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Perhaps indeed. I may even write a screen play!

Say, does anyone remember my first post or their own first? I remember mine like what an isotope is...which is to say its very clear in my mind.

My first post was "BURN!!! xD"

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Emerald already came up with The Last to Post Wins: The Animation. I'll write another script or something!

lol I remember the first script. XD

Can I read it?

My first post was "BURN!!! xD"

My first posts was accusing Block of having a crush on Jill Fizzart (not entirely untrue) and then Crizix got really weirded out by it Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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[spoiler=SRW A Playthrough]Scenario 14 – Peace liberation forces

Looks like they’ve been constant earthquakes recently. It seems these are artificially created though, thanks to the past Colony Drops and now the firings of the Mass Driver. Meanwhile at the Balmling base, Xehanort is angry at this, and hardens his resolves to eliminate the humans so the Balmlings can get their new home as beautiful as it is. However, Bacteriophage comes in reporting the latest one tore down part of the prison’s outer walls, and this place being underwater, you can guess where this is going. Xehanort is quick to order the hole to be patched up. Now wasn’t your sister death to you, what caused the change of heart? Hah, he still cares…

Meanwhile, the quake also broke the lock of Paulina’s cell, so she takes this chance to escape. However, the sea water had other plans! Looks like she got swept out the castle.

Back in the Nadesico, we’ll be heading now to pick up the new battleship, the Nahel Argama. Fortunately for us, it arrived at the base after the Mass Driver attack, so it’s unscathed. Also, parts for the Super Robot have begun to get scares too, so we’ll also look into that. Lastly, we’ll be getting more supplemental pilots as well, two in fact. One is PrincessKilvas, coming with the Re-GZ, which is part of the Zeta Project. The other it’s a transfer from Luna Two. However, he comes with little to no data, it seems it got erased. Zerker thinks it’s a problem with the Federation’s control system, but Nightmare has a strange feeling about that.

That bit about no data makes me comment I’m the same in a sense, which makes them think back on the mysterious enemies. I understand it makes me a bit suspicious now, though I still explain about the contact with Amelia and about this mission thing anyway. And apparently that saves Tangerine the trouble of interrogating me later, heh.

Zerker says he’s concerned about the contact, but picking up the Nahel Argama, Super Robot parts, and supplemental pilots takes priority. Meanwhile, I did hid, however, the bit about the fixed-up part, since I want to look into in detail personally first.

Back with the Balmlings, it seems Xehanort has given up on finding his sister. The prison wall has been fixed, but the restoration of the facility itself, it looks like things are taking longer than expected due to their lack of laborers. Also they note that their delayed invasion is angering Minister Randoman back in Small Balm. Bacteriophage suggests they attack a Federation base to get both materials and slaves, to which Xehanort approves of the idea and sends Troykv to do the job. Well gee, I wonder which base it’s gonna be… just guess…

As expected, we receive a distress call from the base, and so we get moving too.

As planned, Xehanort orders the mechas destroyed but the pilots captured alive. For now there are only Feddies and Kilivas defending the damaged base, so they gotta hold on until we arrive.

Stage begin!


PrincessKilvas (Lv15) – Re-GZ [bWS]

Federation Soldier (Lv14) – Dragoon x4


YoungXehanort (Lv17) – Gurnroll

Troykv (Lv16) – Battle Robo Dali [ball]

Bacteriophage (Lv16) – Battle Robo Dali [ball]

AI (Lv15) – Battle Robo Dali [Humanoid] x8

AI (Lv14) – Battle Robo Zubanza x10

Not a good start. The Feds will probably won’t last long, and they’re AI-controlled anyway. Fortunately, we arrive not that soon after.

However, it seems the deck is too crowded to scramble units. Though let’s think for a moment. Something happened to Paulina, and the Balmlings are here… yeah, that’s right! Elieson can deploy! Gee, didn’t see that one coming, did ya? Anyway, after him, Samven and ZM are free to deploy too, and it seems that’s it for now.

Party reinforce

AceTactician (Lv13) – Nadesico

Elieson (Lv15) – Daimos

Samven (Lv14) – Aestevalis Samven [Air]

ZM (Lv9) – Aestevalis ZM [Air]

Xehanort is angry at seeing Elieson. He tells him about what happened to Paulina. Elieson thinks it’s a lie to make him loose his will to fight, but Xehanort just scoffs he’d come up with a better lie. He declares that if Paulina hadn’t fallen in love with him, all this wouldn’t have happened, so for this and for the sake of his people, he’ll defeat Elieson here and now. At this Elieson’s morale ups by 10. Kilvas worries that those 3 are the only back-up, but it will take some time for the rest of the forces to sortie. Also she reveals the other pilot is late, so it looks like we’re still struggling in numbers, especially when the Aestevalises can’t move far from the Nadesico.

