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Gaius will pass down Sol, and Tharja will pass down Luna.

Noire also will get her black hair.

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[spoiler=SRW A playthrough]Scenario 12 – Stardust Memories

We’re gonna be barely reaching the Colony in time. Time is of the essence, but there’s little we can do about that. Zerker asks Ace if they can warp like how they did from Mars to Solomon, but she states that this warp, which Dread states is a not-quite-warp-but-still-similar, named the Bosson Jump, they used the Jovian’s to escape from there, and therefor they have no means to use it again right now.

Zerker then asks Tangerine about the Earth group, but she says that they’ve been caught up by the Boazanlings and the Gaizock now, and are now attacking a Giganos surface base. Nightmare notes that their sudden appearance is strange, and Vashiane points out they could have a base already in advance on Earth. And to boot they found a Giganos base as well now. Zerker for now wants to concentrate with what they can do right now, and that is the Colony Drop.

In the Nadesico, Cookie is with Dread. The latter asks if the former isn’t going to ask about the civilians in Mars, but the former says that she figured that Dread wasn’t gonna answer anyway, to which the latter agree. But also, she states that despite Nergal sending a Battleship with the pretext of rescuing them, to not ask either way is odd. Cookie doesn’t say much more, and Dread suspects Nergal’s true objective was something else…

Meanwhile the Zeons have detected our approach, and they get ready to deploy and fight for their ideals. CA can’t see Tsamimi anywhere, and suspects something is amiss.

Meanwhile at Preventers HQ, RedFox is worried on the current situation, since she can’t contact Londo Bell, and the Earth group is busy with the Giganos base. Just then someone approaches her. This person seems to want to join the Preventers, and RedFox recognizes who this person is. Mystery person knows of a way to reroute the Colony’s path, and wants to head over to Londo Bell to tell it to them. RedFox complies and so this person gets on its way. Hmm…

We finally reach the Colony, and the Zeons are already at the ready to stop us. We quickly deploy, but we still have only 9 minutes to stop them, so that’s 9 turns. Yikes. Boney states this Colony Drop will be the beginning of a new era, and this plus the act of a Colony Drop seems to cause a feeling of Déjà vu in me. Kitty wonders if it’ll fall in the Federation’s GHQ of Jaburo, South America, but Boney corrects her, stating the target is North America. Dread explains, as that being the granary zone of Earth, it will make the planet loose it’s self-sufficiency, and would have to rely on the Colonies for food imports, and thus, with this new dependency, the Spacenoids will finally find themselves in a position above the Earthnoids, and as such they’ll finally have autonomy.

Like hell we’re gonna let it happen, though. Though let’s sidetrack for a little, and go meta for a bit. Those mysterious people I apparently work for want the Colony to fall. I had orders that apparently involved joining up Londo Bell and something else to do, so that means… oh dear… now ain’t convenient memory-loss a good thing at times? Haha… haaaaaa. Anyway…

Stage begins!


Zerker (Lv12) – Argama

AceTactician (Lv12) – Nadesico

Elieson (Lv13) – Daimos

Ciarre (Lv13) – Diana A

Eclipse (Lv13) – Methus

Nightmare (Lv13) – Full-Armor Gundam

AcaciaSgt (Lv13) – Soulgain

Sanger (Lv13) – GP-01FbZephyrantes

AstraLunaSol (Lv12) – Mazinger Z

LordeMonde (Lv12) – Super Gundam

Samven (Lv12) – Aestevalis Samven [OG]

MajesticPaladin (Lv12) – GundamEz-8

ZM (Lv9) – Aestevalis ZM [OG]


Lightli (Lv15) – Gweden

CaptainAmerica (Lv14) – Zeong

Boney (Lv14) – GP-02

Ayanami (Lv13) – Elmeth

WordPlay (Lv13) – Val Valo

DragonBoner (Lv13) – Dom II

CheatEnabled (Lv13) – Dom II

Esme (Lv13) – Dom II

IceSage (Lv13) – Dom II

Zeon Soldier (Lv11) – Dom II x4

Secret alert!

Final thing to do for the Space route. CA needs to be defeated, and then Nightmare must use the Convince command on Ayanami. This will make her join us. And that’s it for the Space route, secrets wise.

Things start hectic, and one turn later Vashiane detects incoming units from 12 o’clock. Zerker hopes its Federation reinforcements from Luna Two, but Turn 3 reveals it’s no Feds, its Tsamimi, her fleet, and Giganos forces!

