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Hi Emerald!

Look, if he wants to be pushy, let em. Freedom of speech commoners.

You don't get it. I'm pointing out that to get mad at someone because they decided not to vote is kinda stupid.

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What the heck are you guys talking about? What's this about a new moderator?

That one thread in FftF. It's quite obvious. xD

Sorrryyy. I got a bit too sleepy at 1 pm. That's what happens when I wake up at 7:30 am even though I'm off work.

Eh, I'm sorry... it wasn't to you though. I voted too so... quite a bit of hypocrite. But I think I would have done that for anyone else, not just Ein.

It's okay. I went off to do stuff right after posting anyway.

Oh, I see. ^^

Its not a laughing matter

Hehe, if you say so.

You have no idea. That's part of the reason why I didn't go on SF at all yesterday, even to talk with the people I was still on good terms with. You were the last person on SF I'd ever expect to get mad at me (especially with how sweet, optimistic, and spirited you always are), and having you actually get mad was really upsetting and hurtful. Yeah, I triggered one of your pet peeves, but I didn't think you'd lose all respect and kindness for me in a snap.

Another tidbit from my profile in construction: "I don't have much of a temper, but when I do get mad, I snap." :p

I admit that I snapped and immediately jumped on the defensive because stereotypes are way beyond a simple pet peeve for me, but I didn't think you'd be hurt that much. :c

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[spoiler=SRW A Playthrough]Scenario 17 – Splendid! Kerot’s disturbance ability

As expected, the enemy took not much to learn of our split-up. The Boazanlings have found out, and so Helios plans to make another strike. He orders for Arieta and the other Campelli to be told to head to the Nanbara Connection while they’ll head to the Big Falcon with the Hyakki Empire. Hehe, he feels a kinship of sorts since both Boazanlings and Hyakki have horns. It’s apparently a nobility status back there in Planet Boazan. Anyway, they also detect the group going to Guiana, but Helios says to ignore them. It’s imperative to stop us from getting more forces. Helios also notes they must act immediately and succeed quickly or else King Enkidu will begin to move. Hmm…

With the Campelli, Arieta is once more punishing her underlings. They too have a plan of their own, which is to recover their planet from the pacifist forces, and so plan to use our power to do so. Looks like a previous Campelli invasion to Earth was thwarted before, and so vow to not end up like them and defeat the mecha responsible. They’ll ask for support from the Mycenaeans if that’s what it takes.

As we near the Connection, we get a brief run-down of what the Combattler is. It’s a combination mecha made from 5 super electromagnetic machines, combined with the synchronization of the pilots’ brainwaves. It’s also the same principle that governs the Voltes’s functionality. Ooh, cool stuff.

Meanwhile at the Connection, the lab’s head Interest is… with Caladbolg!? Apparently this is what Caladbolg mentioned before. Interest tells him he still doesn’t have a reply, and Caladbolg urges him to reach a decision, apparently something of a plan. Seems they’re running out of time for something.

Once Caladbolg leaves, the Combattler team arrives: GoD, Cluie, Comet, TheGhosteon, and AgileTit-Tyrant. Also with them come the pilots of the support mecha Kerot: siblings SRC and Sara. Looks like Combattler isn’t finished being tuned-up. GoD is already eager to fight the Campelli, and SRC as well, but the others don’t think Kerot should come with them. But not before long, the enemy forces are here! Combattler isn’t ready yet and we still aren’t near. SRC has a plan though, and he and Sara leave before even the others can know what it is.

As expected, the Campelli and Mycenaeans are here to wreck stuff. They take confidence they have the path clear, but suddenly… Combattler deploys?

The Combattler team is surprised. Tyrant thinks Interest has finally finished his Mass-Production project of the Combattler, to which he denies. They do notice its movements are froggish, and Ghosteon notices the mecha’s poster in the hangar is missing. They finally figure out it’s the Kerot… in disguise? Wait, with a poster!? Even if that worked, the Kerot is… well, if Combattler were human-sized, Kerot would actually be appropriately frog-sized. And yet it actually has Combattler’s height while in disguise… WTF!? Either way, how can a poster actually do that… who really can be fooled by this!?

Well, the enemy is. They do laugh at it though, and think the previous Campelli invasion force was pathetic to be defeated by it, and order to open fire on it.


Stage begin!


