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I knew that would happen as soon as Kay said yes.

90% sure Kay is scum. And since one of rein/slayer must be scum I'm going to:

##Send Slayer, Kirsche, Proto and Blitz

Let's see how this goes.

I liked your previous team better and I don't like this team much so my vote on this mission will be a no.(Yes, I like Slayer better than Rein for this mission)

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Oh hey and now something interesting's happened (sabotaged mission) could everyone PM me a list of who you trust, in order. I'd just like to see it for curiosity and in case I write much in the postgame.

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Thats rather interesting.

hmmm... For now i would like to know why Kay voted yes, despite kirsche, me, and i think rein being at the bottom of her list.

I wanted to see what happened. Now we have more information. Was it worthwhile? Maybe, maybe not.

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I wanted to see what happened. Now we have more information. Was it worthwhile? Maybe, maybe not.

wouldn't it have been more advantageous for you to have said yes to Proto's proposal?(because it had you in it and it would have been better for you to figure out who is scum?)

but iirc, you said no to that one

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I wanted to see what happened. Now we have more information. Was it worthwhile? Maybe, maybe not.

My bullshit detectors are off the chart.

Yes, I like Slayer better than Rein for this mission

I sent rein instead of slayer because Kay said yes to the missions slayer was on M1.

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Every mission counts. Especially as she didn't hold the belief that you should just blindly vote yes. I just have a gut feeling.

well, if you put it that way, I have a gut feeling(no it is not a gut feeling, this actually makes sense in my head and I don't want to point it out just yet) that Slayer is not a spy

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Well do share your reasoning before I just say yes to this mission and we potentially have another lost mission on our hands.

look at the missions so far that took place, and you will see a trend.

you will also see why it was super scummy of you to have switched the team like that once you find the trend

the trend has nothing to do with posting in the thread.

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I can see that lots of people are putting slayer in to their missions, and that people say yes a lot when slayer is in their missions. Rein has been relatively out of the spotlight. The fact that everyone agrees to slayer being in their missions makes me suspect that his cylon partner is wanting him in said mission. So.. yeah, that's why I think slayer is scum.

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I can see that lots of people are putting slayer in to their missions, and that people say yes a lot when slayer is in their missions. Rein has been relatively out of the spotlight. The fact that everyone agrees to slayer being in their missions makes me suspect that his cylon partner is wanting him in said mission. So.. yeah, that's why I think slayer is scum.

stick to mission 2s please

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Team with Kay me and rein on is heavily opposed. Team with slayer gets passed even though both me and rein are the same. Aka, slayer is getting supported still which supports my theory.

Not that 2 missions is really a trend.

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Team with Kay me and rein on is heavily opposed. Team with slayer gets passed even though both me and rein are the same. Aka, slayer is getting supported still which supports my theory.

Not that 2 missions is really a trend.

actually, I was wrong, there is no trend, but ALL the info we need to decide on the rest of the teams are present in the unsent mission 2.1(thanks Proto, if some one one is getting MVP, it should be you).

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Team with Kay me and rein on is heavily opposed. Team with slayer gets passed even though both me and rein are the same. Aka, slayer is getting supported still which supports my theory.

Not that 2 missions is really a trend.

I see what blitz mean, Kay kirsche and Rein are on one team. We all suspect that Kay is a spy, atleast most of us have our suspicion on her. She voted no on that mission though. Why was that? It could be that another spy was in said mission, in which case she did not want to risk having a double sabotage.

Edited by SlayerX
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That is a good point, and if that is what blitz meant, then ok, although blitz this is getting really tiring. Just outright say what you think instead of constantly doing this retarded waltz around the actual point you're trying to make.

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actually, I was wrong, there is no trend, but ALL the info we need to decide on the rest of the teams are present in the unsent mission 2.1(thanks Proto, if some one one is getting MVP, it should be you).


what I want to say is that we cannot send Kevin and Rein on this mission, because this is the last trial and error mission we have.

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did you get what Slayer just said?

Yes, but I don't see how it stops trial and error missions or whatever. Tbh I have no idea what goes on in that head of yours.

Cat got your tongue, Kevin?

No its I'm not on here every 5 seconds. This BS needs to stop now.

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I wanted to see what happened. Now we have more information. Was it worthwhile? Maybe, maybe not.

Somebody didn't read my walls of text or even the TL;DRs that followed them. Voting for reasons that have nothing to do with the team being sent is exactly what made us lose in Resistance II. But it's only when we agree to vote seriously that we can extract patterns from them. Because Spies need to make their votes carefully. From a Spy's perspective, a Yes vote on a Spy-less proposal could give the Resistance an extra point, while a No vote on a proposal with a Spy could be a wasted opportunity that might be followed by a Spy-less proposal. So regardless of whom the Spies claim to trust, they need to be serious with their votes. And right now, it seems very likely that Kay is a Spy, and knowing that one of Reinfleche/Slayer/Kirsche is a Spy, decided to vote Yes to ensure that the proposal succeeds and the mission gets sabotaged.

Kirsche, I don't know what you think, but I find that it's much more likely to get a success out of this mission by sending in BOTH Spies and hoping that neither of them sabotages the mission. Yes, that is very unlikely but I find that the possibility of one of us correctly guessing EXACTLY who the two Spies are, and choosing the absolutely perfect team for it to be even more unlikely. If both Spies sabotage this mission, it's still good for us, since we'll have two confirmed clears and our chances of getting through the next missions will be better.

Looking at the mission list, in our current situation, it seems that we MUST succeed at least one 4-man mission, and also another mission that's either 4-man or 3-man. I think it's pretty obvious that our best chance lies with completing a 3-man mission and a 4-man mission. And of course, our chances of winning the last 4-man mission are higher than this 4-man mission, since we'd have more information to work with. So I think right now, we should focus on using this proposal to gain as much information as possible, because we are going to lose if we screw up on Mission 4 (3-man).

Anyhow, regarding the whole discussion about which of Reinfleche/Slayer/Kirsche is the Spy, I agree with Blitzy in that Mission 2 is where the information became relevant, and that Mission 1 can be ignored. Looking at 2.1, it kinda implies that Slayer is NOT a Spy. He wasn't sent on the mission and yet, the Spies downvoted it. Kay was on the team but she herself downvoted it. My guess is that Mission 2.1 had two Spies, with Kay and one of Reinfleche/Kirsche, which is why even the Spies downvoted it.

Edited by Kiku-Ichimonji
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What you said is true Proto,but for your sending both spies on the same mission to work,we cannot send all four of them (by this I simply mean to say that if we send everyone excepting the two of us,I know I am clean and your actions would only make any sense at all if you are clean too)even if both spies sabotage the mission we will still not be any closer to finding who is scum and who is not since we already know that one of Kevin,Slayer and Rein is scum and Kay is most likely (I think it is 100% though) scum.

so our only option is to send both spies with the two of us, but that would be the same as finding both scum members and hunting them down.

so, Proto, are you suggesting that our text team be me,you,Kay and someone else like Kevin?

or me, you, Slayer and Rein/Kevin?

personally I like the second option better,but I will let you decide.

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Look, I voted yes because it was the scummiest team IMO, and sending multiple spies seemed like it was better than sending one, because there might be multiple sabotages or none. I'm not very good at this game as resistance, apparently. Sorry about that.

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