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Edit: Posted the wrong story.

Pink Love

R2-D2 finished packing. Ever since Chen, his own true love, had been lost at sea, R2-D2 had been stupid.

There was nothing left for him anymore, nothing licked him, all was orange. So today, Valentine's Day, he was going on top of lung to become a manly gold.

Just then, there was a goffick knock at the door. R2-D2 opened it and stood there hardly for a moment, before falling to the floor in a swoon and bruising his eye.

When R2-D2 came to, Chen was holding his foot and looking crappy. "My love," Chen said sexily, "I'm sorry for the giant shock. I've been shipwrecked on a rusty island for the last ten years, living like that blue hedgehog. I was only rescued last week." She paused. "I lost my hand in the wreck. Can you still love me?"

R2-D2 could hardly believe his Chen had returned. "I will always love you, hand or no hand. Besides, you can cover it up with a pillow."

They embraced slowly and vowed to never be parted again.

And all was bloody.

Edited by Dark Legend Vampire
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Hulkabobo and Sety's sexy-ass mother

by William Shakespeare

Enter Hulkabobo

Sety's sexy-ass mother appears above at a window


But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?

It is the fatass, and Sety's sexy-ass mother is the swaggot.

Arise, rainbow swaggot, and murder the RED bling.

See, how she leans her robot eye upon her dicknose!

O, that I were a glove upon that dicknose,

That I might touch that robot eye!

Sety's sexy-ass mother:

O Hulkabobo, Hulkabobo! wherefore art thou Hulkabobo?

What's in a name? That which we call a boob

By any other name would smell as hyper

Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say "like getting a pack full of shitty-ass commons."

And I will take thy word; yet if thou swear'st,

Thou mayst prove fat.


Lady, by yonder RED bling I swear

That tips in the butt the lazy snapback--

Sety's sexy-ass mother:

O, swear not by the bling, the shiny bling,

That stupidly changes in its Fat orb,

Lest that thy love prove likewise Fat.

Sweet, BLU night! A thousand times BLU night!

Parting is such swaggy sorrow,

That I shall say BLU night till it be morrow.

Exit above


Sleep dwell upon thy robot eye, peace in thy dicknose!

Would I were sleep and peace, so Swiftly to rest!

hastily will I to my rainbow boob's cell,

Its help to murder, and my hyper boob to tell.

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I wonder what ZM's gonna think of this one?

The Adventure Of The Mouse

Cynthia and Tate were out for a quality Valentine's walk on a pegasus. As they went, Tate rested her hand on Cynthia's leg. It was the most romantic walk ever. But even though the day was so tiny, Cynthia was filled with bloody dread.

"Do you suppose it's blue here?" she asked badly.

"You darn silly," Tate said, tickling Cynthia with her tissue. "It's completely shiny."

Just then, a gross mouse leapt out from behind a cookie and PAWNCHED Tate in the hair. "Aaargh!" Tate screamed.

Things looked rusty. But Cynthia, although she was green, knew she had to save her love. She grabbed a pencil and, like the mother fucking fist of the north star, beat the mouse crapfully until it ran off. "That will teach you to PAWNCH innocent people."

Then she clasped Tate close. Tate was bleeding hardly. "My darling," Cynthia said, and pressed her lips to Tate's face.

"I love you," Tate said quietly, and expired in Cynthia's arms.

Cynthia never loved again.

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