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I need fighting game sprites


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You guys know MUGEN, right? 2D fighting game engine? Well, I would like to make a Fire Emblem character on it.

I'm aware that this is a rather monumental task, but fear not. I'm very experienced with MUGEN, as this video demonstrates:

I can put together a good character. Except in one department: sprites. I can code well, but I have little artistic talent.

I've already decided that I want to use the GBA sprites, but I need more. A fighting game character consists of more than just a standing animation, an attack animation or two, and a dodge animation. And thus comes my request: I need the help of the talented people here to fill in the blanks. The character also needs to crouch, walk, run, jump, dash, block, get hit, and more. Draw the sprites that I ask for, and I promise you I'll make a great fighting game character out of them.

That is all. I eagerly await your response.

Oh yeah, and the character I wanna make? Well... my avatar should answer that.

Edited by Baby Bonnie Hood
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Wow, impatient much?

First, consider that most of the folks here generally work with Fire Emblem styled sprites. Something the size of a MUGEN sprite is out of the comfort zone of folks whose spriting expertise is limited to ctrl+c and ctrl+v.

Second, look at just about any sprite sheet of a fighting game character. Those things have a lot of frames. A LOT. And the amount of work that goes into making sure those frames flow is beyond that of a FE sprite because they aren't looping animations, and, as said before, the scale is much bigger.

Not saying I'll do it, and not saying nobody here will. Just wait.

Edited by The Blind Archer
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Use the what?

You're gonna have to clarify that. Isn't it a monster from FE8?

consider that most of the folks here generally work with Fire Emblem styled sprites. Something the size of a MUGEN sprite is out of the comfort zone of folks whose spriting expertise is limited to ctrl+c and ctrl+v.

I have considered that, in fact. I don't need the sprites at normal size, the small sprites of the GBA FEs are fine by me. In fact, it'll probably get her done more quickly.

Edited by Baby Bonnie Hood
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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems I have just as much luck asking here as I do on MUGEN forums. Why oh why can't I draw well? I wouldn't need to bother anyone otherwise.

I don't want to make an entire MUGEN game (that's too ambitious, look what happened to that Fire Emblem MUGEN game), just one single character with tiny GBA sprites. But I guess even that is still too much to ask for... :(

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I don't mean to sound harsh or anything but no one knows what you are capable of and you haven't said anything to make anyone interested to help you. There is nothing wrong with asking for help but you can't expect someone to blindly jump on board to do a large request. It is their spare time and it is voluntary.

Just look at some of the popular hacks on this board: They're high quality, they're probably going to be finished, they're popular, and because of that a lot of people want to be a part of it.

When I look at your request, all I see is some guy wanting a lot of work done just so he can see something he wants to. And that's fine but it just isn't a reason for someone to want to help you. You shouldn't be complaining if someone isn't willing to help you, that's just life.

I do hope that someone does help you but it isn't going to be me and I don't think you're going to find said person easily(plus there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of spriters here who make battle sprites).

But best of luck and I hope this doesn't come off as mean or bitchy(because it wasn't intended to be).

Edited by eCut
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You're right, I'm an idiot. Why haven't I shown a demonstration of my MUGEN works?

I'm gonna fix that. Here:

I coded both of those characters (and drew one of them, which took way too long and the end result isn't still very good anyway). I can make an FE character that plays as good as them. I just can't draw them, hence my plea for help here.

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Well I personally have no idea what that is so I'd be of no help at all XD And I don't battle sprite anyway


If I were you I'd edit that part into the first post because if they don't see anything in the first post, people are probably very likely to just leave the topic immediately.

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You're right, I'm an idiot. Why haven't I shown a demonstration of my MUGEN works?

I'm gonna fix that. Here:

I coded both of those characters (and drew one of them, which took way too long and the end result isn't still very good anyway). I can make an FE character that plays as good as them. I just can't draw them, hence my plea for help here.

Never called you an idiot but that was my bad . :P

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Even with a demonstration that you know what you're doing, etc., eCut pretty much hit the nail on the head in her post. The fact of the matter is, most FE spriters stick with face sprites; the few that do delve into doing battle sprite stills either don't often do full-blown animations or, for the ones that do, they do the animations for projects that they're already knee-deep in. Plus, as The Blind Archer mentioned, you're also basically requiring that whoever does this animation needs to at least have some mastery of producing frames from scratch, which is only going to further limit your pool of possibilities. (Granted, most people that make full animations have this ability, but again, they're mostly busy with their own projects.)

I wish you luck, but I wouldn't be too hopeful about getting any takers. :/

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Oh well, it was worth a shot.

Maybe I'll go ahead and make her anyway. The blanks will probably be filled with lame placeholder sprites resulting in her looking like a joke, but I really wanna make her.....

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Yes, it's quite a conundrum. The MUGEN community doesn't care much for FE, and the FE community doesn't care much for MUGEN.

And the only one who cares about both enough to want to combine the two can't draw D:

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