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I lost a mend staff and a rewarp staff, but at least Sleuf kept his scrolls.

OH SHIT CONOMORE. Should I take his Awareness manual?

Conomore reappears, but I don't know if he has the Manua then. Since you took the A route you can't recruit him anyway, so might as well take it now that you can.

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Because it's not Awakening. *shot*

It's hard to explain my favorite anything, but here goes...

Well, I love the soundtrack. I grew to love the simplicity of the game and how subtle the story and characterization is. It allows for a lot of headcanon, which is just great for fanfiction writers like myself. The Reclassing system was handled well in my opinion, allowing for lots of experimentation but not excessively breaking the game (lol Second Seals). I will admit that those Gaiden requirements suck, though, and many don't like the lack of characterization and the short-ass script.

HMMM... My big issue was that some characters could essentially be summed up as generics with a name and a face (which does fall under lack of characterization). Say what you will of Radiant Dawn, but at least it didn't have at least a quarter of its cast that was just there, with their only lines being their death quotes. And compared to the other FEs, I couldn't really get into the gameplay; I don't think SD is bad, but having seize as the only objective for the whole game just doesn't sit well with me.

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Because it's not Awakening. *shot*

It's hard to explain my favorite anything, but here goes...

Well, I love the soundtrack. I grew to love the simplicity of the game and how subtle the story and characterization is. It allows for a lot of headcanon, which is just great for fanfiction writers like myself. The Reclassing system was handled well in my opinion, allowing for lots of experimentation but not excessively breaking the game (lol Second Seals). I will admit that those Gaiden requirements suck, though, and many don't like the lack of characterization and the short-ass script.

amg That's why I like Shadow Dragon a lot myself. But people hate it for that reason, luuul.

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Conomore reappears, but I don't know if he has the Manua then. Since you took the A route you can't recruit him anyway, so might as well take it now that you can.

Nah, it's too late to take it now. Oh well, though Karin would've really liked it.

Though I stole the boss's shit. :awesome:

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It's understandable. Many got used to the systems the GBA and console games had. They couldn't just easily transition to the more simpler mechanics. Which is a shame since the game is good by itself, barring questionable stuff like the Gaiden requirements.

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My thoughts on Shadow Dragon are similar to my thoughts on Binding Blade:

I feel that FE6 doesn't get enough credit for what i did, removing most of the bullsh*t from previous games and being more user-friendly overall, while still being challenging.(hard mode)

Granted, Shadow Dragon did this as well, and arguably better, but that's neither here nor there.

Edited by David the SecondWorld
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Is that so...I wonder how the games play though.

A series of shmups from the second game onward. You fly around dodging(or grazing) bullets. The stories for each game are neat in my opinion. There are spinoffs, though. Four fighting games, two where you have to take pictures of danmaku patterns, and another where you're Cirno(a popular character) fighting other fairies and stuff.

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HMMM... My big issue was that some characters could essentially be summed up as generics with a name and a face (which does fall under lack of characterization). Say what you will of Radiant Dawn, but at least it didn't have at least a quarter of its cast that was just there, with their only lines being their death quotes. And compared to the other FEs, I couldn't really get into the gameplay; I don't think SD is bad, but having seize as the only objective for the whole game just doesn't sit well with me.

Most of RD's characters had time to be fleshed out in PoR, so I don't see what the problem is there. (I hate playing sequels before prequels. I feel sorry for anyone that played RD before PoR. xD) Also, I didn't play RD, so I can't complain about it. ^^;

I do agree on the seize thing, though. They could have easily used some other objectives for some chapters.

amg That's why I like Shadow Dragon a lot myself. But people hate it for that reason, luuul.

I know, right? It's so sad. XD

It's understandable. Many got used to the systems the GBA and console games had. They couldn't just easily transition to the more simpler mechanics. Which is a shame since the game is good by itself, barring questionable stuff like the Gaiden requirements.

People love comparing SD to the other games, which bashes on it really hard, but it's good as a standalone game.

My thoughts on Shadow Dragon are similar to my thoughts on Binding Blade:

I feel that FE6 doesn't get enough credit for what i did, removing most of the bullsh*t from previous games and being more user-friendly overall, while still being challenging.(hard mode)

Granted, Shadow Dragon did this as well, and arguably better, but that's neither here nor there.

...I totally suck at quoting, lolol.

FE11 is infinitely better than FE1. I mean, no experience from staff using? That's just horrible. D:

Marth's story started the entire series. People just don't give Akaneia in general enough credit. :C

A series of shmups from the second game onward. You fly around dodging(or grazing) bullets. The stories for each game are neat in my opinion. There are spinoffs, though. Four fighting games, two where you have to take pictures of danmaku patterns, and another where you're Cirno(a popular character) fighting other fairies and stuff.

Wow, it sounds really diverse. Are the games expensive?

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FE11 is infinitely better than FE1. I mean, no experience from staff using? That's just horrible. D:

Marth's story started the entire series. People just don't give Akaneia in general enough credit. :C

To quote one of my favorite reviewers,

"Comparing the original to the remake is like comparing a stale piece of bread to a chocolate chip cookie."

Although the FE11 hate has died down quite a bit.

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SO, here's my progress on the Professor Layton and the Unwound Future list (I know I'm missing a lot of people):

Professor Layton - Acacia Sgt

Luke - Invader ZM

Flora - Crizix

Don Paolo - Jprebs

Inspector Chemley - Ein

Barton - Shirley

Legal Luke - Boney

Dimitri Allen - David the SecondWorld

...I don't think I'm doing this quite right. XD

To quote one of my favorite reviewers,

"Comparing the original to the remake is like comparing a stale piece of bread to a chocolate chip cookie."

Although the FE11 hate has died down quite a bit.

That's a great quote. :o

Yeah, it's a lot calmer than what I expected. I wonder how it was like when SD was relatively new. xD


26 now.

We're the best, guys. :P

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If you rigged for Movement level ups you wouldn't have to, :P

I rigged her STR during Manster, though. :P

And to think she's rather mediocre compared to the other heroes in this game...

...But Orsin does set the bar pretty high...

Every unit can be really good in FE5. That's what I'm starting to really like about it.

Orsin is amazing.

Also dude, do you know the song that plays when Karin talks to Misha?

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