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On the eleventh Fire Emblem, my true love gave to me...


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I agree with this, and not just because the alternative would mean my post was disregarded.

Using Wrys should still be interesting enough, but I wonder how bad a Dark Mage -> General Cord or Bord would turn out?

I think barring speed, luck, skill they'd be alot like if they could be promoted at their base level. Dark Mage zeros their Str and Def growths and severly cuts their HP growth.

Edited by arvilino
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Let me answer this for you:


Yeah, obviously I know that, but the question is how much? Would it even be feasible to use a unit with such impractical classes on normal mode, never mind on H4? The combo was supposed to be horrible, and I wonder if anyone could get any use out of it at all on Hard 4.

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Uhhh. . .

When Cord promotes, he's gonna be at whatever his base Strength is. He's not getting much in the way of HP or DEF from his time as a Dark Mage. He might have some Speed and decent Skill, but that's not as helpful as doing things like dealing more damage.

In short, it's pretty pointless.

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As a 10/1 General having been a Dark Mage, Cord would have 30 HP, 10 Strength, 9 Skill, 10 Speed, 17 Defense and 5 Resistance. Some merit as a tank, perhaps? I'm not sure how well it'd work on H4, though.

Chapter 1 22/22

I'd like to blame this on the fact I forgot to visit the village until it was boss time. I really would. But the boss went down only a couple of turns before Marth got back.

Anyway, the Cavs killed off the thief so I wouldn't be worrying about losing Wrys, Jeigan went to the fort and did the usual. Marth and the mounted units came to back him up. Progressed slowly, trying not to draw too many enemies at once. Cain got two strength level ups, so when I reached the boss, I was determine not to screw it up.While Marth went back, Jeigan Cain (12 with the Silver Lance, 6 with the Iron Sword) teamed up against the boss. Abel took free shots with a Javelin (6 dam 38 hit, awesome). I don't know what I would have done without Wrys.

Turn 10: Jeigan missed, Gazzak hit. 29 HP

Turn 12: Jeigan hit, Gazzak hit. 17 HP

Turn 13: Abel missed, Cain hit, Gazzak hit. 17 HP

Turn 14: Abel missed, Jeigan missed, Gazzak hit. 23 HP

Turn 15: Abel missed. 29 HP

Turn 17: Jeigan hit, Gazzak hit. 17 HP

Turn 18: Abel hit, Cain hit, Gazzak missed. 11 HP

Turn 19: Abel missed, Jeigan hit, Gazzak hit. 5 HP

Turn 20: Cain kill.

Second time around, I had much more luck. In case I had any thoughts of trying for a better time, Cain got another str point on the boss kill.

Chapter 2 15/37

The good: There are checkpoints now. The bad: Holy crap the enemies are on steroids. 11 str meant everyone who is not Jeigan was 2RKO’d. Luckily the mighty Barst was there, with the special ability to attack at range without WTD, and Cain with Oguma’s Steel could also take a large chunk out of the enemy. Jeigan went to distract the enemies to the west (not the thieves, who made a beeline for the village), and then sat there. The enemy cavaliers could not kill Marth if he didn’t take damage and they both had 16 atk. Rapier weakened them enough that they could be killed the next turn. I decided to use undrafted units, while forced, as decoys; it allowed me to tempt Kashim to the southern bridge, so Sheeda had an easier time. Abel followed Cain’s example and procced strength for the third time in a row; rather less useful for him, though. It did mean he could do 7 whole damage to Gomer. Having cleared the map, and then saved; Barts sat next to him, and connected with the Steel Axe on turn 13. Abel and Marth chipped at Gomer on turn 14, Marth pulling off a dodge on the EP for 3 more. Barts hit with the Iron Axe on turn 15, and Abel finished. Marth seized.

Name  Class  Lv Xp HP ST M SK SP LK DF R
Marth Lord    3 70 20  5 0  4  9  9  8 0
Cain Cavalier 5 54 23 10 0  8  7  5  7 0
Abel Cavalier 4 93 22  9 0  7  8  2  7 0
Wrys Curate   4  6 17  0 3  6  6  4  3 6
Barst Fighter 4 21 25 11 0  7 10  5  6 0

Jeigan Paladin 2 44 procced Skill

Edited by Baldrick
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Chapter 3: 15/52

Jeigan, Oguma and Sheeda went to meatshield in the east/recruit Nabarl. Used a Silver Lance to kill one thief, and the other was used as a blockade so only one fighter could hit. Using a diagonal formation (Oguma/Navarre/Julian NW of the fort, Jeigan on it, Sheed SE of the fort), I tanked as many hits as I could, then they ran. By then, the first group had been dispatched, Cain rushing forward to inflict a few counters, then easing back so Marth, Abel and Barst could take over. Nabarl got healed and finished off the eastern fighters, then everyone healed up before taking on the boss. Marth and Cain both attacked, relying on the boss not hitting twice, and Barst finished with the Devil Axe.

Chapter 4: 19/71

I saved the villages and didn't use Jeigan, at the cost of several turns. Mage Abel and Myrmidon Cain killed the near thief, Barst killed the archer, and Marth and Abel killed the second thief. I was careful not to leave any enemies on critical health, since almost nobody could survive two hits. After the moving enemies were dead, I inched towards the boss, who was easily dispatched with magic and axes.

Name  Class  Lv Xp HP ST M SK SP LK DF R
Marth Lord    6 50 23  5 0  6  9 11  8 1
Cain Myrmidon 7 60 22 10 0 16 13  5  4 0
Abel Mage     8 07 24  4 3  9  8  5  3 3
Wrys Curate   6 47 17  0 5  7  7  4  3 8
Barst Fighter 6 84 27 11 0  7 10  7  6 0
Naba Myrmidon 6 36 22  7 0  9 12  9  8 0

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  • 3 weeks later...

