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[spoiler=SRW A Playthrough]Scenario 10 – The battle without winners

We reach Von Braun and Anaheim Electronics, and Bal is eager to give his Borot an upgrade. But Ninji shoots down every one of his ideas, since the Borot can’t handle them, and Bal storms off in anger. Crystal wonders what the Borot is made of and just stares in disbelief when Ninji tells her it’s literally junk. lol

Meanwhile, Astra and Ciarre want to hang out in the city, but Elieson says Zerker warned that since this is Giganos’s territory, neutral area or not, it’s still advisable to not have something that could relate them to the Federation while out there, to be on the safe side.

Back with the mechanics and co., the GP-01 is in process of upgrading, and apparently the Gundam mkII too, being joined up with a G-Defensor. However, at the mention that we could still receive orders of fighting the Nadesico, it surprises the Nergal girls. Majestic explains that even though Nergal and the Federation are now in speaking terms, the girls are now currently appointed to Londo Bell, so if the Federations deem so to still attack the Nadesico, they must comply. This angers Kitty the most, and she storms off as well. The other girls don’t know what happened there, and DLV states that after doing background searches, he found her father is in the air force, and got involved in an incident involving the Titans a long while back, so that’s why she resents these sort of things.

Afterwards, he wonders where Sanger is, and I answer I saw him head to town with Bal. He asks what he was wearing, so after answering I saw him in his military uniform, this worries everyone, due to being dangerous for him to be out there like that. So quickly Majestic, Astelaine, the other two Aestevalis girls, and I go out to search for him.

But it’s too late, a Giganos soldier has spotted Sanger, and hits him, which was apparently strong enough to knock him unconscious. When he comes to, he finds himself in a junk shop. Bal explains that this shop belongs to WordPlay, someone who came to their aid and are now taking refuge here; also here is Kitty who happened to stumble into the scene as well. WordPlay wonders if they’re army deserters, but they say it’s not quite that. Sanger still thinks of his screw-up, but then notices a wrecked Mobile Armor. WordPlay apparently doesn’t want them to get near, but it’s too late, they are now going over it and inspecting it. Sanger has decided to stay here to think things over as he helps out repairing the MA. The other two also want to stay and help out, and at this WordPlay gives up trying to stop them.

Back in Anaheim, they still wonder where those three are. If Bal got the 10 kills at this point, Ninji was able to install his Borot with the Drill Pressure Punch, which is the 2nd secret of the Space route.

Meanwhile in town, we keep searching for them. We split up to better the search, and I go on my own. Not that soon after, a stranger approaches me, and not only knows who I am, but calls me Commander to boot! Apparently someone tried to contact me, and so this person came personally. I of course have no idea what the heck’s going on. The person thinks I’m still acting… huh, and gives me a data disk, orders from some Commander Freohr. The person says it contains my next order, and leaves. And this leaves me puzzled all over.

Meanwhile, a small Zeon force led by Tsamimi is also at Anaheim. Looks like even they have to hide their allegiance while here. Uh oh, they went to WordPlay’s shop. Looks like they came here to buy a MA. Tsamimi takes note of the currently-in-repairs one Sanger and co. have worked on, and hopes he’ll join them up too in Lightli’s Fleet. Well damn. After Tsamimi and co. leave, Sanger and co. reveal themselves to have eavesdropped on the conversation. Kitty wonders why would he take up arms again and WordPlay states his fight is not over yet. He states that while working in the junk shop, he felt it wasn’t his place. This ends up inspiring the three into not quitting fighting as well.

The search party has returned, unsuccessful. But eventually Kitty returns to the Argama. The others wonder where Bal and Sanger are, but she tells they stayed behind, but will come back for sortie too. Back at the shop, they and WordPlay finish repairing the MA. WordPlay looks forward to fight alongside Boney, which riles them up a little, but are able to contain themselves. WordPlay states next time they’ll be enemies, and for everyone, Kitty included, to do their best.

Back at the Argama, Preventer intel has revealed the plan of the Zeons: Operation Stardust. Right now we don’t know its true objective, and a feint operation could be involved. All that’s known for now is the GP-02 is involved somehow. Just then a MA appears. It’s WordPlay! He wants a challenge, and at this, Sanger, Bal, and Kitty deploy. They try to talk him out of fighting, but he won’t back down. Just then, Zeon and Giganos appear!

Tsamimi thinks WordPlay plans to join the Federation, but he corrects her, stating he’s looking to fight the Gundam to prove his worth. Tsamimi meanwhile says she’ll try out the MA she bought. Its design makes Crystal recognize the GP-04’s in it, and the others wonder if Giganos and Zeon have joined forces.

