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Quiet as a tomb...

Heh heh...
Good one.
Heh heh...

It's only good when you actually like it. When recorded, my voice takes on a whole new persona

I agree it's not fun.

Well...some people like it.

You can say that again... As an aside, you'd THINK 16 strength at level 11 is something to be proud of, but leave it to other units getting royally screwed in other key stats to rain on that parade to the point of forcing a rage-restart.

Ugh...I hate restarting.
I only do it upon characters deaths.

Oh. How do you get them?

HE IS. HOW DO YOU RECOMMEND SLAYING HIM? D: He's too quick and I'm too slow and I hate his voice and I hate everything about him.

And if my mom found out I've been leaving my PS3 on since Sunday (with the controller off), she would KILL me lololol.

J changed his theme again. xD ZM's waifu.

Can u brawl?
Love to have a match with you sometime. ^^

[6:31:59 PM] Elize: Oh yeah can someone post to levant that he just got married to soul and I need a name for their baby boy Brady

from Shirley

Wow. :o
Funny episode. :D
Some mail fish had conned them with his injury. xD

I'm going to bed now.

I can't stay awake anymore and my head hurts.

You really need the rest, friend.

look at this HOAR. flirting at serenes instead of talking to us on skype.

Well...it is good for one thing.
It keeps less pages in this thread. Like it has the past two days.


School has actually been pretty cool so far but you guys are cool too so...


Low hit rates.


Why, thank you.

I'll get Skype installed on my sister's computer.


hey, i have college D:

speaking of college, the prettiest girl in the last class i had today said hi to me when i was out in front waiting for the buses...that was WEIRD O_o

Your probably chaperone.
It's no surprise.


also, ofc i said hi back....well, i waved...i was REALLY nervous. she smiled so brightly ^^;

...she's not my crush, though. speaking of which, i'm giving my crush a gift this thursday ^_^

Go get em tiger!

But it's on my profile, so anyone feel free to add me

On mine too.
I say the same.


Oooo suresure!!! HRRRM I don't know really where to start, I think I'm better at observing than talking but I love talking too don't get me wrong I really like going outside and watching insects and birds and learning about things and you'll probably slowly learn more about me once I start posting more and talking about my interests too YEAH

Ha ha..
I love reading under the tree. It's such a serene feeling to read there on a sunny day.

Ahaha I actually did have to deal with a really bad blackout just a few months ago due to a storm that knocked out our power for 3 days and it was really awful I ended up staying at a family member's because I thought I'd trip and bang into to things even though I know my home layout really well just because it was pitch black and it was really unsettling hhhhhhhh

I like a lot of games really I could never really pick favorites but some things I really like are the Ace Attorney series, Harvest Moon, Tales of, Persona 3+4, MGS and I tend to go on/off again with Pokemon. I don't watch much T.V. except The Office reruns and maybe shows on Boomerang if theres anything good on and also with movies but I did see Pacific Rim recently-ish and I enjoyed it!

Well..your power will get restored soon. If you live in the east, it's no surprise. As it thunderstorms alot in the east. Sometimes they cause blackouts.And Ace Attorney and Harvest Moon are some of my favorites too.

i hate this world and i hate almost everyone in it. and today is such a fucking shitty day it's not even funny. but whatever, who cares.

You okay? What happened? It's probably best to sleep it off. Nothing like a good rest to refresh your memory and purge it of all the weight on your mind.

You really don't know bipolar, do you?

We do Shirley. We do, now what's wrong?

That's more like it.

you have much to learn, rando ^^



That's what I'm saying to Randoman. xP

): Oh my goodness, I'm sorry to hear about your day. I am hoping tomorrow will be much better for you so please don't think nobody cares!!

It should over the weekend. I hope. Work always makes people cranky.

a whole lotta crap happened today and i guess just one little thing can trigger a whole episode to occur. i just might go to bed soon because i'm also getting sleepy.

i wish i ordered choya sake earlier regardless of my meds.

That should hope to help to overcome feeling down today/tonight.

So you want me to try and dish out my thoughts about you? That's what you're asking me?

...Welp, you saw right through me. (I'm curious.) Are you angry? I'm sorry.


Ah, I need to sleep now. Bye guys.

Oh, I see. ^^;

Sleep well Crizix

EF? And I've got like no contacts on Skype, hence why I don't use it


Well...get on and you will get plenty from us. Boney can give you the link to our group chat.

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Got a Martian.
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