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zm and anyone else, please help me fill out the rest of the blank spaces in the fe9/10 list:

Ike: Darros


Oscar: ZM

Boyd: Zak


Shinon: David

Gatrie: Levant

Soren: Ein

Mia: Sask

Ilyana: Peppy

Mist: Criz

Rolf: Jprebs

Marcia: Shirley

Lethe: Sangyul

Mordecai: Ice Sage

Volke: AnonymousSpeed

Kieran: Randoman

Brom: Godot

Nephenee: Foxxie

Zihark: Slayer




Tormod: Peppy

Muarim: GarlandDaHero

Stefan: Kalas


Tanith: Ciarre

Reyson: Vincent

Janaff: Boney

Ulki: BLS

Calill: Vashi

Tauroneo: Jedi

Haar: Acacia

Ranulf: Interest

Bastian: Charlie

Lucia: Tangerine

Geoffrey: Integrity

Largo: Rey

Elincia: Freohr


Ena: Ayanami




Micaiah: Fia

Edward: Boney











Nailah: Hatari

Rafiel: Balcerzak

Black Knight: NM

Leanne: NTG











Pelleas: Breezy


Caineghis: Hero-King

Kurthnaga: DLV

Renning: Majestic Paladin

Gareth: I have a Dragon Bonery

Lehran: TE

Who is this Charlie person? I feel out of the loop for not knowing him.

Oh oh can I be Leonardo. If not can I be Devdan/Danved. I know what I'm talking about but I hardly get respect.

Hey, I think that's a pretty cool idea.

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TYPO. *hugs back*

Sure, when I find his name. >_>

I'm not. :/

we don't have to take it seriously either. I'm sorry, I still love you penguin.

They're two separate threads, yes, but I'm sure as hell that this thread isn't gonna help me fill the list alone. Sorry for asking help for the list. Forget it then. Everyone can forget it. If anyone wants to help, PM or skype suggestions.

On an unrelated note..... UNSTOPPABLE PENGUIN.

No no! I like helping with the list!
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Probably Japanese to International censorship...? Or even Japanese to Japanese censorship, like what happened slightly to Shadow Dragon and New Mystery.

In a sense of censorship, then yeah. Even then the story can give the same meaning.

I'm sure of FE4 was localized, they would've changed the incest and rape implications, too.

To be honest, I don't think so. I mean, they kept Earthbound how it was.

It's not the way its told, more like how its illustrated. Fe being all about war, you'd expect some blood or even gore to a lesser extent,but there isn't cause that would be setting a bad example to the kids. And we all know how family oriented Nintendo is

I honestly think the lack of blood and gore was on IS' part. And what's wrong with setting a good example for kids? Granted, I wouldn't say any of the characters are good examples for kids, but still.

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I don't think it's that easy. You need to show that you are capable of fulfilling mod duties or something...

At the end of the day, being a mod just means more work. :P

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Respect points: 7/I respect no one

Respect points: negative infinity/go fuck yourself away

Respect points: 7/I respect no one

But incest is the best

Respect points: negative infinity/go fuck yourself away Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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I actually don't mind the lack of blood. It never struck me as "haha, they're being so clean cut and it's lame". Blood wouldn't add anything to the plot. The stakes would still be high if the writing was good enough. There's enough blood in action games and a few RPGs that I can get my fix there if need be.

But incest is the best

Incest is best sest.

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To be honest, I don't think so. I mean, they kept Earthbound how it was.

That's true.

it's hand and hand. the admins are elitists and probably won't say two words to you if otherwise.

That's not true at all. Jyo's a really cool guy.

The only mod I can think of that's kind of an elitist is Tangerine.

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I actually don't mind the lack of blood. It never struck me as "haha, they're being so clean cut and it's lame". Blood wouldn't add anything to the plot. The stakes would still be high if the writing was good enough. There's enough blood in action games and a few RPGs that I can get my fix there if need be.

When I played PoR, that cutscene where BK runs Greil through with his sword was just "...". ಠ_ಠ

Otherwise, yeah.

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Respect points: who the hell are you/why are we here again?

Respect points: Groan of dread/why God why?

Losing respect points for a bad joke's hardly something I'm going to lose sleep over. Regardless, I'm just someone who joined SF to discuss the series I like and found out that I prefer this section a little more than the main discussions from time to time.

I can't say I know you too well either, but you've been here longer than I so I assume I will be running into you much more from now on.

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Let's talk about Mother 3.

Because I love that game.

I've been meaning to play that. I've just got to patch it and then I'll be able to gush over it with you.

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