SRC (Lv17), Sara (Lv17) – Kerot [ComV]


Arieta (Lv20) – Sento Magma

Rey (Lv19) – Magma Beast Dackron

Hero-King (Lv19) – Magma Beast Great I

Shuuda (Lv19) – Demon Fortress Demonika

Jean-March (Lv19) – Demon Fortress Demonika

AI (Lv18) – Warrior Beast Gougra x4

AI (Lv18) – Warrior Beast Balcania x2

AI (Lv17) – Warrior Beast Dokeider x2

AI (Lv17) – Warrior Beast Giran x1

Well… the stage starts like this. We’re back to not let enemies reach the base, in which case it’s the Nanbara Connection. Kerot may not last a lot, but fortunately we have reinforcements coming next turn! Not us yet, but rather GO and TE! They also get puzzled a bit on the Kerot-disguised-as-Combattler, but leave that for now to fight.

Party reinforce

GenericOperator (Lv18) – Tallgeese III

TheEnd (Lv18) – Gundam Sandrock Custom

The following turn, or if the Kerot got defeated at any point before this, the Kerot will finally reveal itself. The enemy is shocked and angry, and now the real Combattler can deploy.

Party reinforce

GoD (Lv18), Cluie (Lv18), Comet (Lv18), ThGhosteon (Lv18), AgileTit-Tyrant (Lv18) – Combattler V

Next turn, we finally arrive. Knight is quick to deploy and riled up to defeat the Mycenaeans. Meanwhile, I think to myself that with both super electromagnetic mechas, Londo Bell is becoming a force to be reckoned with. Not a force that could defeat them… not an, ah… huh, this triggers more stuff to come back or something?

Party reinforce

AceTactician (Lv18) – Nadesico

Knight (Lv18) – Great Mazinger

Samven (Lv19) – Aestevalis Samven [Air]

GreenPoet (Lv18) – Venus A

AcaciaSgt (Lv18) – Soulgain

CaptainAmerica (Lv17) – Hyakku Shikki

FruitNinja (Lv11), Pilot (Lv11), Popo (Lv11) – Zambot 3

KittyofTime (Lv10) – Aestevalis Kitty [Air]

Hatari (Lv10) – Aestevalis Hatari [Air]

Carter (Lv10) – Aestevalis Carter [Air]

ZM (Lv9) – Aestevalis ZM [Air]

Standard stage other than the “defend the base” bit. When Shuuda gets defeated, his Demonika will explode, but manages to escape, and… comes decides to fight by himself? Yeah, keep in mind his character is basically a giant demon, so he can actually pull this off if needed to.

Enemy reinforce

Shuuda (Lv19) (Game-wise he has mecha data separate from his pilot data for his physical form, but I’m not listing him twice as that would be redundant and incorrect anyway)

However, once defeated again, he finally dies. Ha, progress! With his last breath, Shuuda hopes for Jean-Marc to avenge him, which he understands and will be sure to do so. And so, one of the heads of the enemy alliance gets cut-off at last.

Arieta and Jean-Marc pull the retreat if below certain HP thing.

Once it’s over, back at the Campelli’s castle, Arieta is once more angry at their failure. Rey points up the comfort in that Helios failed too. Jean-Marc comments to himself that the project he has been worked on for long, the… Mass-Production Great Mazingers!? Anyway, he will avenge Shuuda with that.

Back at the Connection, the Combattler team introduces themselves to us. We also get to know their last member, a robot. He’s the one that monitors and synchronizes the Combattler’s brainwaves for the combination. We also get introduced to the Kerot siblings; though they get reminded they’re still not going with us.

Meanwhile in the hangar, GO once again tells Tengarine he’s declining joining up. He states Shirley’s project is reckless and dangerous, and so wants to help her out first, even if he can’t reveal to Tangerine what it is, but she’ll see one day. Okay, now your sister over her. What’s wrong with you dude? *shot*

Once things are over, we’ll be heading to Neo Hong-Kong now. However, it seems the Kerot siblings aren’t accepting that no for an answer.

Eventually we regroup with the Nahel Argama team. We get introduced to the Voltes Team: Stahlypin, Holmes, ConstatibleReggie, SlayerX, and ThorOdinson. Meanwhile, the group from the Guiana Highlands aren’t here, and Zerker says he got a message, they’ll be coming in soon. They encountered the Devil Gundam and the Balmlings, and looks like they have someone injured. Some person who had been secretly helping the Shuffle Alliance, so Noctali and Ehtlyn will be arriving late.

