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Ahhhhh thanks you two ;~;

Heehee I have trouble imagining "wisdom" going together with me though x3

Nonsense. Anyone can, so long as their intentions are well. To be honest, I'm the same as you, except I try not to sell myself short

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Of course! They're all true and well, I pretty much agree with what you post. Good Fre.

GOOD THEN. At least I know Integ won't hurt me for saying that.

Okay... I do believe in them!! S-so at least I'm not just being naive again... Wee~

Oh of course not! He's not the type to get mad at that~

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You come off as that ball of sunshine that no one can resist liking. I find that a given.

crizzie, don't be ridiculous!! we all like you too!!

Do I understand how you've been feeling?

I thought you said she said something that made you like her again x3

that's true, but...you have a comfortable relationship with him, so he's always as excited to see you as you him, and the reunion is nice and sweet...you don't have the "omg does she ever think of me??" thoughts like idiot-boney ._.

i'm just overdramatic is all...

...you thought what? is this a trolling? O_o


fine Boney.

Ibuki Mioda.

yess o(^▽^)o

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Nonsense. Anyone can, so long as their intentions are well. To be honest, I'm the same as you, except I try not to sell myself short

........ Ehhhhhh... >_>


I mean buenas noches. \o/

for now.

Buh bye Shirley~ Adios amiga~!

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I'm not sure how it went, but bad China. /bias Oh wow... NO, only if they offer Japanese should you be willing to do that!

I am totally not proud of my own home country, wow. Well... I'm not sure why I'm calling it my home country.

I... should probably go to bed or something...

My thoughts, exactly! Would it kill them to implement it in the school day?!

D'aaaw. I understand how you feel. I'm not proud of the Philippines. :C

Hope you have sweet dreams. C:


Hey guys, do me a favor and VOTE FOR CATRIA? I'd appreciate it. Thanks

...I'm going to kill you, lololol. :L

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t's not very easy to fit in with "The Cool Kids". At least that's how I see everyone there. But you're good in my book

... This is so ironic I don't even know where to begin. :\

i kinda like it because vashii goes there...and sometimes aya and GO? and occasionally a random interesting person will pop up...but yeah, this thread is just better to me

i know that, but...do you understand? ._.

i don't care. who was the punk girl again?

that's fine, but they never welcome any newcomers. i WOULD do it if i visited that thread more...? i do try to greet people when i'm there sometimes.

oh thank gods

o//////o I'm flattered... thank you.

You haven't played PxZ I see Vash

Nope. Too busy selling my soul and my money to EA and X&Y.

Thing is, she did that a week before she left as well~

She'll be back

But she isn't so fond of SF, despite how she can't help always coming back. Like there are still a few people here she still likes. So she really can't make up her mind or something so she's always back and forth~


I've noticed. She talks so fondly about other forums that I wondered if she actually liked being here. I guess not... either way, I'll miss her. She was nice to talk to.

Thank you Vashy... <3


fine Boney.

Ibuki Mioda.

Anytime. :)

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The only reason I am not voting Palla is because PKL fanboys over her.

And me and PKL are not the best of friends.

So I will vote Catria

You're breaking my heart here. :c

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