However, some turns later, we can finally deploy.

Party reinforce

AceNoctali (Lv17) – Shining Gundam

AcaciaSgt (Lv17) – Soulgain

Pikachu (Lv16) – Dragonar Type-3 Lifter

Ciarre (Lv16) – Diana A

Gregor (Lv16) – Dragonar Type-1 Lifter

Lux (Lv16), Raven (Lv16), ClLoulD (Lv16) – Getter Robo

JamesBCrazy (Lv14) – Daitarn 3

AstraLunaSol (Lv14) – Mazinger Z

Nightmare (Lv14) – Full-Armor Gundam

LordeMonde (Lv13) – Super Gundam

Xehanort can retreat here, once that or his defeat happens, he plans to activate the self-destruct. But before he can do that, another Balmling appears. It’s Noob7, who tells Xehanort it’s foolish to try such thing, so Xehanort stops. He has come to Earth as well. He states to Londo Bell he isn’t here to fight… yet, but he has left some new friends to play with, and leaves with Xehanort.

Looks like the Balmlings come with new mecha designs, but fortunately for us, the other supplementary pilot finally arrives to help us out. He comes in the Hyakku Shiki, also part of the Zeta Project. However, it seems both Nightmare and Ayanami recognize this person. And if it’s these two in specific… yeah, he ain’t fooling them, with that new uniform and shades, its CA alright! Well, he’s in “disguise” and under a different name, but I’ll keep referring him as CA for simplicity’s sake.

Party Reinforce

CaptainAmerica (Lv16) – Hyakku Shiki

Enemy Reinforce

AI (Lv15) – Mecha Warrior Zonnekeizer x6

Secret alert!

And we’re back with the X unit with Y kills at Z stage. CA needs 30 by the end of Scenario 31.

After this no more surprises come, it’s a standard rout stage.

At the Balmling base, Troykv wonders who Noob7 is, and Bacteriophage berates him for not knowing who he is. He’s one of Balm’s famous genius scientists, and a long-time friend of Xehanort. Looks like Randoman ordered Noob7 to now command the Earth invasion forces, and for Xehanort to go back to Small Balm. Xehanort protests, and Noob7 tells him he was ordered to kill him if he refused. However, as his friend, Noob7 tells him instead to kill him. This shocks Xehanort, and Noob7 says to kill him and pass it as an accident on the way to Earth, so that Xehanort can still be in command. However, he too won’t do that to his friend, and so concedes in passing the command to Noob7. However, he asks for one last battle against Elieson and Daimos, so Noob7 agrees, saying his intellect if his to command.

Back with us, we finally have the Nahel Argama, and Kilvas and CA now give proper introductions. Ninji is surprised to see Kilvas here, and when asked, they reveal they’re lovers. Oh great, this new battleship didn’t came alone it seems. *shot* Anyway, Nightmare still wonders why CA is here, and he says RedFox sent him. Tangerine confirms this since she also sent a report about it. Zerker silently notes that the report’s contents reveal that he’s really CA, but he just accepts it and joins the charade as well.

Meanwhile others of the group are touring the Nahel Argama, they note it’s not like the Nadesico, but so long they no longer have troubles sortieing, it will be fine. However, they worry about Elieson, since of what was revealed this last battle.

Paulina finally returns to consciousness, and find herself face to face with a Federation Soldier. He reveals she’s in a Federation submarine, and Paulina seems to accept her fate. However, the soldier knows who she is, and then she gets more surprised to see a Balmling soldier appear too. They reveal they’re actually the Peace Liberation Forces. Huh…

Back in the Nahel Argama, Ayanami finds CA. CA tries to keep his disguise, but he isn’t fooling her. Ayanami states that if his intention is to keep hiding his identity, even now, she understands, and asks him if Operation Stardust changed him. CA drops the charade for a bit, telling her to judge him by his actions from now on.

Elsewhere Elison is indeed worrying about Paulina. The others cheer him up saying even Xehanort couldn’t find her body, so there’s still the chance she is alive. This seems to do the trick.

