  05  07  Adept
Nanna   	17  00  25  06  06  16  14  20  05  07  Charisma
Olwen   	00  05  26  07  14  10  11  08  04  05  Vantage
Glade   	00  03  35  11  03  12  12  04  10  13  

Swag: Armorslayer, Hammer, Master Seal, Physic, Bolting, Elfire, Brave Bow

Edited by darkandroid125
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Chapter 14: Tahra Tower Defense

Units Deployed:

Leaf, Fin, Nanna, Othin, Asvel, Shiva, Dalshien, Tanya, Saphy, Tina, Lara, Carrion, Salem, Olwen

Units Acquired:

Dean, Eda, Homer

New Units:

Dean: Your first and unfortunately only really durable flier. Has huge bases combined with typical wyvern growths, and the Dragon Lance. However, he's not so great indoors.

Eda: Dean's kid sister, and unfortuantely, unless your someone like Marita, being underleveled does not you any favors. Especially since she does nothing that Dean can't.

Homer: Not to be confused with this guy. The game's token womanizer. Like Eda, he's underleveled. Unlike Eda, he has Paragon and sage bonuses in his favor.

Defense map. As far as I know, you can't end the map early by killing the douchebag next to the Dragon Lance house, so you will have to tough it out. Note that if you are using Dalshien, you should have him tank one of the south bottlenecks as there's hammers on either side of the west/east bottlenecks.

See this village here? Visit it with Dean to get the dragon lance. Problem is that there's a ballista there, on top of Paulus having a Tornado spell, both of which will tear Dean apart. Hope you've saved up a warp use or two. And either have a rescue use or a sleep use(to sleep Paulus, of course. This also helps in stealing his swag)

Gaiden Alert: Go to at least 3 houses inside the city's walls on this map(note that Homer's house does not count.)

Turn 1: I send Dal and Asvel down to block Baldak's forces, while I silence the bolting dude and sleep Paulus. Othin and Shina go east while Carrion and Fin go west. Nanna just stops outside the range of the two ballistae to the east. I also have Dean move back about 5 spaces.

EP: Enemies start breaking the walls while Shiva dodges a dart(Olwen gets hit)

Turn 2: Shiva levels up after killing an armor, Othin kills a ballista, and Dal+Asvel start killing armors. I also take out a ballista with Fin, abusing Canto like a boss. I also warp Dean over to Paulus's location and have him grab the dragon lance. I also obliterate the ballista due to moving again. Salem physics Olwen. And Nanna recruits Homer.

EP: Othin and Asvel rip apart more armors, while Dalshien tangles with Baldak. Dean tests out his new Dragon Lance on the thugs near the sleeping giant.

Turn 3: Shiva reaches a higher plane, while Tina uses her thief staff to grab Baldak's Master lance and Killer bow. Dalshien kills Baldak with Nanna's help, and Dean caps the silenced bishop.

EP: More armor killing(had to put Asvel in front of Dal because of the fucking hammers.)

Turn 4: Salem physics Fin for more staff WEXP, Dean steals stuff and goes back for Paulus. Shiva goes for a round in the arena.

EP: More armors die.

Turn 5: Dean removes the remaining KL armor as a threat, while Salem takes out a knight that Fin missed. Homer also takes a kill(Gotta love double Elite).

EP: More things die to Fin/Othin. You kinda get the point.

Turn 6: Dean grabs Paulus, while Carrion unloads his swag and dumps him afterwards. More arena and killing time.

EP: lol.

Turn 7: Don't really care. Dean heads for the Nosferatu house while Eda does the same with the final civvy house.

EP: lol.

Turn 8: More lulz. Only important thing of note is that I captured a knight for his greatlance.

EP: More lulz.

Turn 9: Dean finally grabs the Nosferatu, while Fin is still suffering to stop all the armors in his bottleneck.

EP: A huge platoon of DK's and Dark mages ambush me, and Salem and Dean are almost killed.

Turn 10: I kill some of the DK's and rescue Dean(also heal him). I then keep holding back. And I also bought 2 S drinks.

EP: lol.

10 turns

Leaf 		17  00  38  10  00  10  16  12  10  08  Adept
Fin      	12  06  36  16  02  15  16  09  14  12  Prayer
Othin   	14  06  43  17  03  15  20  13  13  16  Wrath
Lifis   	18  00  31  12  00  09  18  02  07  12  Steal
Lara 		03  03  14  00  00  02  08  08  01  03  Dance, Steal
Saphy   	20  00  31  03  15  12  15  10  01  03
Shiva   	16  04  38  20  02  20  20  15  12  08  Sol
Dalshien   	14  08  42  20  02  15  10  02  20  20
Tanya   	12  05  27  12  05  17  20  12  07  08  
Fergus   	14  10  43  19  03  20  20  15  12  13  
Carion   	15  00  33  14  04  13  17  13  11  10
Karin   	11  00  24  10  08  09  20  20  06  05  
Asvel   	12  09  36  01  17  16  20  17  05  07  Adept
Nanna   	18  00  27  07  07  17  15  20  05  07  Charisma
Olwen   	00  07  28  08  14  12  12  09  06  05  Vantage
Salem   	11  00  27  00  14  12  09  03  02  04
Homer   	07  00  26  00  06  05  11  12  03  05  Paragon

Swag: Master axe, Master Lance, Tornado, Bolting, Physic, S Drink x3, Killer bow, Dragon lance, Nosferatu

Edited by darkandroid125
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