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~ Return
~ Aerial Ace
~ Quick Attack
~ Night Slash / Hidden Power Ground / Double-Edge / Knock Off
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
I've seen this set before and I'm sure you have too. But where? Was it on Staraptor, Dodrio, Swellow, Fearow, or Pidgeot?
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~ Return
~ Aerial Ace
~ Quick Attack
~ Night Slash / Hidden Power Ground / Double-Edge / Knock Off
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
I've seen this set before and I'm sure you have too. But where? Was it on Staraptor, Dodrio, Swellow, Fearow, or Pidgeot?

Answers in bold

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I fucking love Farfetch'd.

~ Swords Dance
~ Return
~ Brave Bird
~ Revenge
While this set is superficially similar to such brutes as Terrakion, or even the violent god Arceus, Farfetch'd functions entirely differently from them. Those Pokemon get their opportunity to set up by treacherous means—threatening premature violence against unprepared foes chief among these. Farfetch'd instead believes in its foe's honor—a three-turn preparation period is agreed to, during which Farfetch'd and its foe ready themselves.
Farfetch'd dances with its blade, and at the end of the three turns its Attack stat is 1004. Perhaps its foe will have made similar efforts, or perhaps it will have changed places with a comrade better equipped to fight Farfetch'd. Either way, Farfetch'd will then unleash its full power. With Return, Farfetch'd's blade shall cleave many foes in two, but some survive. Fear not! Against these greater enemies, Farfetch'd spreads its wings and unleashes Brave Bird. Foes as great as the mighty elephant Donphan will be broken.
Steel-type Pokemon, with armored hides and iron fangs, can survive Farfetch'd's attacks. However, if they have any honor at all they will not take these traits without offering their offensive capabilities in trade; Farfetch'd's Revenge gives it a chance, however slim, against these.
Even with all your setup, many foes will still outrun Farfetch'd and kill it before it has a chance to strike—for example, Terrakion. Or Dragonite. Or Haxorus. Or Salamence. Or Scizor. Or Gyarados. Or Lucario. Or Metagross—these are but a scant few of the members of this list. There's no shame in dying with honor, though. As long as Farfetch'd stays and fights to the end, that's enough; better a noble death than a cheap victory. Ladder ratings may fall, but your spirit shall soar.
Night Slash and Leaf Blade are both options in lieu of Revenge, but they deny Farfetch'd the ability to break through Steel-types.
Should your opponent prove to be dishonorable and deny Farfetch'd its chance to use Swords Dance a full three times, Farfetch'd will be weak. There is no chance for its survival in this case; your only option is to ensure that another of its comrades has the tools to avenge it, taking blood in exchange for blood.
Some may advise another item in lieu of the Stick. These people are fools; what knight goes into battle without the blade that has been his constant companion? A Life Orb is no substitute; if Farfetch'd should win a battle by using it, the victory will be hollow.
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Some may advise another item in lieu of the Stick. These people are fools; what knight goes into battle without the blade that has been his constant companion? A Life Orb is no substitute; if Farfetch'd should win a battle by using it, the victory will be hollow
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Smogon is so damn poetic.

Farfetch'd fares well only against foes who allow it to set up; if its foe refuses to give it the chance it will fall.
After it sets up, Farfetch'd fears nothing except for any Pokemon with more than 219 Speed.
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Luvdisc gets the award for worst fully evolved Pokemon for three generations straight, which I guess is something.

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~ Rain Dance
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Toxic / Hidden Power Electric
Such a load of potential here. First off, use Rain Dance to double the only stat that Luvdisc doesn't need a boost in. 95 Base Power with the boost from STAB and Rain Dance sounds very powerful, and it would be on any other Pokémon. Ice Beam is for all these Grass-types that have way too much Special Defense to hurt anyway, but I suppose I just like the words "It's super effective" on your screen. Toxic shows off Luvdisc's amazing stalling power with 43 HP, 55 Defense and 65 Special Defense, but Hidden Power Electric is there if you're afraid of Pelipper or (God forbid) a hostile Luvdisc!
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~ Toxic