Back with Paulina, she is brought up to their leader, who is none other than Shirley! Looks like she gathered up people from both sides who want peace, and now work together to make it a reality. Paulina is happy to learn this, and Shirley states what they need to do know is to keep gathering members. Paulina states she wants to head back to Small Balm to find more peace-wanting Balmlings, and Shirley says she’ll do the same here with the Earthlings.

So Paulina will head back to Small Balm, to contact the Liberation memebers who are already at Small Balm. She regrets it means she won’t see Elieson for quite some time, and that it will be time he won’t know what became of her, but understands that once peace comes, it will be all the better for not just their love, but their respective peoples too.

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Shhhhhhhhh. >__> I forgot though.

Forgot what?

[spoiler=SRW A Playthrough]Scenario 14 – Peace liberation forces

Looks like they’ve been constant earthquakes recently. It seems these are artificially created though, thanks to the past Colony Drops and now the firings of the Mass Driver. Meanwhile at the Balmling base, Xehanort is angry at this, and hardens his resolves to eliminate the humans so the Balmlings can get their new home as beautiful as it is. However, Bacteriophage comes in reporting the latest one tore down part of the prison’s outer walls, and this place being underwater, you can guess where this is going. Xehanort is quick to order the hole to be patched up. Now wasn’t your sister death to you, what caused the change of heart? Hah, he still cares…

Meanwhile, the quake also broke the lock of Paulina’s cell, so she takes this chance to escape. However, the sea water had other plans! Looks like she got swept out the castle.

Back in the Nadesico, we’ll be heading now to pick up the new battleship, the Nahel Argama. Fortunately for us, it arrived at the base after the Mass Driver attack, so it’s unscathed. Also, parts for the Super Robot have begun to get scares too, so we’ll also look into that. Lastly, we’ll be getting more supplemental pilots as well, two in fact. One is PrincessKilvas, coming with the Re-GZ, which is part of the Zeta Project. The other it’s a transfer from Luna Two. However, he comes with little to no data, it seems it got erased. Zerker thinks it’s a problem with the Federation’s control system, but Nightmare has a strange feeling about that.

That bit about no data makes me comment I’m the same in a sense, which makes them think back on the mysterious enemies. I understand it makes me a bit suspicious now, though I still explain about the contact with Amelia and about this mission thing anyway. And apparently that saves Tangerine the trouble of interrogating me later, heh.

Zerker says he’s concerned about the contact, but picking up the Nahel Argama, Super Robot parts, and supplemental pilots takes priority. Meanwhile, I did hid, however, the bit about the fixed-up part, since I want to look into in detail personally first.

Back with the Balmlings, it seems Xehanort has given up on finding his sister. The prison wall has been fixed, but the restoration of the facility itself, it looks like things are taking longer than expected due to their lack of laborers. Also they note that their delayed invasion is angering Minister Randoman back in Small Balm. Bacteriophage suggests they attack a Federation base to get both materials and slaves, to which Xehanort approves of the idea and sends Troykv to do the job. Well gee, I wonder which base it’s gonna be… just guess…

As expected, we receive a distress call from the base, and so we get moving too.

As planned, Xehanort orders the mechas destroyed but the pilots captured alive. For now there are only Feddies and Kilivas defending the damaged base, so they gotta hold on until we arrive.

Stage begin!


PrincessKilvas (Lv15) – Re-GZ [bWS]

Federation Soldier (Lv14) – Dragoon x4


YoungXehanort (Lv17) – Gurnroll

Troykv (Lv16) – Battle Robo Dali [ball]

Bacteriophage (Lv16) – Battle Robo Dali [ball]

AI (Lv15) – Battle Robo Dali [Humanoid] x8

AI (Lv14) – Battle Robo Zubanza x10

Not a good start. The Feds will probably won’t last long, and they’re AI-controlled anyway. Fortunately, we arrive not that soon after.

However, it seems the deck is too crowded to scramble units. Though let’s think for a moment. Something happened to Paulina, and the Balmlings are here… yeah, that’s right! Elieson can deploy! Gee, didn’t see that one coming, did ya? Anyway, after him, Samven and ZM are free to deploy too, and it seems that’s it for now.

Party reinforce

AceTactician (Lv13) – Nadesico

Elieson (Lv15) – Daimos

Samven (Lv14) – Aestevalis Samven [Air]

ZM (Lv9) – Aestevalis ZM [Air]

Xehanort is angry at seeing Elieson. He tells him about what happened to Paulina. Elieson thinks it’s a lie to make him loose his will to fight, but Xehanort just scoffs he’d come up with a better lie. He declares that if Paulina hadn’t fallen in love with him, all this wouldn’t have happened, so for this and for the sake of his people, he’ll defeat Elieson here and now. At this Elieson’s morale ups by 10. Kilvas worries that those 3 are the only back-up, but it will take some time for the rest of the forces to sortie. Also she reveals the other pilot is late, so it looks like we’re still struggling in numbers, especially when the Aestevalises can’t move far from the Nadesico.

