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Same here, but my inability to speak it is more because I really don't like it and my teacher makes us go too fast

The Spanish AP would make you cry like I am...

Why do you dislike Spanish so much? Do you just hate your class or do you not like the language itself?

The only language I'm interesting in learning is Japanese totally not a weeb. Nope! Tried learning it a couple of years ago, but I kinda gave up... But yeah, maybe one day!

As for nerves, I can't really relate to that apart from when I did my presentation for English 2 years ago. Dayum, I was swaying like a branch on a windy day :c

I also gave up on Japanese. I'm planning on starting to try again soon, though. XD

Presentations are the worst! I always die on those...

Considering I'm going to take Chinese next year..

It'll be interesting.

Ha ha, there's a Mandarin Chinese course at my school, but you have to stay afterschool to take it, which is the only reason why I'm not. :c

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I also gave up on Japanese. I'm planning on starting to try again soon, though. XD

Presentations are the worst! I always die on those...

Hirigana, Katakana and Kanji...

Three mountains a (wo)man may or may not scale. I'll probably give it another go when I forget the meaning of the word 'procrastinate'

I hate them! I gotta go another one at the end of this year. Presenting my custom built go-kart to some other people. It's going to suck :c

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Hirigana, Katakana and Kanji...

Three mountains a (wo)man may or may not scale. I'll probably give it another go when I forget the meaning of the word 'procrastinate'

I hate them! I gotta go another one at the end of this year. Presenting my custom built go-kart to some other people. It's going to suck :c

I can "read" Hirigana and Katakana, although I need to think about it...It's the Kanji that really murders. ;n;

Good luck with that! As for me, I have to do a simulated conversation and a presentation in May...in Spanish. XD

lol, never gonna happen then

How kind of you.

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I can "read" Hirigana and Katakana, although I need to think about it...It's the Kanji that really murders. ;n;

Good luck with that! As for me, I have to do a simulated conversation and a presentation in May...in Spanish. XD

Oh sweet. Kanji has like, over 1000 symbols, right? I think my head would explode out of sheer why

... Ouch. I feel for you :c

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I've already done one. IN GERMAN!

Look at all my boasting! You could say I'm a real Deutsch bag!

I've done a few in Spanish already, but this is the AP I'm talking about here! D;

I swear, you're like the prince of corny puns. XD

Oh sweet. Kanji has like, over 1000 symbols, right? I think my head would explode out of sheer why

... Ouch. I feel for you :c

Yup. There's actually around 50000 in existence, but the Japanese government decided that one only needs to know about 1985 of them. ^^

Those conversations are terrible because you must speak for 20 seconds and if you don't you will die but sometimes all the other party says is literally "Hola" and who the hell takes 20 whole seconds to say "How are you". o.o

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I've done a few in Spanish already, but this is the AP I'm talking about here! D;

I swear, you're like the prince of corny puns. XD

I'm hoping to graduate AP and IB courses. I can dream eh?

It's not even my pun, but yes, I am.

Yup. There's actually around 50000 in existence, but the Japanese government decided that one only needs to know about 1985 of them. ^^

I believe most kanji is symbolic though.

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