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I didn't. But, as undeniable master of charm and an inquisitive mind, would be quite interest to see this research.

There you go.

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I reserve the right to "be hatin' " on your perverse and self-absorbed behavior as much as I please.

Um... he's joking? Well and he claims he's making fun of ZM but... I still haven't gotten an answer on that, since Boney's the one who was calling the SF skype group a circlejerk group, not him... Which is funny since not all the users who got mad at NM are even in the skype group

I really hope you're at least not condoning Sangyul's behavior.

Wait, what was she doing wrong??

Edited by Freohr Datia
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But Boney does need to read this. This will fix his problem. Hoping that he will heed it. He certainly doesn't want to get hated by everyone. x.x

EDIT: Because if you have done these mistakes (as you have already) it likely now won't get repaired with some of these people. -.-

Next time when you meet others....think about what Sangyul and and me are telling you.

Sheesh, isn't that just a bit harsh? I like to think of myself a pretty morally tight person, but this is the Internet and that seems like pretty mild insult. If someone told me 'go back to Scotland' I wouldn't take any offense to it. Maybe I'm just out of context, but I think that you guys went a little over board against Boney and his racist associate.

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Verbal abuse? (eg "fuck you")

I would like to further clarify that these posts were clearly against some sort of forum rule. I would've reported them, but not only do my reports not exactly hold a lot of weight (new user gg), but it's none of my business either.

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But Boney does need to read this. This will fix his problem. Hoping that he will heed it. He certainly doesn't want to get hated by everyone. x.x
EDIT: Because if you have done these mistakes (as you have already) it likely now won't get repaired with some of these people. -.-

Next time when you meet others....think about what Sangyul and and me are telling you.

aya, sangyul is a terrible person. don't tell me to listen to her of all people...as for you well, again aya i still love you but i can't listen to you here.

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Verbal abuse? (eg "fuck you")

I say that sometimes. Provided, I don't say it just because someone's racist (although I am anti-social racism). I don't even say it to Nazis despite being pro-Semitic. Of course, I haven't met any Nazis, but I might.

I'm starting to sound like an idiot, aren't I?

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I say that sometimes. Provided, I don't say it just because someone's racist (although I am anti-social racism). I don't even say it to Nazis despite being pro-Semitic. Of course, I haven't met any Nazis, but I might.

I'm starting to sound like an idiot, aren't I?

It's alright when it's obvious you're messing around.

Not so much if it's said in a rather aggressive manner.

Shooooouuuld I just not ask...?

I think you'd rather not. Any luck on the Skype front, btw? =P

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Sheesh, isn't that just a bit harsh? I like to think of myself a pretty morally tight person, but this is the Internet and that seems like pretty mild insult. If someone told me 'go back to Scotland' I wouldn't take any offense to it. Maybe I'm just out of context, but I think that you guys went a little over board against Boney and his racist associate.

People make it out different ways, but to me, NM's comment looked kinda harsh... it's very unwelcoming, just telling someone to get out... and just because they had trouble with a language. It's like he thinks she doesn't belong because she isn't english or can't comprehend it very well and thinks she doesn't deserve to stay. Maybe it shouldn't have angered so many people so much, but I still think it looked pretty rude of him.

The main problem people had is that Boney said they were bullying him, but all they were doing was trying to defend somebody who just got insulted. Is that bullying? Not at all. They went overboard with Boney as well but maybe it's because he always refuses to understand things and so he helped cause it to drag on, I think Boney just needs to learn what he's talking about and not care so much about his own pride. Because in a way defending somebody who spoke so rudely is like an insult to Lumi again, as if people should just let her get picked on and do nothing about it, otherwise those people will be considered bullies, so his pride is just causing more harm. Maybe it shouldn't be but that's certainly what it looked like and I can understand those people for disrespecting that about him.

Although I kinda wish I couldn't still see quotes even with the ignored list because then I wouldn't have been tempted to read the whole topic and get myself involved in this

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aya, sangyul is a terrible person. don't tell me to listen to her of all people...as for you well, again aya i still love you but i can't listen to you here.

Totes wrong, Boney. It's things like this that make me cheat on you with her!

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I would like to further clarify that these posts were clearly against some sort of forum rule. I would've reported them, but not only do my reports not exactly hold a lot of weight (new user gg), but it's none of my business either.

Uh oh time to advertise for Aiku again

Ummm yes they do, and yes it is? (.... sorta...?)

Report should all be evaluated and won't be set aside just because somebody's new. Only way a report will be discarded and not acted upon is probably if whoever got reported didn't actually break any rules. And reporting is almost like a member's duty to help call mods over to find where there's trouble and hand out the warns for it!! You don't have to, really, but I don't think it's quite accurate to say it didn't involve you...

Integrity said he was disappointed in the staff, for not warning people who did any flaming... He can't help it though because it's in a section that he isn't in charge of~

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