However, some turns later, we can finally deploy.

Party reinforce

AceNoctali (Lv17) – Shining Gundam

AcaciaSgt (Lv17) – Soulgain

Pikachu (Lv16) – Dragonar Type-3 Lifter

Ciarre (Lv16) – Diana A

Gregor (Lv16) – Dragonar Type-1 Lifter

Lux (Lv16), Raven (Lv16), ClLoulD (Lv16) – Getter Robo

JamesBCrazy (Lv14) – Daitarn 3

AstraLunaSol (Lv14) – Mazinger Z

Nightmare (Lv14) – Full-Armor Gundam

LordeMonde (Lv13) – Super Gundam

Xehanort can retreat here, once that or his defeat happens, he plans to activate the self-destruct. But before he can do that, another Balmling appears. It’s Noob7, who tells Xehanort it’s foolish to try such thing, so Xehanort stops. He has come to Earth as well. He states to Londo Bell he isn’t here to fight… yet, but he has left some new friends to play with, and leaves with Xehanort.

Looks like the Balmlings come with new mecha designs, but fortunately for us, the other supplementary pilot finally arrives to help us out. He comes in the Hyakku Shiki, also part of the Zeta Project. However, it seems both Nightmare and Ayanami recognize this person. And if it’s these two in specific… yeah, he ain’t fooling them, with that new uniform and shades, its CA alright! Well, he’s in “disguise” and under a different name, but I’ll keep referring him as CA for simplicity’s sake.

Party Reinforce

CaptainAmerica (Lv16) – Hyakku Shiki

Enemy Reinforce

AI (Lv15) – Mecha Warrior Zonnekeizer x6

Secret alert!

And we’re back with the X unit with Y kills at Z stage. CA needs 30 by the end of Scenario 31.

After this no more surprises come, it’s a standard rout stage.

At the Balmling base, Troykv wonders who Noob7 is, and Bacteriophage berates him for not knowing who he is. He’s one of Balm’s famous genius scientists, and a long-time friend of Xehanort. Looks like Randoman ordered Noob7 to now command the Earth invasion forces, and for Xehanort to go back to Small Balm. Xehanort protests, and Noob7 tells him he was ordered to kill him if he refused. However, as his friend, Noob7 tells him instead to kill him. This shocks Xehanort, and Noob7 says to kill him and pass it as an accident on the way to Earth, so that Xehanort can still be in command. However, he too won’t do that to his friend, and so concedes in passing the command to Noob7. However, he asks for one last battle against Elieson and Daimos, so Noob7 agrees, saying his intellect if his to command.

Back with us, we finally have the Nahel Argama, and Kilvas and CA now give proper introductions. Ninji is surprised to see Kilvas here, and when asked, they reveal they’re lovers. Oh great, this new battleship didn’t came alone it seems. *shot* Anyway, Nightmare still wonders why CA is here, and he says RedFox sent him. Tangerine confirms this since she also sent a report about it. Zerker silently notes that the report’s contents reveal that he’s really CA, but he just accepts it and joins the charade as well.

Meanwhile others of the group are touring the Nahel Argama, they note it’s not like the Nadesico, but so long they no longer have troubles sortieing, it will be fine. However, they worry about Elieson, since of what was revealed this last battle.

Paulina finally returns to consciousness, and find herself face to face with a Federation Soldier. He reveals she’s in a Federation submarine, and Paulina seems to accept her fate. However, the soldier knows who she is, and then she gets more surprised to see a Balmling soldier appear too. They reveal they’re actually the Peace Liberation Forces. Huh…

Back in the Nahel Argama, Ayanami finds CA. CA tries to keep his disguise, but he isn’t fooling her. Ayanami states that if his intention is to keep hiding his identity, even now, she understands, and asks him if Operation Stardust changed him. CA drops the charade for a bit, telling her to judge him by his actions from now on.

Elsewhere Elison is indeed worrying about Paulina. The others cheer him up saying even Xehanort couldn’t find her body, so there’s still the chance she is alive. This seems to do the trick.

