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[spoiler=SRW A Playthrough]Scenario 16 – Marionette

At Neo Hong-Kong, Seph wants to know how the mind control system production is faring. An unknown person tells him that with the production plant destroyed, and the Devil Gundam still out of their grasp, it’s taking longer than expected. Just then InsignificantOrganism and his subordinates: Joerachi, Aere, Laevanteinn, and ePamplemouss arrive. It seems they want to know where Londo Bell is. The mystery person apparently can find out, but wonders if they’re gonna pick a fight with them, to which they reply that yes. They also wonder about the Beserker System, and they get told that’s faring better than the Enhanced Humans, and there’s no need to gather more data. At this IO decides it’s better to wait for the time being instead of going to the offensive again.

On the Nadesico, the crew contemplates about what Giganos may try to do now, if perhaps they’re getting desperate due to all their recent losses.

On the Nahel Argama, we discuss about Phoenix. It seems that having all that power corrupted him, as what happened with the Zeons, though CA clarifies it was those how used Zeon’s name that were the despotisms there. Majestics notes how to make ideals a reality, power is needed, but this same power corrupts. All this talk makes me remember more key words it seems.

Back at Neo Hong-Kong, mystery person is now talking with Caladbolg. It seems the pilot of the Nobel Gundam, NG, has escaped. Caladbolg believes she will head to where Noctali is, and the person tells him to go after her. He however states he has business elsewhere, so the person says he’ll send IO and his squad. At this Caladbolg reveals the mystery person is Jprebs, telling him to suit himself, and leaves. Jprebs wonders what could be more important for Caladbolg… and also to find a better use to the Enhanced Humans.

Back at the Nahel Argama, LordeMonde is getting impatient in finding the Giganos’s secret base. We finally know that those Enhanced Humans the surface group encountered were… NTG and Isa! Noctali scoffs at him, just like he did way earlier with Elieson, but Monde can tell he’s worried too, about NG. Noctali is surprised he found that out, but Zerker explains Monde is a Newtype, and they can detect this sort of things. Just then, Vashiane sends a message stating we have Metal Armors coming our way, meaning Giganos is ready to attack us again! Zerker orders everyone to get ready as Noctali wonders if a Newtype’s power could save NG from the Beserker System, but it’s something he doesn’t have. On the deck, Monde detects something, and is sure of what it means…

As expected, it’s IO and his squad. Looks like they’re also expecting NG to arrive, but she hasn’t come yet. Zerker however thinks it could be a trap, and orders a retreat. However, IO comes prepared and orders for those units to sortie…

Monde suddenly deploys, and it becomes clear why once two Psycho Gundams appear. It’s them! Monde tries to contact them, but it seems they’re still stuck in a trance-like state. Noctali also sorties, wanting to help Monde out. At this we have no choice now but to stay and help out as well.

Stage begin!


Zerker (Lv17) – Nahel Argama

AceTactician (Lv16) – Nadesico

LordeMonde (Lv13) – Super Gundam

Noctali (Lv17) – Shining Gundam

Gregor (Lv18) – Dragonar Type-1 Lifter

Pikachu (Lv18) – Dragonar Type-3 Lifter

Samven (Lv17) – Aestevalis Samven [Air]

AcaciaSgt (Lv17) – Soulgain

JamesBCrazy (Lv17) – Daitarn 3

CaptainAmerica (Lv17) – Hyakku Shikki

GreenPoet (Lv16) – Venus A

Lux (Lv16), Raven (Lv16), TheFush (Lv15) – Getter Robo G

Nightmare (Lv16) – Full-Armor Gundam

Elieson (Lv16) – Daimos

Knight (Lv16) – Great Mazinger


InsignificantOrganism (Lv19) – Gilgazamne

ePamplemouss (Lv18) – Stark Dein

Joerachi (Lv18) – Stark Dawtsen

Aere (Lv18) – Stark Gandoura

Laevanteinn (Lv18) – Stark Gebei

NTG (Lv18) – Psycho Gundam

Isa (Lv18) – Psycho Gundam

Giganos Soldier (Lv16) – Zwei x6

Secret alert!

