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I recognize FE10's story as bad, but I don't really hate the game like some people do.

I also don't love the game like some people do. :/

...It get's bonus points for having Titania in it though.Favoritism? I have no idea what you're talking about...

Edited by David the SecondWorld
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It gets bonus points for having Geoffrey who's basically Finn but not as manly(which is okay because being Finn is impossible for anyone but Finn)

If anything, it's commendable that Geoffrey got as far as he did trying to Finn.

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Not much seems to happen here.

School and jobs are already getting in the way as it is.


Yeah. =D

You don't get to use him ever again after that.

IS didn't give a shit about him...it seems.

That begins to happen around part 3, but it really goes to shit at part 4.

I never liked having a rebellious intent, but how can they trust each other right off the bat? It would have been nicer if they at least argued. :D

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Tingle is a money grubbing piece of crap to be honest. We get him out of jail for being a thief and he makes us pay an arm and a leg just to save the world. Jerk.

I actually like looking for the Triforce pieces.

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That's why you look for treasure that contains silver rupees before you start the Triforce quest, Lucas. I forgot, but what is the maximum amount of rupees you can carry in Wind Waker anyway.
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That's why you look for treasure that contains silver rupees before you start the Triforce quest, Lucas. I forgot, but what is the maximum amount of rupees you can carry in Wind Waker anyway.

5000. And if you get the wallet upgrades early, you should have enough or at least be close by the time you have to pay up anyways.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I think it was 5000, and I'm pretty sure even that wasn't enough to buy all the maps, you'd need like some pocket change over 5000 :<

Actually, you need a little under 3200 rupees to decipher them all.

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You need 3184 rupees, to be exact.

I love Wind Waker. Every fucking moment of it. The Triforce Quest didn't faze me at all. Sure Tingle, I'll play your sick game. And what a fun game it was. It brought so much exploration. And I encountered islands I didn't go to before and made notes to visit them in the future. Such fun.

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This is the first FE song I felt sentimental listening to. It's actually quite powerful.

Especially, while thinking about Emmeryn's sacrifice.

It prints eternally in my mind as she really meant it when she won't succumb to evil.

Edited by 綾波
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Emmeryn's tale is sad.

She is very softhearted. It must have been hard for her to drop off a cliff knowing that Gangrel didn't give a damn about anything except to see her dead and to have the Fire Emblem. Which she entrusted to Chrom. No one else. What Gangrel doesn't know is that this wavered his army's loyality (Knowing that they've only wanted peace and tranquility.) and Mustafa questioned his orders after Emmeryn sacrificed herself. She didn't like violence whatsoever. She only did what she had to do to get other people to understand that fighting is not the answer. If anyone has her softness, you'll understand. If she sacrificed herself for you to keep the Emblem, then you should protect it as long as you stand. I know that I will.

She is the bravest person beyond renown. When she did that, she really meant it! She will not succumb to evil. Plus, she didn't expect to live. Losing her memory is the same. She is dead. Emotionally.


Emmeryn. Deserves respect from anyone as not even Elincia, Eirika and Maria would ever do something like that. Even though they are kind hearted exactly like her. After her sacrifice to such a kind person always makes me listen to sad soundtracks like


these afterwards while imagining their honorable courageous sacrifice.

This is why that she gets my eternal respect as well as three astriks in the luv FE/TRS characters list.

Edited by 綾波
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