Stage begin!


Zerker (Lv12) – Argama

LordeMonde (Lv12) – Super Gundam

Sanger (Lv10) – GP-01FbZephyrantes

Bal (Lv7) – Bal Borot

KittyofTime (Lv10) – Aestevalis Ryoko [OG] (nicknamed Aestevalis Kitty due to sharing name case)

Nightamre (Lv13) – Full-Armor Gundam

AcaciaSgt (Lv12) – Soulgain

Ciarre (Lv12) – Diana A

Eclipse (Lv12) – Methus

AstraLunaSol (Lv12) – Mazinger Z

MajesticPaladin (Lv12) – GundamEz-8

Elieson (Lv12) – Daimos

Hatari (Lv10) – Aestevalis Izumi [OG] (nicknamed Aestevalis Hatari due to sharing name case)

Carter (Lv10) – Aestevalis Hikaru [OG] (nicknamed Aestevalis Carter due to sharing name case)

Astelaine (Lv8) – Apsalus

Siruis (Lv5), Xinnidy (Lv5) – Galvar-FXII


Tsamimi (Lv12) – Gerbera Tetra

WordPlay (Lv11) – Val Valo

Zeon Soldier (Lv10) – Gelgoog M x5

Giganos Soldier (Lv10) – Dein x2

Zeon Soldier (Lv9) – Dom II x4

Giganos Soldier (Lv9) – Gebei x4

Another standard stage. Both Tsamimi and WordPlay retreat if their HP gets low enough, but nothing else to worry about. Von Braun is available for terrain bonuses if need to, especially for Kitty, since the loosing energy thing due to being away from the Nadesico affects it during gameplay too, and so would appreciate the EN recovery the city offers.

Once more enemy AI surprises me. I had the Val Valo almost at the HP limit for it to retreat, but it had by then enough morale to use its MAP weapon. However, the way I had positioned my units meant if he wanted to hit them all, he’d have to hit himself too. So he promptly did, and so his HP got below the limit and retreated right after attacking. Welp, there went that EXP, money, and item. Oh well…

Once the fight is over, we leave the Moon, and will head to the Sea of Solomon, currently named Compei Island. It’s a Federation base, and Zerker believes the GP-02 will fire its nuke there, especially since, as Tangerine reveals, Federation forces were ordered to gather there. Also, it looks like we’ll also be receiving the Nergal visitors right now.

The Nergal visitors turn out to be Venausur and SugarCookie. They come as reparations for the earlier mix-ups, and they’ll explain to the Nadesico as well once they come back. They’re currently at Mars already, but apparently something happened there during their mission. Once they leave the bridge, Nightmare and Zerker think something was odd with Venausur, and Tangerine will investigate on it.

Those two have reached the deck now, and Venausur stares at my mecha. I’m currently repairing it, and deny his offer of having some of Nergal’s staff to take care of that, though deep down I’m still thinking back on that mysterious person from before, and about this unknown organization I belong to apparently. Crystal thinks Nergal has taken interest in my mecha, and looks like things are off on a rocky start between her and Cookie… for like 5 seconds, since once they leave that topic they’re now looking forward to work together with both the Aestevalises and MS’s. Weird.

Back on the bridge, RedFox sends a transmission. Looks like an unknown type of mechas got detected a while back. Curiously, they were detected when I joined up Londo Bell. Hmm, considering the meta-knowledge revealed so far, me having memory-loss is quite ironic huh, and helpful for them and probably me as well that I’m not quite getting my memories all back yet. Tangerine states that currently they have little evidence or reason to really peg me as a spy, mostly due to my behavior and that both Nergal and Anaheim are interested in my mecha. Regardless, RedFox says to still be careful about me while she continues the investigation. Zerker asks about the Earth group, and she states they’re doing fine so far.

Back on the deck, I’m consulting with Ninji about a burned off part in my mecha that apparently I somehow didn’t noticed when it happened. Ninji asks me if the mecha’s performance has diminished, but it doesn’t look like it has. He still tells me to report anything else that happens. Meanwhile, I realize in disbelief the burned off part was the device to see the Data Disk I got. Oh well, so much for that.

With the Zeons, WordPlay and Boney finally reunite, and look forward to their next sortie.

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There there. Everything's ok.

Listen to this tune and your mind will be from all pain and negativity.


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I pray for you to be okay. Don't let some people get to you. k?

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Sorry, I was away from my computer. What I miss?

It's nothing special.

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