Back with Paulina, she is brought up to their leader, who is none other than Shirley! Looks like she gathered up people from both sides who want peace, and now work together to make it a reality. Paulina is happy to learn this, and Shirley states what they need to do know is to keep gathering members. Paulina states she wants to head back to Small Balm to find more peace-wanting Balmlings, and Shirley says she’ll do the same here with the Earthlings.

So Paulina will head back to Small Balm, to contact the Liberation memebers who are already at Small Balm. She regrets it means she won’t see Elieson for quite some time, and that it will be time he won’t know what became of her, but understands that once peace comes, it will be all the better for not just their love, but their respective peoples too.

Do you just make up these scenarios as you go, or do these things actually happen in your playthrough? xD

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[spoiler=SRW A Playthrough]Scenario 15 – Burning friendship

Back at Hyakki Empire, Levant is eager to get a match against the Getter Robo. Aethern tells him that soon, but Levant is getting impatient, and plans to go right now even if it means disobeying orders. Aethern is angry at this, but Kintenbo says that it’s alright, surprising Aethern. However, Kintenbo says that currently, going alone means all of Londo Bell opening fire, it’s best to wait until the Getter moves alone, like say, back to the Saotome Lab, and Levant is alright with this.

Kintenbo then contacts Shuuda. Both are aware the aliens have failed and may be doing movements independently from them, but Kintenbo has a plan now, to show their power now…

Back with us, our next destination is the Saotome Lab. Nergal has sent spare Aestevalis parts there, so we’d be picking both them and Super Robot parts in one move. Just then Ace arrives, stating she wanted to see the Nahel Argama, and notes that unlike the Nadesico, the captain actually has a seat, and asks if she can sit down for now. lol

So anyway, our next destination is to head back to Japan then. Tangerine says she’ll use this chance to contact the other labs, the Nanbara Connection and Big Falcon, where having their super robots will surely be a huge boost in our power. Zerker wants his seat back now, but everyone else humor he should go to the Nadesico instead. Zerker is not amused. lol

Elsewhere, the Getter and Mazinger teams contemplate in moving on ahead of the battleships. They reason that with the time it would take for repairs, it’s best to go now. The others state its fine, and I also want to go, just in case an enemy attacks them.

Meanwhile, the Hyakki detected the detach from the main force, and so Levant is ready to go too. Aethern points out Getter isn’t alone, and so will bring help in case the others want to interfere.

Back with us, they comment it would be my first time seeing the Saotome Labs, and apparently I have remembered there’s one more Getter Robo in existent. Hmm…

Just then, the Hyakki and Myceneans intercept us, and Levant announces his desire of a 1 on 1 match fight with Getter. However, since he isn’t alone we still are on alert on whatever else they might be planning.

Meanwhile at the Science Fortress Labs, they’ve detected we’re under attack. Knight however scoffs that Astra brought it upon himself to have come with so little company. However, GreenPoet has had enough, and hits him. She berates him, reminding him that they’re fighting for a peaceful world, and for people to not lost loved ones, and become like them, but if he’s still gonna be envious of Astra and the others, then fine, she’s leaving to help them out, alone if needed to. Knight is left speechless, but Sask tells him to not let it bother him, even if they’re not father and son, they still share a bond, and so must fight together to protect Japan. At this Knight is moved a little, and so decides to take off as well. Knight finally realizes how he has been hard on Astra out of envy, but now vows to help him out on good faith this time.

Back with us, Levant and the Getter begin their fight. However, Aethern and Shuuda suddenly attack both Getter and Mazinger! Yep, it was their plan all along. The attack on the Getter hit ClLoulD’s cockpit and he’s heavily injured! Levant protests, but Aethern just laughs, saying his humanism has no place in Hyakki Empire. He insists he had Kintenbo’s permission, but Aethern says the plan was Kintenbo’s all along! At this Levant has enough and defects to our side!

But before Aethern and Shuuda can act further, another mecha comes in. It’s TheFush, piloting… another Getter!? It’s the Getter G, and it’s ready for use. The Getter team switches to the Getter G, with TheFush taking over ClLoulD’s spot. The rest of the enemy appear, and the battle is on!

Stage begin!


AcaciaSgt (Lv17) – Soulgain

Lux (Lv16), Raven (Lv16), TheFush (Lv15) – Getter Robo G

AstraLunaSol (Lv14) – Mazinger Z

Levant (Lv16) – Mecha Levant Oni


Aethern (Lv17) – Mecha Yousaiki

Shuuda (Lv17) – Demon Fortress Demonika

Jean-Marc (Lv17) – Demon Fortress Demonika

AI (Lv15) – Warrior Beast Giran x2

AI (Lv15) – Warrior Beast Dokeider x2

AI (Lv15) – Mecha Emerald Oni x2

AI (Lv15) – Mecha Kakunenki x2

Secret alert!

