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What the heck? That sounds really stupid. :/

Did I mention we have in-class finals and state finals? And some teachers are dickish enough to where if you pass the final they assign, but fail the state exam, or vice versa, they fail you for the year.

I'm not really worried but NY is still dumb :L

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It's good to not be worried, but those restrictions...just a waste of time, IMO. My school just gave us finals and sent us off for three months. Summer school still exists, yeah, but I'm not an idiot, so I never have to worry about it.

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*catches DLV in a Pokeball*


"The Vaike needs a partner in his life that he can appreciate. He needs...the special bunny wife!"
Panne walked in, looking at Vaike and rolling her eyes at his idiocy. It was just another day in Chrom's army. "Special...bunny wife?" she asked incredulously, glaring at the fighter. "I'd rather eat a potato than socialize with intolerable man-spawn like you."
With a huff, she walked out of the barracks, leaving a flustered Vaike by himself. "H-Hey baby!" he cried out, leaving the room and pacing after the Taguel. "We're meant to be, don't ya see?!"
Meanwhile, Yarne from the future stared at the two, awestruck. "...THESE are my parents?" he muttered to himself. "...I'd better figure out how to get them hooked up...otherwise the taguel are going to die out!"
Yarne looked down at his hand, seeing it suddenly start to disappear. "T-This isn't good!" he gasped, sprinting to find assistance. "I need to find someone who can help me get to the bottom of this, or no more Taguel!"
The only other person in the room was Maribelle. She was looking at herself in a small handheld mirror, and she was not very pleased with her appearance. "Oh, my," she sniffed. "I do believe I'll have to go down to the shop later and buy more appliances for myself..."
"Maybe Brady's mom will help," Yarne thought, hiding his disappearing hand behind his back as he walked behind the newly promoted Valkyrie. "After all, she seems trustworthy enough."
Turning around, Maribelle gasped seeing Yarne and put her hand mirror away, glaring a bit at the Taguel boy. "Yarne, it isn't polite to sneak up behind people, you know. You could give a lady a heart attack. The nerve."
Yarne smiled sheepishly, running a hand through his blonde skunk stripe. "U-Um, sorry Mrs. Brady's mom. Well...I have a question regarding my parents."
Maribelle seemed to calm slightly. "Ah, Vaike and Panne. A pair I wouldn't imagine would hook up, but compliment each other rather well. What do you need to know, dear boy?" she asked curiously, smiling a bit.
"Progress!" Yarne cheered in his mind. "How did they, you know, hook up? Because...I think something disrupted the past."
As he said that, the Taguel showed the Valkyrie his disappearing hand, causing her to gasp. "This is...quite the strange phenomenon..." she spoke, grabbing the Taguel's non-vanishing hand. "Come on, dear boy. Maribelle will tell you all you need to know if it'll save yourself."
"Alright! One step closer to no extinction!"
"As you can quite tell," she began, "Vaike is kind of...lacking in the smarts section. He's more brawny, y'know? Your mother prefers those with intellect and those who are not human...as you can see, your father is automatically out of both of these departments. Perhaps if you can get your father to stop saying stupid things, maybe your mother will appreciate him more..."
"Any chance we can change things on my mother's end? Although I uh, hate to make them be different people..." Yarne scratched his neck.
"If you feel so poorly about this, we can always just tell them," Maribelle replied.
Yarne shook his head multiple times. "No, they got together as themselves..."
Maribelle straightened up quickly. "Well, I cannot accept a change of the future. Time has to run its course." She stamped the ground with her staff to accentuate her words. Yarne's eyebrows shot up. He began to think back...
"We can't change the past," Brady said.
"We don't have a choice. The present is completely worthless." I hated to agree, but Lucina's the smartest of us.
"Time has to run its course," Brady retorted, but Lucina had already jumped.
Closing his eyes, Yarne suddenly was deep in thought. Maribelle watched the Taguel think curiously until he opened his eyes, brimming with confidence.
"I...I think I know what to do," he declared. "If I can time travel back in time...like I did now...maybe...maybe I can convince them about me, their son. The last living Taguel. It's...It's quite the shot, and I don't know if I'll come back to THIS timeline, but I'm willing to do it."
Maribelle put a hand to her chin. "Do...do you honestly think that your plan will work? I don't want you to not exist, but changing the past is a bit crazy..."
Yarne smiled. "Hey, that's what Lucina, Cynthia, Brady, Noire, the others, and I are trying to accomplish coming back before Grima's rule, right?" he assured her. "I need to find a way to go back in time, though..."
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I thought I was going to Avatar solo LM, but I ended up training Chrom as well, and after that eventually came along Libra (who I can't not use), Tharja (because yes, I hate her), Anna (another of my favorites) and that stupid base level Lucy.

Why are you using Tharja if you hate her?

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That has nothing to do with the fic that ZM posted though.

Which was....interesting?

You rock for being the only one to take notice of my wall of test.

Thanks. It's still being written, though, and a few new parts were added.

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You rock for being the only one to take notice of my wall of test.

Thanks. It's still being written, though, and a few new parts were added.

Sure. :3

But it's Yarne.

Edited by Teddy Bear
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Yarne the Time Travling Bunny. With his prideful mother Panne and idiot father Vaike.

Hahaha Noire. 'Wh-what if it's someone I don't know?!'

Noire 2cute 4me amg

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oh yeah, Brady/Noire is the OTP. Even though I had her marry Inigo on my Hard file because she...was the only one left that was decent for Inigo... Nah is too cruel (read as: forceful) and I don't intend to use Kjelle at all. Even if I gave her Stahl as a father.

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She mostly goes crazy with Inigo when it involves his flirting with other girls... and I think maybe in A or S...

Wait, is Noire's support the same with female and male Avatar? I know Cynthia's isn't.

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