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I also had emerald as well. The Battle frontier was great. I hope it's in the remakes.

I beat Lucy and Anabel recently on my Emerald ROM.

I felt so accomplished.

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I beat Lucy and Anabel recently on my Emerald ROM.

I felt so accomplished.

Gameshark/Savestates beats the arena like legendaries.

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Hmph. Seph only comes in here to criticize me for my MLP appreciation, then leaves hoping I get all upset about it.

Well Seph, it's not up to you to determine what other people should/shouldn't like and how they should live their life. And I know the boundaries I should keep regarding my MLP appreciation (I like its cuteness, but I don't go any further than that), and you should know yours in terms of keeping your negativity to yourself and not raining on other people's parades.

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Hmph. Seph only comes in here to criticize me for my MLP appreciation, then leaves hoping I get all upset about it.

Well Seph, it's not up to you to determine what other people should/shouldn't like and how they should live their life. And I know the boundaries I should keep regarding my MLP appreciation (I like its cuteness, but I don't go any further than that), and you should know yours in terms of keeping your negativity to yourself and not raining on other people's parades.

That doesn't mean you should shove your mlp appreciation into areas it doesn't belong. It speaks about your character, its not morally wrong.

also "speh" is dead

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I noticed you have one spoiler in your sig now Brother

Yeah, I do.

People love boredom. Just look at the masses of the typical, generic Americans. They're so forgettable.


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Hmph. Seph only comes in here to criticize me for my MLP appreciation, then leaves hoping I get all upset about it.

Well Seph, it's not up to you to determine what other people should/shouldn't like and how they should live their life. And I know the boundaries I should keep regarding my MLP appreciation (I like its cuteness, but I don't go any further than that), and you should know yours in terms of keeping your negativity to yourself and not raining on other people's parades.


also top lel

i was never talking about what people should/shouldn't like, like try hard said

ggs b0ss.

Edited by I have opinions
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That doesn't mean you should shove your mlp appreciation into areas it doesn't belong. It speaks about your character, its not morally wrong.

That's the first valid enough point I've seen you or I have opinions make regarding MLP in this thread.

Fair enough. I'll try to keep it to that MLP thread and my sig/avatar, then. Though I hope you realize that people talk about their interests/likes in the Last to Post thread all the time, so it's not like people's interests "don't belong" in this particular thread. Though since there's quite a lot of people that don't like My Little Pony, I suppose I'll minimize it out of consideration to them.


also top lel

i was never talking about what people should/shouldn't like, like try hard said

ggs b0ss.

Fine then, Mr. "I have opinions".

I was mostly referring to you being against waifus and saying it needs to be stopped. I personally don't want to join the whole waifu thing either (I prefer to keep it as attraction, and leave it as that) but I'm not going to try to put an end to it on SF just because I personally don't want to do it.

Also, it's quite rude to call people's interests "creepy." It's not like what others like or enjoy directly affects you. I keep it as attraction, and nothing more.

Edited by Randoman
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That's the first valid point I've seen you or I have opinions make regarding MLP in this thread.

Fair enough. I'll try to keep it to that MLP thread and my sig/avatar, then.

??? As in the the only post that I've made on MLP in this thread. Not that I hate the show, I'm indifferent to it.

Its fanbase is quite often obnoxious and extremely creepy, and this usually sullies peoples opinion of people who openly display themselves as MLP fans, and posting pictures of anthropomorphized animals and calling them cute generally does not have a positive impact on your image. You might not care, but there is a reason why quite a few people hate overly excited "bronies". (man, that's such a terrible term to begin with)

To be honest I don't even think you should have it as your sig/avatar and I don't see why it's necessary for you to post convincing others to change their avatars/sigs to ponies for a month, but whatever.

Fine then, I have opinions.

I was referring to you being against waifus and saying it needs to be stopped. I personally don't want to join the whole waifu thing either (I prefer to keep it as attraction, and leave it as that) but I'm not going to try to put an end to it on SF just because I personally don't want to do it.

On waifus, honestly, no-one wants to read/see about your fuck fantasies or imaginary relationships. Keep it private, no one needs to see that. I could go into the reasons why it's probably not healthy at all, either, but I'll leave it at that. Most people consider it creepy and it serves as nothing else than to degrade your image. But of course, people can go ahead and do so, it just gives other people more ammo to mock them with. It's a bad idea all round.

People should like whatever they like. Telling people they're not allow to like something is rude.

i'm ruuuuuuuudeeee

speaking of weren't you the guy that read out certain people's waifu posts as a mockery and put the video up on your channel?

Edited by Tryhard
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