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Erikson stage of personality

- Basic Trust versus Mistrust(birth - 12-18 months)

- Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt(12 - 18 months - 3 years)

- Initiative versus Guilt(3 years - 6 years)

- Industry versus Inferiority(6 - Puberty)

- Identity versus Identity Confusion(puberty - young adulthood)

- Intimacy versus Isolation(Young adulthood)

- Generativity versus Stagnation(Middle adulthood)

- Integrity versus Despair(late adulthood)

Which one did you have a problem with?

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Psychology sounds fun... is it fun?

It really is unless you have the class at eight in the morning. Along the way, you learn a few things about yourself

I have a notes on that

You think you can aid me with them?

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Erikson stage of personality

- Basic Trust versus Mistrust(birth - 12-18 months)

- Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt(12 - 18 months - 3 years)

- Initiative versus Guilt(3 years - 6 years)

- Industry versus Inferiority(6 - Puberty)

- Identity versus Identity Confusion(puberty - young adulthood)

- Intimacy versus Isolation(Young adulthood)

- Generativity versus Stagnation(Middle adulthood)

- Integrity versus Despair(late adulthood)

Which one did you have a problem with?

Feel free to detail all of them

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YOU'RE A LIFE SAVER! All I need to know are the personality disorders, Erikson's stages of development, and Freud's theory ( I forgot what his theory was)

Lol, Freud. That guy thought everything revolves around sex. Penis envy, anyone?

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YOU'RE A LIFE SAVER! All I need to know are the personality disorders, Erikson's stages of development, and Freud's theory ( I forgot what his theory was)

Aaaaaand Dragon Boner guy might be able to help more now since I'm also at work. XD Especially if he has his notes with him; I don't have anything but my memory of some of that.

Psychoanalysis? He has a LOT of theories. >_> Penis envy is only one of many of his theories.

Psychology sounds fun... is it fun?

SUPER FUN. I loved it. I thought it was also super easy.

Edited by Ninfia
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Freud's theory is more inclined on Unconcious behavior, and the Id Ego Superego parts than the sex(libido) parts. Frankly, I did not understand it that much

Penis Envy is actually only on girls AKA Erektra Complex. Males has Oedipus Complex in comparison

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Freud's theory is more inclined on Unconcious behavior, and the Id Ego Superego parts than the sex(libido) parts. Frankly, I did not understand it that much

Penis Envy is actually only on girls AKA Erektra Complex. Males has Oedipus Complex in comparison

yes precisely. But he still has a lot more... It depends which of Freud's theories HeroK-ing is referring to.

precisely. He has different ones for each gender. It was mostly for children, I think?

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xD that's what he thought was everyone's motivation?

Yes. Pleasure is the ultimate motivation, according to him.

Freud's theory is more inclined on Unconcious behavior, and the Id Ego Superego parts than the sex(libido) parts. Frankly, I did not understand it that much

Penis Envy is actually only on girls AKA Erektra Complex. Males has Oedipus Complex in comparison

Psychoanalysis, yeah. Of course Penis Envy only applies to girls; guys have penises, so what's there to get jealous of? xD

Freud also had five stages for development. I don't remember all of them, but I think there was an oral stage, and anal stage, and latent stage, and a genital stage.

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Yes. Pleasure is the ultimate motivation, according to him.

Now that I think about it, he's kind of right, to an extent.

One more thing: Classical Conditioning and the Big 5 Personality Traits

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Now that I think about it, he's kind of right, to an extent.

One more thing: Classical Conditioning and the Big 5 Personality Traits

Yeah, it's certainly a valid way of thinking...

For Classical Conditioning, just think about that experiment where the guy rang a bell when he gave a dog food and it eventually started drooling at the sound of the bell, no food required. I don't remember the Big 5, sorry.

God damn it Hero King.


Sorry Hero-King, but I'm gonna let this one slide...

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