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What's with people and these weird Uber choices? Exeggutor isn't all THAT weird, but.... Cryogonal?


>Ferrothorn with Aerial Ace
>Said Exeggutor trying to Toxic said Ferrothorn.
>Said Ferrothorn trying to Leech Seed said Exeggutor two turns later.
>Mixed Blaziken (Fire Miss/Overheat/Night Slash/???)
>Air Balloon Greninja
>Hydro Cannon Greninja
>Cryogonal. In Ubers.
>Ice Beam Gyarados. Because physical Gyarados is apparently overrated.
>Switching out Ferrothorn and switching in Cryogonal... vs. Blaziken. Overheat missed, so it didn't matter in the end, but still...
>Aerial Ace Garchomp. Dunno why it bothered using that against Cryogonal when Stone Edge woulda KOd if it hit. And what are you trying to hit, anyways?
>Wing Attack Dragonite
>Ferrothorn using Explosion.... against Gengar.
Edited by Levant Caprice
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The chat in this one is funny. Also. a Gengar with Hypnosmiss/Dream Eater/Thunderbolt/Hidden Power (dunno the type, since Scolipede, Jolteon and Reuniclus were hit for neutral damage), because STAB is overrated.
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The chat in this one is funny. Also. a Gengar with Hypnosmiss/Dream Eater/Thunderbolt/Hidden Power (dunno the type, since Scolipede, Jolteon and Reuniclus were hit for neutral damage), because STAB is overrated.

Why is Dream Eater Bolded?

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On what. Anything?

Cause Darkrai can use it well.

I'd probably say anything, yeah, given that sleep clause is a thing and Dream Eater's essentially useless if your opponent switches out. As to Darkrai, it'd like a Psychic move to rek Fighting type switch-ins, yes. But...

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I'd probably say anything, yeah, given that sleep clause is a thing and Dream Eater's essentially useless if your opponent switches out. As to Darkrai, it'd like a Psychic move to rek Fighting type switch-ins, yes. But...

I see your point. Since Darkrai is frail, it has to rely on speed to actually do anything.

That and switching is still a thing.

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>Non-mega Lucario
>Physical Non-mega Charizard
>Frogadier (double the silly for being non-Protean)
>Special Torterra
>Special Tyranitar (granted, mixed sets for Tyranitar are - or at least were - a thing, but this one was running Blizzard)
>Focus Blast vs. a ghost
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>Switching in Rhyperior against a banded Scizor using Bullet Punch
>Attempting to use Thunder Wave on a Nidoking
>Using Thunder Wave on a Breloom...that was at 1 HP. Why not just finish it off???
Also, Specs Hyper Beam Porygon-Z.
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I love how the other guy, when hit with Aqua Tail, goes "what" as if that's the strange thing about this battle. If you really wanna go "what", take note of these:
>Attract Slurpuff. Except it was male, as was the Greninja it tried to use it on.
>Swords Dance Tentacruel with no physical moves.
>Infestation on the aforementioned Tentacruel.
>Sliggoo. With Dragon Breath.
>Quick Attack Scizor. Because fuck Bullet Punch. (Also, I'm unsure as to whether it was running Technician, but since the Galvantula that it was facing used Gastro Acid, meh.)
>What do you do when up against a Pokemon with 135 base attack? If you guessed "set up Light Screen", you're a winner!
>Excadrill with Metal Claw and Drill Run. Because Iron Head and Earthquake are too mainstream.
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>Forretress with Sunny Day and Solarbeam
>All but one of his Pokemon are under level 100 for no real reason (the other guy even asked why, but didn't get a comment)
>Sending Flygon in against Jynx
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>Staying in vs. Hitmonchan with Scolipede after seeing that Hitmonchan had Fire Punch
>Offensive Whimsicott
>Gyarados going Mega.... vs. a Scrafty, because why resist your opponent's attacks when you can be weak against them?
>Said Gyarados using Dark Pulse on Scrafty
>Enigma Berry Chandelure
>Hex on said Chandelure
>Using Shadow Sneak against a Scrafty when you had Sacred Sword
>Aura Sphere against Aegislash
>Calm Mind Iron Defense Lucario
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