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Also, Conkeldurr with only fighting moves, Calm Mind Infernape that apparently lacks special moves (didn't get to see its fourth move, and the other moves it had were physical), and sending in Alakazam on Galvantula to try to revenge kill it. Oh, and Cloyster out speeding Rotom-H. I seriously wish I was joking...

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Also, Conkeldurr with only fighting moves, Calm Mind Infernape that apparently lacks special moves (didn't get to see its fourth move, and the other moves it had were physical), and sending in Alakazam on Galvantula to try to revenge kill it. Oh, and Cloyster out speeding Rotom-H. I seriously wish I was joking...

This is nothing but a train wreck..

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Some dude tried ye olde Entranment Durant + Dugtrio trick. Only problem? He tried to trap Vivillon. Later on, DIGGERSBY THO. (No clue why the Machamp didn't just D-Punch it.)

Edited by Levant Caprice
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This is pure stupidity


Some dude tried ye olde Entranment Durant + Dugtrio trick. Only problem? He tried to trap Vivillon. Later on, DIGGERSBY THO. (No clue why the Machamp didn't just D-Punch it.)

Dynamicpunch isn't reliable though.

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I see.


You know there are issues when you see the Quick Claw on the Infernape. And that's just the tip of the iceberg...

Why give Garchomp Outrage? Someone could just throw a fairy type in (Which is a common type used now since it never has been a type in any other gen before this one) and Garchomp is then screwed, because you cannot switch him out while your Poke is Outraging.

I thought Quick Claw was banned on Smogon :/

It is.
But it sucks anyways when a Choice Scarf does alot better job.

1. Not now. It's banned.

2. Why would they ban such a crappy and unreliable item?

3. Infernape's speed is huge. It's a waste of item slot. And it only activates 20% of the time. that's terrible even on a slow pokemon

1. Of course.
It is one of the deadliest sweepers in the game like Groudon! (Groudon Rock Polish+EQ. Kills many teams with minimal effort)
Choice Scarf+U-Turn
Rock Polish+Good enough bulk to set up one and+Attk.
2. Because the battle can turn in your favor even though it's active rate is very low.
3. It's better to have a Choice Band. Choice Band+Close Combat is powerful enough to even 2HKO Registeel the utmost defensive poke in the game!

Also, same dude had Quick Claw Garchomp that was running both Dragon Claw and Outrage..

Why Outrage? it sucks in Gen VI.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Well dragon claw isn't the strongest of moves

Dragon rush sucks due to accuracy

Outrage can turn 3HKOs into 2HKOs and the such; nobody wants to switch into something that has, at minimum, 394 attack that's throwing out STAB outrage

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Well dragon claw isn't the strongest of moves

Dragon rush sucks due to accuracy

Outrage can turn 3HKOs into 2HKOs and the such; nobody wants to switch into something that has, at minimum, 394 attack that's throwing out STAB outrage


But not going to happen with my dragons.

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Outrage doesn't suck lol

It was broken in gen IV, excellent last gen and is still great

Gen V...it was broken along with a Dragon Gem, or Moxie, both.

Gen VI, your screwed if they throw a Fairy type in.

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Gen V...it was broken along with a Dragon Gem, or Moxie, both.

Gen VI, your screwed if they throw a Fairy type in.

the rampage ends if you hit a fairy, so it isn't THAT much of a deal

Not willing to take the risk.

Which risks? It's not thunder or focus miss.

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Gen V, Outraged Moxie Gyarados/Salamance were recommendations for the Battle Subway as with a Dragon Gem for it's held item, it could clean out many teams with minimal effort.

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