As a last note, it seems the Kerot siblings were found. They had the Kerot hang from a wire from the Nadesico’s nuzzle. They say they can be useful since the Kerot has a supply device, though Bal says the Borot has one as well, and that’s enough, though the siblings disagree on that. And I agree too, as it’s the only unit that I’m aware of that has both the Repair and Resupply units, so even if combat-wise it’s subpar, especially since everybody has the NG+ upgrade and parts slots limit removed, as a support unit it’s very decent. It’s too late to take them back, so they’ll be staying with us.

Note: You may have noticed I didn’t state a secret alert. That’s because the Kerot is one of the secrets. That’s right; not going to the Nanbara Connection means no Kerot. The other secret is kinda the same deal of just going through the route, but we won’t be seeing it for a while. Same goes for one of the Big Falcon’s secrets, and the Guiana Highlands secret that was still available to me. As for the remaining Big Falcon secret, it was the chance to recruit Pinkbubblegum. If she wasn’t or the Big Falcon route wasn’t chosen, she’s dies. As a last thing, in the Guiana Highlands, Noob7 and Essbee died too. Woah, 4 deaths with 3 unavoidable in just one route split.

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Hi Criz, hi Cordelia, hi Breezy, hi Interest, hi Aya, hi everyone.

Hey. :D

That thread is absolute BS

Link it. Please.

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I admit that I snapped and immediately jumped on the defensive because stereotypes are way beyond a simple pet peeve for me, but I didn't think you'd be hurt that much. :c

I got hurt so much because it felt like I was being rejected all over again, with you treating me coldly, hardly being willing to listen to me, and the fact that it felt like the friendship was over.

I asked that question to prevent Jprebs from feeling that kind of rejection, but in the process, I ended up being rejected in the end, and it just felt so painful and messed up that I was trying to prevent another guy from feeling that, then it happened to me as a result of trying to stop that from happening to another guy.

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Hey. :D

Link it. Please.


I got hurt so much because it felt like I was being rejected all over again, with you treating me coldly, hardly being willing to listen to me, and the fact that it felt like the friendship was over.

I asked that question to prevent Jprebs from feeling that kind of rejection, but in the process, I ended up being rejected in the end, and it just felt so painful and messed up that I was trying to prevent another guy from feeling that, then it happened to me as a result of trying to stop that from happening to another guy.

*pats back* All is forgiven now. You can let go of those tormented thoughts

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The Combattler team is surprised. Tyrant thinks Interest has finally finished his Mass-Production project of the Combattler, to which he denies. They do notice its movements are froggish, and Ghosteon notices the mecha’s poster in the hangar is missing. They finally figure out it’s the Kerot… in disguise? Wait, with a poster!? Even if that worked, the Kerot is… well, if Combattler were human-sized, Kerot would actually be appropriately frog-sized. And yet it actually has Combattler’s height while in disguise… WTF!? Either way, how can a poster actually do that… who really can be fooled by this!?

I lol'd.

Alternatively we can just make a giant skype chat.

Which I won't be able to join. :C

I got hurt so much because it felt like I was being rejected all over again, with you treating me coldly, hardly being willing to listen to me, and the fact that it felt like the friendship was over.

I asked that question to prevent Jprebs from feeling that kind of rejection, but in the process, I ended up being rejected in the end, and it just felt so painful and messed up that I was trying to prevent another guy from feeling that, then it happened to me as a result of trying to stop that from happening to another guy.

I'm sorry for inadvertently reminding you of your past trauma, but I was just that mad and disappointed in you because I expect better from my friends.

...Jprebs is still my friend. :/

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Irony is a funny word

You're saying that in regards to me trying to stop Jprebs from getting hurt, right?

Irony's a sick joke in quite a lot of cases.

I'm sorry for inadvertently reminding you of your past trauma, but I was just that mad and disappointed in you because I expect better from my friends.

...Jprebs is still my friend. :/

Well, you didn't mean to do it. It still hurts a bit, even now, though.

I know. I was just worried that Jprebs feelings for you would eventually come to the point that you'd turn him down harshly and he'd be immensely hurt, emotionally, which I wanted to stop from happening.

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Damn vending machine, eating my quarters and not giving me that snickers bar I wanted.

I will have my vengeance...

Henry quote?

No not at that.

I'm trying to be nicer geez


Oh, well, effort appreciated! Good to see things warming back up again!
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