Levant needs to survive the chapter in order to properly join us. He’s currently AI-controlled so it’s gonna be a bit tough to protect him. If he’s defeated here, however, he’ll die.

Poor Emerald. Not only is his character dead, but the mecha has now been degraded to mook-level. It’s actually standard for SRW to have mass-production of one-of-a-kind mechas from time to time. Oh well…

Anyway, standard stage. We might be outnumbered, but a couple turns in, Knight and GreenPoet arrive! Aethern is shocked, since last he knew, Knight and Astra weren’t on good terms, but now they’re past that and ready to strike! However, enemy reinforcements arrive in the form of the Campelli! At this it’s clear they have a base here on Earth, so let’s focus on these for now and search for it later.

Party reinforce

Knight (Lv16) – Great Mazinger

GreenPoet (Lv15) – Venus A

Enemy reinforce

Arieta (Lv18) – Sento Magma

Rey (Lv17) – Magma Beast Dackron

Hero-King (Lv17) – Magma Beast Great I

AI (Lv16) – Warrior Beast Gougra x4

AI (Lv16) – Warrior Beast Balcania x2

One turn later, the main force finally arrives. If Shuuda, Aethern, and/or Jean-March are still around, they retreat.

Party reinforce

Zerker (Lv14) – Nahel Argama

AceTactician (Lv16) – Nadesico

Pikachu (Lv18) – Dragonar Type-3 Lifter

AceNoctali (Lv17) – Shining Gundam

JamesBCrazy (Lv17) – Daitarn 3

CaptainAmerica (Lv16) – Hyakku Shikki

Nightmare (Lv16) – Full-Armor Gundam

Gregor (Lv16) – Dragonar Type-1 Lifter

Elieson (Lv16) – Daimos

Samven (Lv15) – Aestevalis Samven [Air]

PrincessKilvas (Lv15) – Re-GZ [bWS]

Arieta retreats in the usual HP gets low enough condition.

Once the battle is over, we survey over ClLoulD’s condition. If Lux got the 15 kills, ClLoulD’s condition will stabilize and will only need to rest a bit. Big relief. If the kill count wasn’t reached however, he will die. Good thing we avoided that, huh.

At the Nahel Argama’s bridge, Knight and GreenPoet are accepted into Londo Bell. Zerker worries about the labs, but they say the attacks have decreased, since they’re now prioritizing Londo Bell, so it’s best to be where they’d be needed the most.

On the deck, Raven wonders, with all the Getters with us, how is Cero gonna research the Getter Line now? However, I bring up about being one more Getter… huh. Hmm… anyway, the others are excited, that with them they are open to more possibilities of attack combinations. However, there’s the issue of the Getters being combination mechas. However, TheFush says he has some notes from Cero. It’s about a Getter Remodeling project. It’s gonna modify the Getter Robo to remain fixed as the Getter 1, but would only need one pilot to operate in its maximum capability. It’s a shame it will lose its staple as a transforming mecha, but it’s for the better this way.

Meanwhile back with the enemy alliance, Helios is angry they all acted out of orders. The underground dwellers vow to defeat Londo Bell even if it costs them their lives.

Back with us, if Levant survived, he wants to join up with us. But once this is all over, he wants to have his 1 on 1 fight with Getter. Zerker states that before that, he’ll be under his command, so no attempting to pick up fights before both him and Getter are out of Londo Bell’s registry, and Levant accepts. Monde wonders if it’s alright, and Tangerine notes it’s best to have him with us and on our side, than not accepting him and have to fight him again in the future as he looks for his match against Getter.

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Good morning everyone... I see a lot happend in the time I was gone....I missed all the excitement!


And you really didn't miss anything except complaints.

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I'm not in this, am I?

I think you are. But something bothers me. Your character has data in the game code, but apparently the game script I checked doesn't have any lines for him. So, expect your role to be very small in that case. Or the script is just incomplete.

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Speaking of him, he's not around as often anymore. What's up with that?

Yeah, I noticed.

Wait. Oh shit. I listed him as Kellam.

I think you are. But something bothers me. Your character has data in the game code, but apparently the game script I checked doesn't have any lines for him. So, expect your role to be very small in that case. Or the script is just incomplete.

That's fine. Hey, who is my character?

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