A two-part secret. Monde can use the convince command on both NTG and Isa. It won’t do much right now, but it’s important to do so for the second half of the secret procedure. Just a note, it’s possible to only convince one of them and finish the stage that way, but as you can guess, not convincing one or both means you can no longer do anything about the non-convinced one(s) for the second half, so it’s best to convince both of them now.

Standard stage, though full of tough cookies, especially the Psyco Gundams, which are tanky like Super Robots and come with anti-beam protection in the form of I-Fields, which are stronger than the Beam Coatings; and the Stark Metal Armors, they can dodge like heck and hit like a truck. A couple turns in, the Nobel Gundam appears! However, it seems NG is fine, and so wants to help us out. Yay!

Party reinforce

NG (Lv18) – Nobel Gundam

However, once we route or by enemy turn 4, the Devil Army arrives! No Devil Gundam, but it must mean it’s around. This, however, makes the Beserker System act up, and so NG is not only unresponsive now, but also hostile to boot!

Enemy reinforce

NG (Lv18) – Nobel Gundam B

Zombie Soldier (Lv17) – Death Army x10

NTG, Isa, and NG retreat at the usual HP thing. Gotta ensure the former two were both convinced for the secret.

Once it’s over, Monde is angry that we couldn’t save NTG and Isa. James notes that to deploy them to the frontlines it must mean the control device must be near completion. Elieson also notes the Nobel Gundam’s timing is unnatural. Pikachu notes that before leaving, NG said something about Guiana. Wraith says she must’ve meant the Guiana Highlands, and the area has been the center of seismic activity lately.

Elsewhere, Noctali is angry too, but about NG. The Getter team arrives, telling him and Ethlyn that Londo Bell is splitting up. We’re gonna be heading to both the Nanbara Connection and Big Falcon to pick up their super robots. Noctali, however, says he wants to go to the Guiana Highlands instead. The rest of the Shuffle Union arrive, and say that that has been taken care of already. We’re actually splitting up in three teams.

So to recap, the teams are currently ordered as followed:

To the Guiana Highlands: The Shuffle Union, Ehtlyn, the Daimobick Team, the Dragonar Team, JamesBCrazy and team, LordeMonde, Eclipse, and DLV.

To the Nanbara Connection: The Nadesico, the Aestevalis Team, the Zambot Team, Knight, GreenPoet, Tangerine, and CA. Tangerine says she also requested some support, and they’ll be heading directly to both labs. Vashiane apparently doesn’t like CA, and can’t find his alias in the databank, wondering who he really is. Knight states Astra wanted to come in this team too, but Ciarre would have none of that. Who can blame him though, since the Nadesico crew is mostly composed of women, hehehe. *shot*

To the Big Falcon: The Nahel Argama, the Moble Suit squad barring those already mentioned being in the other teams, the Getter Team and co., AstraLunaSol, Ciarre, and Balzerzack. Also, it seems the Big Falcon is already under some sort of crisis, as the lab’s head KingMarth64 has gone missing.

So then, which team should I join then?

Secret alert!

Yep, that’s right; all 3 places have secrets tied to them, 2 in each. Now, one of the Guiana Highlands secrets is unavailable to me since it’s the continuation of the Earth route secret, so that leaves me in a 2-2-1 choice now. For the purpose of this playthrough, I’m heading to the Nanbara Connection.

The rendezvous point for all 3 teams will be Neo Hong-Kong, so off we go!

Note: As a note, same thing with Emerald happened again, this time with Joerachi. Ah well, I feel it's just these 2... hopefully...

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I attended elsewhere. I'm kinda have a habit of which places to check before posting stuff. By the way, whose that in your avi Shirley?

Elise/Elize! :3

And fine... *reads update though*

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