She finally announces she had enough of Zeon, all for doing the secret dirty work of Zeon, and then her and her squad were gonna be eliminated to silence them. But she survived, and now throws her support for Giganos. She intends to be Giganos who leads the charge of the Spacenoids gaining autonomy, and fulfill Zeon’s ideals. This is all unknown to us since we can’t intercept their transmission, but one thing’s for sure, they’re not allies, since while they’re gonna fight the Zeons, they’re still gonna aid in the Colony Drop. And so the Zeons find themselves under a pincer attack.

Neutral reinforce

Tsamimi (Lv14) – Gerbera Tetra

Zeon Soldier (Lv13) – Gelgoog M x5

Giganos Soldier (Lv12) – Dein x6

Turn 4, however, brings us help in the form of GenericOperator, LolerCoaster, and TheEnd! They’ve come from Earth to help us out. GO was the one who talked with RedFox earlier, and Tangerine recognizes everyone, even him. They have the way to stop the colony, but we still need to take care of all enemies here.

Party reinforce

GenericOperator (Lv12) – Tallgeese III

LolerCoaster (Lv12) – Gundam Deathscythe Hell Custom

TheEnd (Lv12) – Gundam Sandrock Custom

No one retreats here, so no problems in missing out on stuff. When defeated, WordPlay will die. Sanger, Bal, and Kitty want him to bail out, but WordPlay accepts his fate, and says it’s his place to die in a battlefield, and goes out with a smile. However, it might be best to defeat Boney first, since if Boney is still around, his morale will go up by 30 when Wordplay dies, so… yeah, better not trigger that.

When CA is defeated, and Ayanami is convinced, Nightmare will make her listen to reason to not let the Colony kill countless people, so she joins. If she’s defeated, however, she also dies. Nightmare will lose 30 morale, and if CA is still around, he too is upset, but no morale changes, positive or negative. So yeah, let’s not do that either, especially when we can get her to join us instead.

Lightli also dies here. So that’s 3 deaths, with 2 of them unavoidable. Considering the number of named enemies and how big this event is, it’s kinda surprising really, that this happens with so few deaths. But that also means we might see them and fight them again, so yeah…

Once the enemies are gone, we quickly get to work. Loler will open up a hole in the colony’s outer wall so we can get in. Loler, Crystal, Sanger, Elieson, Sirius, Vashiane, and Samven will head inside to change stop the colony’s engines. Meanwhile TheEnd will put explosives on the outer part of the colony, and I help him out, as Majestic and Astelaine guard the make-shift entrance. And so it begins!

The group that went inside reaches the main control room, but encounter Zeon soldiers! Boney and CA are here too, and are ready to make one last stand for Operation Stardust. Boney and Sanger are ready to fist-fight, but Crystal shouts them to stop. CA tells Boney it’s a lost cause, if they stay longer they’ll fall with the colony, and so leave. Crystal is still shaken up, so Vashiane takes over her as Loler goes on about what they need to do.

Meanwhile, in a shuttle that’s leaving the area, Boney enters it to find IceSage telling him the colony has blown up. It split in two and both pieces are now heading away from Earth. Boney realizes Stardust has failed, and it looks like CaptainAmerica went MIA to boot, perhaps even KIA if he got caught in the explosion. The Black Tri-Stars wonder what will become of them, and Boney states they’ll head to Axis… where Naminé is. Lightli and CA may be gone, but Zeon’s soul remains… and Boney also adds: Tsamimi will pay. Ohohohoho, she WILL pay…

Meanwhile everyone’s back, and so mission accomplished, the worst was avoided, yay! Not everyone is happy though as Sanger notes Boney escaped and Nightmare wonder what became of CA. Anyway, we’ll be all heading back to Earth to regroup with the surface group. The Nadesico will be fine since after this the Federation may not consider them a high priority currently. Of course, that means being face-to-face with Saint once more. Oh well, can’t win them all.

Meanwhile, the Preventer trio will be heading back. Tangerine is slightly disappointed GO has to leave, but he states he needs to, as Shirley has something grand in the making, and has to support her. And so they leave. since you know, bros before hoes, and whatever that saying goes. *shot*

Elsewhere Sanger confronts Crystal, since she apparently knows Boney, but she tells him that now’s not the time.

