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The Last To Post Wins!


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It's called "lack of self confidence and hoping that someone would say 'nah, I bet you'll make it good'"

bruh i'm sorry i don't know you because we have never expressed an interest in talking to each other

the fault is mine for taking text at face value based on prior experiences

and that the only non-claim stuff in your profile gives the exact opposite vibe of what you just said

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Pokemon Adventures: The Last to Post Edition

Kanto Dex Holders:

Ein: Red

Emerald: Green

Shirley: Blue

Vash: Yellow

Johto Dex Holders:

ZM: Gold

Kalas: Silver

Criz: Crystal

Hoenn Dex Holders:

Boney: Ruby

Yeon: Sapphire

Jprebs: Emerald

Anon: Wally

Sinnoh Dex Holders:

Hero-King: Diamond

Lucas/Damian: Pearl

Freohr: Platinum Berlitz

Unova Dex Holders:

Zak: Black

Foxxie: White

David: Cheren

Aya: Bianca

Breezy: Lack-Two

Shelie: Whi-Two

Kalos Dex Holders:

Poly: X

Lettuce: Y

Edited by ZeeEmm
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I'll see what I can do.


Red/Blue/Green Arc: Ein travels across the Kanto region to participate in the Pokemon League by beating every gym, but gets sidetracked at times by Team Rocket, Emerald, Shirley, and random Yugioh thugs who are out for his cards.

Yellow Arc: Vash's journey on...getting better at Pokemon. The random fanboys she encounters don't help her case much.

Gold/Silver/Crystal Arc: ZM chases Kalas throughout the Johto region to make him take back his words on how his Touhou Project waifus were better than his own. Oh, and he helps out random gym leaders along the way. And pretty girls. Criz eventually joins the fray and is...probably the only sane Johto Dex Holder.

Ruby/Sapphire Arc: Boney longs to become the greatest composer in the Hoenn region as well as in the Pokemon world by participating in contests to enhance his skills while Yeon wants to become the next Ein. Oh, and the two secretly like each other.

FireRed/LeafGreen Arc: Ein's back, and the mysteries of Kalas's dad are delved into.

Emerald Arc: With ZM's, Criz's, Boney's, and Yeon's help, Jprebs attempts to defeat the remnants of Team Magma and Team Aqua as well as trumping the Battle Frontier...and claiming every Touhou he can (to ZM's dismay).

Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Arc: Hero-King and Damian escort Freohr throughout the Sinnoh region as she wins gym after gym. Team Galactic and certain others get in the way at times.

HeartGold/SoulSilver Arc: ZM's back, and the newly formed Team Rocket are up to no good. Him, Kalas, and Criz attempt to take them down as well as...Arceus...

Black/White Arc: Zak goes through Unova and angsts a little. Foxxie does, too.

Black2/White2 Arc: idk

X/Y Arc: idk

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Gen5 V.2 arc idea:

Breezy and Shelie both leave there homeland, pledging never to return again, because screw it, it's been at least a month since either of them have posted here. On there whimsical journey filled with angsty angst about angst, the come across Aya and David, peeps who helped Zak and Foxxie by doing all the work for them. What ensues is surprisingly not angsty. In fact, they seem okay about it.

Gen6 idea: Poly goes on an epic quest to get better so women will sleep with him. Lettuce tries to avoid him at all costs. Emerald shows up a couple of times and we all no how that goes down. Eventually Emerald punches Poly in the face and runs of with Lettuce into the sunset atop a Gogoat. Romantic. Poly goes on to be a great trainer with a French accent.

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Gen5 V.2 arc idea:

Breezy and Shelie both leave there homeland, pledging never to return again, because screw it, it's been at least a month since either of them have posted here. On there whimsical journey filled with angsty angst about angst, the come across Aya and David, peeps who helped Zak and Foxxie by doing all the work for them. What ensues is surprisingly not angsty. In fact, they seem okay about it.

Gen6 idea: Poly goes on an epic quest to get better so women will sleep with him. Lettuce tries to avoid him at all costs. Emerald shows up a couple of times and we all no how that goes down. Eventually Emerald punches Poly in the face and runs of with Lettuce into the sunset atop a Gogoat. Romantic. Poly goes on to be a great trainer with a French accent.


I'm best mysterious protagonist.

We're the best rivals.

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