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but Shirley Star Fox games are linear like you're just flying in a ship going pew pew all the time unless the game is Assault or Adventures :s

but Assault is like 90% flying parts anyways

.............oh. I take back my previous statement then. :V

I'll go check it out sometime then. Starfox 64 3D huh.

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I'm sure they are, but I'm just as certain that I'll get lost as shit there too.

That's okay, the Starfox games aren't big on story anyway.

Just backstory supplied in the manuals and beginning of the game is all.

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Yarne and Lucina held hands and stared into each others' eyes. "Lucina," Yarne started, starting to blush. "You make me feel like...a better Taguel. I'm so glad you chose me out of everyone else in the army to be your lover..."

Stroking his face, Lucina smiled and started to blush herself. "Oh Yarne...compared to the others...well...Inigo's a pervert, Brady's kind of obnoxious, Owain's even more obnoxious, Gerome would rather snuggle with Minerva, and Laurent's too busy with his studies. BUT, you're absolutely amazing...especially after you ripped that mage in half. That was awesome."

Laughing, Yarne stroked his blonde skunk strip. "Haha, yeah...I didn't know I had it in me."

Lucina's smile brightened, her eyes sparkling. Resting her head on his chest, she sighed in content. "I love you, Yarne..." she whispered.

Running a hand through her long blue hair, Yarne closed his eyes and held the female lord close to him. "I love you, too, Lucina..." he whispered back, as happy as any Taguel (well, he's the only one left but shut up) could be.


Watching the scene, Vaike thumped Chrom on the back. "Well Chrom, looks like we're in-laws!" he cheered, laughing merrily as he ran off to tell Panne the news.

Chrom watched the scene in dismay. "I'm happy for Lucina and Yarne...but..I don't want to be semi-related to Vaike! NOOOOOOOOOO!" he screamed, falling to his knees and shaking his fists at the heavens.

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I don't think Chrom would react like that. >_> BUT OH GOD WHY ZM. BAD ZM. YARNE AND NAH. LUCINA AND GEROME OR OWAIN.

well you know what?


"Husband: Owain"

Otherwise, that was interesting to read.

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I don't think Chrom would react like that. >_> BUT OH GOD WHY ZM. BAD ZM. YARNE AND NAH. LUCINA AND GEROME OR OWAIN.

well you know what?


"Husband: Owain"

Otherwise, that was interesting to read.




Thanks. :D

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MAKE OWAIN HAPPEN. NOW. or I'm gonna tell Marthur to uh... uh... I dunno.

and who cares, this is Waifu/Incest Emblem, Emerald. :D

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I had it in memory that Incest Emblem was Genealogy...

Oh. Well, people were talking about it in the Awakening board so I guess FE13 is Incest Emblem 2.0? since it's the next game with marriages, I think...

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I had it in memory that Incest Emblem was Genealogy...

The only apparent cases of incest were Eldigan/Raquesis (even then, it was mostly rumors), Seliph/Julia, and Arvis/Deirdre.

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The only apparent cases of incest were Eldigan/Raquesis (even then, it was mostly rumors), Seliph/Julia, and Arvis/Deirdre.

That's only what happens regardless. By messing around with pairing combinations, you could add a truckload of other cases. And the second one doesn't really count. Glitching aside, that's one love that actually diminishes...

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The only apparent cases of incest were Eldigan/Raquesis (even then, it was mostly rumors), Seliph/Julia, and Arvis/Deirdre.

you could get a lot of incest if you got creative with the pairings

Claude/Sylvia had some incest undertones since Sylvia's implied to be Claude's daughter that was put up for adoption or something. Then if you don't pair those two, their kids would be incestous cousins if you pair them. Same goes for Briggid and Aideen's kids pairing up, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch of others.

Incest Emblem!

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That's only what happens regardless. By messing around with pairing combinations, you could add a truckload of other cases. And the second one doesn't really count. Glitching aside, that's one love that actually diminishes...

And they didn't know they were related until the end of the game, anyway, so yeah.

I know about the cousincest.

Oh yeah, and Claude/Sylvia, too. And no, Claude's sister. Not daughter.

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you could get a lot of incest if you got creative with the pairings

Claude/Sylvia had some incest undertones since Sylvia's implied to be Claude's daughter that was put up for adoption or something. Then if you don't pair those two, their kids would be incestous cousins if you pair them. Same goes for Briggid and Aideen's kids pairing up, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch of others.

Incest Emblem!

Uh, dude, no... just no.... it was Claude's long-lost sister. And I don't think it counts since I believe it was somewhere on the designer's notes stating Sylvia is not that sister.

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I combat your Lucina/Yarne with this, ZM:

It pained Owain to see Cynthia with such a frown on her face. The usually chipper and beautiful face was now drawn with frowns and her eyes looked as though they were about to burst into tears any moment now. Along with sad expression, the shivering from the girl was also blatantly obvious to Lissa's son. If anyone else was looking on this, it would seem as if Owain had been bullying her. Unable to refrain himself any longer, Owain moved closer to Cynthia and took her into his arms. With the girl tightly wrapped in his arms, he could smell the fresh scent of her hair wafting into his nose.

Cynthia was completely taken aback by the boy's actions, but she did not fight it. Instead, she stayed motionless in his arms and rested her head on his torso. Her hands loosened on her lap as her right hand reached for Owain's torso, resting on it below her face. She could feel the slow but steady heartbeat from his chest, a soothing beat against her worries.

If you don't recognize where this is originally from, I'll hurt you so badly, ZM.

@Emerald: Because I hardly need her to use any staves at this point! I would though... but yeah. She can use ANY staves possible anyway! Plus ignore her equipped weapons. It could be improved. xD

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I combat your Lucina/Yarne with this, ZM:

It pained Vincent to see Cynthia with such a frown on her face. The usually chipper and beautiful face was now drawn with frowns and her eyes looked as though they were about to burst into tears any moment now. Along with sad expression, the shivering from the girl was also blatantly obvious to the tactician. If anyone else was looking on this, it would seem as if Vincent had been bullying her. Unable to refrain himself any longer, Vincent moved closer to Cynthia and took her into his arms. With the girl tightly wrapped in his arms, he could smell the fresh scent of her hair wafting into his nose.

Cynthia was completely taken aback by the boy's actions, but she did not fight it. Instead, she stayed motionless in his arms and rested her head on his torso. Her hands loosened on her lap as her right hand reached for Vincent's torso, resting on it below her face. She could feel the slow but steady heartbeat from his chest, a soothing beat against her worries.


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And then Owain came with his twitching hungry sword hand to slay the demon beast known as Vincent / ZM. He won within a second and wed Cynthia. The end.

Where's Ein.

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