Back with the two mystery people, they note the Colony Drop failed, and wonder what the heck I am doing. Yeah, figures the memory-loss helped stop the Stardust. One of them decides it’s time to act now. They call for Amelia again, and tell her to head over and find me, and send me parts to repair my communicator, and another data disk with a new order. However, they do note that if my behavior is… funny, to kill me. Uh-oh, they suspect I may have turned turn-coat, benefits of memory-loss going away, going away… anyway, as a last note, they seem to have researched something. The Federation has mass-produced the D-Weapon, and that makes the grunt of their forces, instead of… th-th-th… the Gespenst!? However, something else of curiosity, they mentioned that the D-Weapon instead of Gespenst thing was something of “this world”. This world? Things get mysterious again!

Back with us, we are back in Japan. We’re gonna gather back with the surface group in Sinza City, at JamesBCrazy’s manor. Nightmare apparently knows him, since it was him who helped him get back in the army. Looks like the surface team was successful in getting rid of the Giganos base, and their numbers have increase. Among them now are the Shuffle Union, Noctali’s comrades. Elieson is eager to challenge them too as Vashiane looks into the databanks. The Shuffle Union is a 4000 year old group that have been keeping an eye on organizations from the shadows. Ooh, interesting. Also it was revealed that the one controlling the Devil Gundam had been Noctali’s mater, Caladbolg. Also with them is the family team and mecha that once fought the aliens known as Gaizock. Samven takes note of how many allies they have now, and if only they have had them in Mars… looks like he’s still thinking on that huh.

Elsewhere Polaris is announcing she’s leaving Londo Bell. Her brother death or not, she thinks she no longer has reason to stay, as even if he were alive, he’d be planning something else, and she doesn’t want to see that. And that’s why barring when some secrets needed her, I didn’t used her at all. So yeah…

We reach James’s manor, and are greeted by him in person. Since our ratio of mechas to mechanics is getting ridiculous, his butler RingWraith offers to give them automatic repair robots to ease the job. Also around are James’s assitants, Fia and Ether. So for now we get a well-deserved rest, and we even get launch. Nice.

The surface is already in the dining hall, and so old and new faces from both groups gather as they introduce each other. We start with the Zambot 3’s pilots, FruitNinja, Pilot, and Popo. They also have a dog, and it seems it took a liking to me. Well who’s a good doggy, who’s a good doggy… though I still prefers cats IRL, but this dog is also a pilot of the Zambot, so that’s cool too. Don’t ask me how it can. It just can, okay?

They speak about themselves and Gaizock. The Gaizock destroyed their home planet, and have taken refuge in Earth. They were followed of course, so they deployed in the Zambot 3 to fight them. They were successful in repelling them, but it looks like the Gaizock are back.

We also meet the rest of the Shuffle Union: Stallinbald, Jyosua, Shengar, and VaikeTime. We wonder where Noctali is, and they say he and Ethlyn were called by Zerker. Ace, Dread, and Garland remember they were called too, and so excuse themselves.

Now in said meeting. Looks like the surface force found that Giganos had in its possession quite the shocking news. The Beserker System and the mecha it uses such system, the Nobel Gundam, and… Psycho Gundams!? LordeMonde is quick to ask who were its pilots. James has no idea, but he says they were saying some words, and that is enough for him to figure it out, and goes silent. James guesses it’s for experiments, some sort of control system via mind waves. Dread explains it’s possible since the Psycho Gundams uses the Psycomm, which enables the pilot to control the mecha with mere thoughts. It seems Giganos used a special Metal Armor to manipulate both the Psycomm and Beserker System to make it’s pilots do their bidding.

Talk then shifts to the Meganoids. James reveals that their objective is to turn all of humanity into Meganoids as well. Their original purpose was to terraform Mars, but now they’re now fighting against humanity. Nightmare wonders if they are working with the Jovian Lizards, but no evidence points to that. We may have to go to Mars eventually… eventually…

Well, seems the talk is over. They leave now to go eat with the others.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I've done that pairing before.


Blast. It was with Lon'qu that she got her black hair.

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I like Lon'qu/Tharja.

Noire's original hair is meant to be black. See her confession pic.

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Now it all makes sense as to why that the Awakening boards are getting more Apotheosis threads; and, or talking about it. Europe just got their DLC of it this week.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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I'm so sorry.

*hugs thread*

I have to go. -.-

So tired. It's naptime.

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