A triple treat, because I kept forgetting to do this.

Chapter 5 - 11

Marth and Barst tanked the cavaliers in the east, while Hardin's squad did their best not to provoke any enemies. After the western archers and cavaliers were finished, Marth's squad moved up slowly to recruit Wendell for his gear. The thieves, who had ransacked the village, were killed. The two groups joined at the bridge, and Hardin's group retreated to safety, Wolf finished the pegasus knight, and Abel, Barst and Marth killed the knights

and the boss.

Chapter 6 - 18

On turn 2, the closest knight was killed, and Barst stood in range of the mage with a Hand Axe. I was not in range of the two archers above the entrance, so I only had to clear two knights and an archer on turn 3. Barst was positioned in front of the northern entrance by turn 3, forcing the thieves to detour. It required at least one archer to miss Cain at ~70 hit. :/: Turn 4, Barst stepped back to weaken the archer in the entrance, who was finished by Nabarl. Next turn, the cavalier who attacked Nabarl was killed by Barst, and Abel, Wolf and Marth teamed up to remove the other cavalier. Marth was in range of the Armorslayer thief. Cain nipped out to finish the other archer, which put him in range of the Robe thief. From there, it was a matter of taking on the enemies one at a time, since nobody is durable enough to take more than two hits and staff healing is still quite weak (not to mention expensive).

Chapter 7 - 18

The village is not worth visiting. Barst tanked the fliers on turn 2, and they were taken down on turn 3. After healing, Cain moved to below the save point, so he could

reach the western fort in two turns. On the same turn, Barst was next to him, ready to block the nearest fort. Barst weakened the reinforcements, while the others finished them when safe. Barst moved to block the southern fort in the turn they didn't appear; Nabarl took his place. One knight attacked him, and was finished by Marth. Apparently, forts take up 3 move, so Barst Hammered the second knight and managed to dodge a 49% Javelin hit from a reinforcement. Rickard relieved Cain, and Wrys relieved Nabarl. Harmein was weakened so he had 29 HP at the start of the PP. Barst attacked with the Hammer; I figured if one attack missed, Abel could finish. Both attacks missed. :facepalm: I had to use up a Physic in order for Barst to survive. :facepalm: And then the priest healed Harmein. :facepalm: :facepalm: It ended up taking a lot longer than I would have liked, but since Wolf procced Magic after the second save, I couldn't restart.

Name  Class    Level HP St M Sk Sp Lk D R
Marth Lord     10.30 25  9 0  8 10 15 8 1
Cain  Myrmidon 10.21 25 11 0 18 16  6 4 0
Abel  Mage     12.93 26  4 5 11 10  5 3 4
Wrys  Curate    8.72 17  0 5  8  7  5 3 9
Barst Fighter  11.43 31 14 0 10 13  8 7 0
Nabar Myrmidon 10.13 25  9 0 12 15 12 8 0
Wolf  Sorcerer  5.49 28  3 3  4  6  5 5 4
Rick  Thief     1.57 Base

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Chapter 8 - 11

Two newbies in this chapter, one decent, one... not so much. Navarre held the front lines, with Barst and Abel backing him up. Cain relieved Navarre, and then when the time was right, Marth, Caesar and the rest broke through. Briefly considered grinding against the remaining enemies while Marth attacked the throne, but five aggressive reinforcements per turn made it a bad idea. I'll save the grinding for people who need it.

Chapter 9 - 13

Getting the Wyrmslayer weapon is no problem... if you have a flier. So, Mannu went down the old-fashioned way; with tomes. Marth detoured to get the Silver Bow.


Marth Lord 11 26 9 0 9 11 16 8 1

Cain Myrmidon 12 26 11 0 19 17 8 5 0

Abel Mage 14 27 5 5 12 11 5 3 5

Wrys Curate 9 17 0 5 8 8 5 3 10

Barst Fighter 13 33 15 0 10 13 10 8 0

Nabar Myrmidon 11 26 10 0 13 15 12 8 0

Wolf Sorcerer 6 30 3 3 5 7 5 6 4

Rick Thief 1 Base

Caesar Merc 5 23 8 0 9 15 6 9 0

Radd Curate 1 Base

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Chapter 10 - 22

For an army supposedly caught on the back foot, they sure can call reinforcements quickly. A mad rush to the entrance, both to get the items and to avoid a rampaging horde of cavalry. Wolf, Cain and Navarre held off that army, Wolf getting a ton C and W experience. This left the northern squad short of firepower appropriate for Hero-killing, so it took a while for him to go down. The best axe self-recruited, and the armor-killing units killed the boss squad.

Name  Class    Level HP St M Sk Sp Lk D R
Marth Lord     13.32 27 10 0 10 13 17 8 1
Cain  Myrmidon 13.60 27 11 0 19 17  9 5 0
Abel  Mage     16.32 28  5 6 12 13  5 3 5
Wrys  Curate   10.84 17  0 5  8  8  5 3 11
Barst Fighter  14.42 34 15 0 11 13 10 8 0
Nabar Myrmidon 13.16 28 11 0 13 17 13 8 0
Wolf  Sorcerer  8.01 33  4 4  6  9  6 7 4
Rick  Thief     1.72 Base
Caesar Merc     7.09 23  8 0  9 15  6 9 0
Radd  Curate    3.38 19  1 1  2  4  3 5 7
Maria Archer    3.51 17  5 1  4  4  0 9 0

Edited by Baldrick
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