~ Sweet Kiss

~ Attract

~ Protect

Watch Luvdisc stall out his opponents with his amazing total of defenses not even topping 170. Confusion and attraction together equals a 75% chance your opponent has to wait one more turn before Luvdisc is turned into a pile of heart juice, Protect is another turn, which means that Toxic might inflict a little damage in the meantime. If you're lucky. Aqua Ring can be used on this set. Just kidding, of course.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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~ Bestow / Fling
~ Covet
~ Volt Switch
~ Super Fang / Toxic
As mentioned earlier, Pachirisu works in mysterious ways. While most Pokemon look to make the most of their items by hoarding them for themselves, a few others look to Trick their items to the opponent in order to cripple them. Pachirisu, however, takes this notion in a direction only a squirrel truly could: up a tree. With Bestow, Pachirisu offers up its item—its proverbial nut—to the opponent. Upon witnessing an act of such generosity, many opponents will refuse to strike such an innocent creature, and will be sent, domesticated by a squirrel, back to their trainers. Of course, Bestow can only work if Pachirisu's opponent isn't already bearing an item (probably not for a gift exchange, unfortunately). To guarantee that Pachirisu gives its gift to its foe, Fling can be used to forcibly chuck the item at the enemy. Of course, Pachirisu can't just stop there. If it brought a gift for one Pokemon, it has to have gifts for them all, right? By utilizing its access to Covet, Pachirisu can perform the act of re-gifting even better than you can when you receive those ugly sweaters from your grandparents at Christmas time.
There are times, however, when even Pachirisu's generosity won't be enough to placate the ferocious beast you may be facing. This is most likely because their trainer is the literal incarnation of the Grinch, pre-heart swelling, and never taught them how to enjoy the act of giving. Or maybe they're mad Pachirisu stole their item? It doesn't matter, though, because Pachirisu will become a ferocious beast of its own, with power rivaling that of a local squirrel that may or may not have rabies. In the event that Pachirisu becomes this uncontrollable monstrosity, Volt Switch can be used to return it to you, thereby calming the beast within. Should Pachirisu fail to return, however, it will likely cut the opponent's life span in half thanks to Super Fang. Alternatively, it might even learn to spit venom and poison them with Toxic. This last scenario is probably only possible if you've dipped your Pachirisu in hazardous waste, for which you should feel really, really bad.
Because Pachirisu is a squirrel at heart, the most genuine item to use is a Lum Berry. This works perfectly alongside Bestow, as Pachirisu's paws are just large enough to hold a Lum Berry, giving the appearance of a helpless beggar, akin to Oliver Twist. Those who prefer to utilize Fling and the more dangerous variants of Pachirisu may want to make it hold a Zap Plate, which will power up Volt Switch and probably tickle the opponent a little when it gets thrown at them. Volt Absorb, as previously lauded, makes Pachirisu the ultimate Electric-type. The EVs are very specific, in order to maximize Pachirisu's effectiveness. 156 HP EVs gives Pachirisu an HP stat of 300, filling it with the souls of shirtless warriors from the movie of the same name. A Timid nature and maximized Speed EVs allow Pachirisu to move as nimbly as its stumpy feet allow, making it more effective at delivering items than either UPS or FedEx. 56 Special Attack EVs allow Pachirisu to OHKO Swanna with Volt Switch even without the Zap Plate, which is important as ducks are the squirrel's only natural enemy. The remaining 44 EVs go into Special Defense, making it slightly harder to cause mental and emotional damage to Pachirisu's tiny brain.
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Hey Breeze~

I'm so hyped, man. SO HYPED

Grass/Dragon? YES

Lightningrod being a good option for Mega Sceptile due to giving it an immunity PLUS a boost in Special Attack when I'm sure GF will make its Special Attack higher regardless? YES

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None of the new Megas have impressed me at all.

How have you been dude?

I've been alright. More depressed.

The immunity point is kinda null, since it'll 4x resist it anyway. But I do think it'll wreck shop, though not as much as Blaziken ever will

GF was considering its performance in doubles, I bet.

I make my own sets.

And I make my own decks


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