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[spoiler=SRW A Playthrough]Scenario 37 – Shining of Truth

The group still finds hard to believe they’re actually seeing Axis in front of them, and I note it must’ve been the Space Transportation. Still, Axis is a giant asteroid, but I mention there’s only a need for output proportional to size, which was impossible before, but now… in any case, I mention that if they’ve come this far, it means they can do their next step, which is to travel back to their world. They think that’d be good, but I mentioned that with the aid of the Boson Jump technology, said device is stabilized, which means the incident that happened when we first arrived wouldn’t repeat itself, so spreading the fires of war would become quite easy in that case. CA notes Naminé may hope to get her hands on such technology too, so we have to hurry and get inside Axis!

In Axis’s command room, Naminé, SomeoneWhoDied, and Boney are talking. Boney notes that now that they’re behind the Colony Laser, Londo Bell can’t use it to fire at them now. Naminé is amazed, and SWD is quick to say they should steal the transport device from Shadow Mirror. But Naminé tells him to not be hasty; as she’s sure Shadow Mirror wouldn’t just easily give it away. For now, they must deal with us. She’ll deploy the remaining NewType forces, with Foxxie leading them. She also has a new model for Boney to pilot.

Elsewhere, Pride and Freohr note the results of how stable warping Axis was. Freohr says they should take their leaven now, stating they can’t underestimate Naminé. Pride however wants to stay for revenge. Freohr asks if it’s the world they left behind, but he says its revenge to me. Apparently he can’t forgive my comment of how people like us have no place. Even Amelia agrees with Pride, since that means the W Numbers like her, their existence is also negated. In any case, she has come to report of our approach. Pride states they’ll do the finishing touches to the dimensional transport once they settle things with me. Amelia asks again Freohr if it’s okay, but she says I’m an enemy, and also says she’ll be deploying as well.

Meanwhile, the Axis frontline is already out to greet us. Replica feels Naminé is inside, but Foxxie says they have to defeat her first. Zerker states if the situation gets worse, they’ll have to use Gryps 2. The NewTypes feel a weird prescence from Axis, and Sanger wonders if Boney is here too.

Stage begin!


Zerker (Lv46) – Ra Cairam

AceTactician (Lv45) – Nadesico [Y Unit]

Lux (Lv47), Raven (Lv47), TheFush (Lv47) – Shin Getter Robo

Pikachu (Lv46) – Dragonar Type-3 Custom

Godot (Lv46) – Grendizer

SRC (Lv46), Sara (Lv46) – Kerot

Nightmare (Lv45) – Nu Gundam

JamesBCrazy (Lv45) – Daitarn 3

Samven (Lv45) – Aestevalis Samven [OG]

Ein (Lv45) – Gundam Wing Zero Custom

AcaciaSgt (Lv45) – Soulgain

Gregor (Lv44) – Dragonar Type-1 Custom

Knight (Lv44) – Great Mazinger

GoD (Lv44), Cluie (Lv44), Comet (Lv44), ThGhosteon (Lv44), AgileTit-Tyrant (Lv44) – Combattler V

Elieson (Lv44) – Daimos

AceNoctali (Lv43) – God Gundam


Foxxie (Lv48) – Geymalk

Enhanced Zeon Soldier (Lv47) – Doven Wolf x3

Enhanced Zeon Soldier (Lv46) – Yagd Doga [Green] x3

Enhanced Zeon Soldier (Lv46) – Yagd Doga [Red] x3

Enhanced Zeon Soldier (Lv45) – Zeong x6

Hah, so now they mass-produced the Zeong now? Anyway, just like the last stage, we musn’t let them have a unit reach Gryps 2, but thankfully we now depart from there while they start near Axis. This, however, means we can’t use Gryps 2 to camp anymore, or we kinda can, but that would take a lot of turns waiting the enemy to come in. Meanwhile, Foxxie actually starts on Axis, so the terrain bonuses will aid her so long she’s there.

Anyway, once enemy phase 2 rolls in, Shadow Mirror forces warp in to behind Axis. At this it comes to no surprise, since after warping Axis, what’s a squad of Personal Troopers compared to that?

Neutral Reinforce

Shadow Mirror (Lv46) – Gespenst mk-II x9

Things are still manageable, but once the enemy forces are like half gone, Replica detects something. Klok likewise and feels it’s similar to… Xander? Enemy reinforcements appear, with Boney among them. CA inwardly wonders what Naminé is planning with using all those articifial Newtypes as Monde can’t forgive the use of Enhanced Humans as weapons.

