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no playing as bowser/10

although the unending dose of Luigi can be gr9

I feel your struggle

Did the war leave Akaneia low on funds?

fuk u people talking about M&L: DT, now I don't know which game to buy again ;_;

Edited by Tonton
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Did the war left Akaneia low on funds?

fuk u people talking about M&L: DT, now I don't know which game to buy again ;_;

Ha! you're funny

Tbh, I don't even buy many games to begin with, save for a select few franchises. So its just... eh

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Ha! you're funny

Tbh, I don't even buy many games to begin with, save for a select few franchises. So its just... eh

The only game I bought on my DS was Pokemon Platinum

The rest I used and emulator

I'm buying more things with the 3DS, so far I have Kid Icarus: Uprising, Resident Evil Revelations, Super Mario 3D Land, Awakening and Pokemon Y and Black 2 (yes, I know it's a DS game), but there are too many that I also want, on top of my list are Dream Team, New Leaf, A Link Between Worlds and AA5.

Too bad the BR eShop is not working anymore ;_;


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The only game I bought on my DS was Pokemon Platinum

The rest I used and emulator

I'm buying more things with the 3DS, so far I have Kid Icarus: Uprising, Resident Evil Revelations, Super Mario 3D Land, Awakening and Pokemon Y and Black 2 (yes, I know it's a DS game), but there are too many that I also want, on top of my list are Dream Team, New Leaf, A Link Between Worlds and AA5.

Too bad the BR eShop is not working anymore ;_;

I see. I the only time I ever emulated was for FE12. Even though I loved the game, I could never do it again due to constantly having too change settings for it to run at a regular pace.

Wait, the eShop doesnt work?

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I see. I the only time I ever emulated was for FE12. Even though I loved the game, I could never do it again due to constantly having too change settings for it to run at a regular pace.

Wait, the eShop doesnt work?

I loved some of the games I've played, but I have a rule where if I can't get at least 100~200 hours of playing the game, it's not worth paying the price games are here.

I can't buy anything in the BR one due to some legal complications (basically, Nintendo, just like many other companies, charged in Dollars even if the prices were displayed in Real, which implied in a tax to convert the currency that people wouldn't be aware of until getting the credit card bills)

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My Wil on HHM can take down knights in two hits, and killed Uhai on his own. I think that sums him up quite well

Oh yes. Screenshot of his stats?

Louise is fucking awesome.

She is, too. Don't disregard my best buddy Wil, though.

Will is fucking awesome.

Rath is fucking awesome.

Rebecca is fucking awesome.

Louise is fucking awesome.

Fuck to the yes bows FTW

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