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[spoiler=long ass thing I just made for Pre-AP American Lit]

Works Cited

Snyder, Michael. "19 Shocking Examples Of How Political Correctness Is Destroying America." The American Dream. WordPress and Atahualpa, 13 Aug. 2013. Web. 22 Nov. 2013.

The premise of this article was to explain what political correctness was and the author’s opinion about the term. After the author, Michael Snyder, gave his opinion on the matter, he gave nineteen examples of how America was being ‘destroyed’ by citizens saying, doing, or expressing unpopular views that were met with disdain. Examples of the correctness include a teacher in New Jersey who was fired for giving his own Bible to one of his students that did not own one, and a high school track team that was disqualified earlier in the year due to one of their runners making a gesture ‘thanking God’ after he crossed the finish line. After the nineteen examples were given, the author gives his claim about how the establishment wants to control the way people act and think.

This article was a reliable source because it shows examples on how the American Dream can differ between people and show how negative reactions can be toward certain beliefs. Though religion played quite a huge role in the article more compared to actual politicians, political correctness limits expressing faith as shown, which can be considered that the establishment controls the way people should express themselves.

Núñez, Fabian. "The American Dream vs. The Politics of Fear." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 13 Feb. 2013. Web. 22 Nov. 2013.

The premise of this article shows how the author, Fabian Núñez, compares the goals of the Democratic Party with the goals of the Republican Party. The author praises President Barrack Obama’s views of the American Dream, saying that the entire dream he had was beautiful, and the way he spoke the night of his speech addressed the citizens’ hopes and dreams, not their fears and doubts. After praising Obama, Núñez then started to talk about the Republican Party, but criticized them and said that their dreams were closer to a nightmare or a bad dream instead of the American Dream. He talks about Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, a Republican, and praised on how his positive views on immigration differed from other Republicans’. Despite that, he did not say any other positive aspect of the Republican Party. At the end of the article, the author stated that the American people have a choice regarding politics: “the Obama vision of hope or the Republican vision of fear and doubt.”

This article was a reliable source since it shows the differing views of the Democrats and the Republicans. It also shows why the bickering between the two parties shows how they are rather unpopular, since they spend a lot of time arguing about what is best for the country instead of working to achieve the goal together so everyone in the country can have their American Dream.

LANGER, ANALYSISby GARY. "On Politics, Economy and the American Dream." ABC News. ABC News Network, 21 Sept. 2010. Web. 22 Nov. 2013.

The premise of this article shows statistics back in 2010 whether Americans wanted the Republicans back in charge of the country or if the Democrats should keep doing what they are doing in the White House. It also shows statistics between nonwhites and whites about whether the American Dream still holds true to them, as well as people located in different parts of the country, such as the West versus the Midwest. After those comparisons, the article states how Barrack Obama and George W. Bush and lists statistics on how which groups of people viewed each politician. It also states that most Republicans would feel the economy would fare better if they were in charge, and it is the same case with the Democrats.

This article was reliable due to showing how each party felt about the country under their leadership. Also, the article was from ABC News, a very credible resource, and the information they provided was backed up with official percentages. Though, the fact that there are Americans that fell out of believing in the American dream proves that there is still work to be done.

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[spoiler=long ass thing I just made for Pre-AP American Lit]

Works Cited

Snyder, Michael. "19 Shocking Examples Of How Political Correctness Is Destroying America." The American Dream. WordPress and Atahualpa, 13 Aug. 2013. Web. 22 Nov. 2013.

The premise of this article was to explain what political correctness was and the author’s opinion about the term. After the author, Michael Snyder, gave his opinion on the matter, he gave nineteen examples of how America was being ‘destroyed’ by citizens saying, doing, or expressing unpopular views that were met with disdain. Examples of the correctness include a teacher in New Jersey who was fired for giving his own Bible to one of his students that did not own one, and a high school track team that was disqualified earlier in the year due to one of their runners making a gesture ‘thanking God’ after he crossed the finish line. After the nineteen examples were given, the author gives his claim about how the establishment wants to control the way people act and think.

This article was a reliable source because it shows examples on how the American Dream can differ between people and show how negative reactions can be toward certain beliefs. Though religion played quite a huge role in the article more compared to actual politicians, political correctness limits expressing faith as shown, which can be considered that the establishment controls the way people should express themselves.

Núñez, Fabian. "The American Dream vs. The Politics of Fear." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 13 Feb. 2013. Web. 22 Nov. 2013.

The premise of this article shows how the author, Fabian Núñez, compares the goals of the Democratic Party with the goals of the Republican Party. The author praises President Barrack Obama’s views of the American Dream, saying that the entire dream he had was beautiful, and the way he spoke the night of his speech addressed the citizens’ hopes and dreams, not their fears and doubts. After praising Obama, Núñez then started to talk about the Republican Party, but criticized them and said that their dreams were closer to a nightmare or a bad dream instead of the American Dream. He talks about Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, a Republican, and praised on how his positive views on immigration differed from other Republicans’. Despite that, he did not say any other positive aspect of the Republican Party. At the end of the article, the author stated that the American people have a choice regarding politics: “the Obama vision of hope or the Republican vision of fear and doubt.”

This article was a reliable source since it shows the differing views of the Democrats and the Republicans. It also shows why the bickering between the two parties shows how they are rather unpopular, since they spend a lot of time arguing about what is best for the country instead of working to achieve the goal together so everyone in the country can have their American Dream.

LANGER, ANALYSISby GARY. "On Politics, Economy and the American Dream." ABC News. ABC News Network, 21 Sept. 2010. Web. 22 Nov. 2013.

The premise of this article shows statistics back in 2010 whether Americans wanted the Republicans back in charge of the country or if the Democrats should keep doing what they are doing in the White House. It also shows statistics between nonwhites and whites about whether the American Dream still holds true to them, as well as people located in different parts of the country, such as the West versus the Midwest. After those comparisons, the article states how Barrack Obama and George W. Bush and lists statistics on how which groups of people viewed each politician. It also states that most Republicans would feel the economy would fare better if they were in charge, and it is the same case with the Democrats.

This article was reliable due to showing how each party felt about the country under their leadership. Also, the article was from ABC News, a very credible resource, and the information they provided was backed up with official percentages. Though, the fact that there are Americans that fell out of believing in the American dream proves that there is still work to be done.

That's awful! I mean, not your thing, it's great, very nicely done, but peeps! Why? Why can you not except disagreement? Even I hear counter-arguments!

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That's awful! I mean, not your thing, it's great, very nicely done, but peeps! Why? Why can you not except disagreement? Even I hear counter-arguments!

Haha, thank you. I just hope I get a good grade on it. >_>

'Tis Republicans vs. Democrats.

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It should be a fighting game at this point, really.

I would totally play that

Anyway, yeah, hope you do well.

Come on...4000...*jolt*

DUDE that would be the best game ever.

JFK vs. Obama would be quite the match-up.

Thanks man.

BOOM 4000

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I was around for page 1000. :P

I was actually referring to how I used to have the # of posts per page from the forum default (20) to 40

Until the forum software update, which now longer allows us to change that

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