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The Last To Post Wins!


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grimdark eh? :Knoll:

Yes. And edgy.

I generally like fliers more....that involve pegasi.... so now I can jab people? And stuff them with tomes?

But but Wyvern Lords can jab people. But I see I see.

No, NM, grimdark does not mean emo. And fine, Breezy(?).

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ZM: Sniper

Zak: Sage

Ein: Hero

Cordelia: Dark Flier

David: Paladin

Kalas: Swordmaster

Sask: Great Knight

Richard: Dark Knight

Lucas: Sorcerer

BLS: Falcon Knight

DLV: Grandmaster

Me: General

NM: conquring Villager

Soul: War Monk

Breezy: Bow Knight

Hm, yes.

Edited by EmeraldFox
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NM: conquring Villager

Not with these caps I won't! *Picks out a spot on the bench and stays there*.

Also, I'm disappointed that nobody has taken the Newcomer: Villager pic from the new SSB and photoshopped Donnel's head on to it, yet.

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Ein is Agent E, he goes and stops that Doofin-something guy.

what is that

and I'm totally stopped that movie with only a few seconds in. >_>

Not with these caps I won't! *Picks out a spot on the bench and stays there*.

Also, I'm disappointed that nobody has taken the Newcomer: Villager pic from the new SSB and photoshopped Donnel's head on to it, yet.

You should do it then.

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Not with these caps I won't! *Picks out a spot on the bench and stays there*.

You're a Villager with Conquerer caps. No horse, you're pretty much a beefed up Soldier.

And yes, Doofinshmirtz.

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What? Gharnef...


Oh my. Look how you have grown. Heh heh...


You stay away from me!


How cold... That's no way to treat an old friend after all these years.


You're no friend of mine. I remember how you hypnotized me—the terrible things you made me do!


As do I...as do I. But here we are, teammates. We must work together. Or will you jeopardize the entire battle over some timeworn grudge?


I'll fight with you because my army demands it. But don't expect me to even pretend to trust you, you monster.


Heh. As you wish. There will be ample time to...win you over later.


Join me, and the whole world could be your plaything!


Uh huh. Sure it could. Are you going to offer me candy, too?

Waaaaiiit when did Gharnef become a rapist...? >_>
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