Enemy reinforce

Boney (Lv49) – Neue Ziel

Enhanced Zeon Soldier (Lv48) – Psyco Gundam mk-II x2

Enhanced Zeon Soldier (Lv47) – Yagd Doga [Green] x2

Enhanced Zeon Soldier (Lv47) – Yagd Doga [Red] x2

Enhanced Zeon Soldier (Lv46) – Mass Produced Qubeley x6

Oh boy, this got worse now. It’s gonna be pretty much Funnel-spamming, and the Psyco Gundam mk-II’s are no slouches either, being behemoths of 25000HP and come with built-in I-Field and a shield.

When defeated, Foxxie dies. She doesn’t seem to be quite concerned about it, or be thinking on much at all. Replica notes she was an Enhanced Human as well, driven mad to the point of loosing her identity. Replica asks why make artificial Newtypes for warfare and Nightmare notes that’s what the current era expects of Newtypes, which is why they must stop Shadow Mirror at all costs.

At this point it’s quite adviceable to camp at Axis. Not only for the terrain bonuses and recovery, but also because… well, you’ll see soon enough. Anyway, once defeated, Boney praises our strength. He tells Sanger he should be proud, as he fought for what he believed in, and won. Sanger however asks why would he allied with Shadow Mirror, but Boney says his heart was always with Zeon. He may not understand what Shadow Mirror thinks, but do knows they’re willing to step on the heroic souls who vanished at space. If we and Shadow Mirror are to be the last ones standing, then for the warriors of the future, he states we must defeat them, and Sanger says he understands. Boney says he’ll finally join Lightli, and his mecha then blows up, killing him.

Once we’ve defeated everyone, things may finally be over, but just then, more enemies warp in. It’s Freohr and Amelia! Elieson notes that for Freohr to step out, it means they’re at their limit. Freohr wonders if that’s true, and comments about our truce with Small Balm, and wonders how well things would’ve gone if it had gone through the first time. This angers Elieson, but Stallinbald calms him down.

Stallinbald then asks why did she come out then, and if she could at least reveal her measurements, to which she replies they’re a secret, but they’re free to ask me for them. Pfft… in any case, Noctali is eager to get the punches rolling, but Freohr tells him to not be hasty, which makes Ace wonder if she really did came out to talk. Freohr then says perhaps it could be okay to talk about love, which has Ace start going about her and Samven.


*rereads the last paragraph*


*facepalm* WTF *double facepalm* WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON *headesk* DID ABSURDITY TOOK OVER *wallbang* EVERYBODY WENT MAD NOW *repeats the previous actions* HOW DID THINGS CAME TO THIS *repeats them again*

AHEM, thankfully for my meta sanity, Amelia comments they’re not here to talk, though Freohr does say the Dimensional Transport will soon be complete, and have come out to stop us, giving me a farewell as Amelia says to be prepared. Meanwhile I say to Amelia someone like her won’t stop me, though I inwardly think even if it’s those 2, it’s still a reckless thing do, wondering what exactly Freohr is thinking.

Enemy reinforce

Freohr (Lv49) – Ash Saver

Amelia (Lv48) – Vysaga

Now this is another new model. The Ash Saver like the Laz Angrif, comes with Beam Coating, Jammer, and ability to deflect physical attacks, but thankfully not Shield. Both girls come at max morale though, and their spawning points are on Axis. But, if it was completely covered up, then they will be forced to spawn elsewhere, so that’s why it was important to cover Axis completely so they can’t use it’s bonuses.

Anyway, once defeated, Amelia notes her mecha is in troublem, and Ferohr tells her to retreat. Amelia asks if it’s okay, and Freohr tells her to not question her. Once she leaves, Freohr tells me to don’t forget her, as she wants to personally fight me, and I still inwardly wonder what the heck her true intentions are.

When defeated, Freohr likewise retreats, stating this is not the end.

Now that the battle is truly over, we debate if to go inside Axis or not. Zerker thinks it could be a trap, as I note Freohr and Amelia physicaly retreated back inside, not warped in. Replica wants to wait for reinforcements, but CA brings up they did told us the Dimensional Transport is almost complete. That decides it, Zerker orders to head inside!

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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