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Why give Garchomp Outrage? Someone could just throw a fairy type in (Which is a common type used now since it never has been a type in any other gen before this one) and Garchomp is then screwed, because you cannot switch him out while your Poke is Outraging.

It is.
But it sucks anyways when a Choice Scarf does alot better job.
1. Of course.
It is one of the deadliest sweepers in the game like Groudon! (Groudon Rock Polish+EQ. Kills many teams with minimal effort)
Choice Scarf+U-Turn
Rock Polish+Good enough bulk to set up one and+Attk.
2. Because the battle can turn in your favor even though it's active rate is very low.
3. It's better to have a Choice Band. Choice Band+Close Combat is powerful enough to even 2HKO Registeel the utmost defensive poke in the game!

Why Outrage? it sucks in Gen VI.

Errr...Does Registeel even show up that often in OU? Also, I wouldn't want to lock myself into a fighting move, lest Gengar/Aegislash/w/e come in and force me out,

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the rampage ends if you hit a fairy, so it isn't THAT much of a deal

Which risks? It's not thunder or focus miss.


Unless berry.

And I should note, even if you hit a fairy, if that was the turn Outrage was supposed to end, you still suffer the confusion aftereffect.

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3. It's better to have a Choice Band. Choice Band+Close Combat is powerful enough to even 2HKO Registeel the utmost defensive poke in the game!

Shuckle, with its base 230 Def/Sp. Def says hi.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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And I should note, even if you hit a fairy, if that was the turn Outrage was supposed to end, you still suffer the confusion aftereffect.


The dragon looks at it's opponent with bloodshot eyes and then wails on it's enemy thinking it only as a target as must kill.

The only Poke who would suit Outrage on is Gyarados as it doesn't get nailed super effectively by a fairy type move unless it is in it's Mega form. It's still risky to have this move however, as you cannot control or switch out your Poke while it is used (And is screwed if a Fairy type is in) and Gyarados can only get Outrage through transfer, or move modifying.

Shuckle, with its base 230 Def/Sp. Def says hi.

Hee hee. =P

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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The dragon looks at it's opponent with bloodshot eyes and then wails on it's enemy thinking it only as a target as must kill.

The only Poke who would suit Outrage on is Gyarados as it doesn't get nailed super effectively by a fairy type move unless it is in it's Mega form. It's still risky to have this move however, as you cannot control or switch out your Poke whie it is used and Gyarados can only get Outrage through transfer, or move modifying.

What no

Gyarados can get Outrage at level 50 or something.

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It was from Parfum Palace.


I'll have to transfer my Moxie Gyarados since it's deadweight without Outrage.

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Meh. I don't really think mega gyarados would be that better with dragon typing rather than dark. The only notable thing is that it would lose the fighting weakness

The best secondary typing for it would be ground, so its mold breaker earthquake would be even stronger than they already are.

That said, mega gyarados is really good as it is

Edited by Your Mother
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