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I can see why one would think it' s fine, as Greninja can make something faint then escape, but...

...it's a waste. Yeah.



-Sending in Alakazam immediately after losing an Excadrill to a Sharpedo

-Said Alakazam NOT having Magic Guard

-Entrainment Truant Durant (Granted, if it works, it can devastate the opponent, but thanks to team preview, it's easy to see coming, given that it's pretty much always paired up with Dugtrio. And it ain't like Durant itself is common in OU, either...)

Edited by Levant Caprice
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-Non-mega Ampharos.

-Choice Scarf Greninja. GGF. (And while it had Protean, it doesn't make this much less stupid)

-Shell Bell Aegislash.

-Said Greninja managing to freeze a Kabutops with Ice Beam... only for said Kabutops to thaw out immediately.

I've had my Scarfchomp killed by a greninja with choice scarf before lol

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...it's a waste. Yeah.



-Sending in Alakazam immediately after losing an Excadrill to a Sharpedo

-Said Alakazam NOT having Magic Guard

-Entrainment Truant Durant (Granted, if it works, it can devastate the opponent, but thanks to team preview, it's easy to see coming, given that it's pretty much always paired up with Dugtrio. And it ain't like Durant itself is common in OU, either...)

I like Torterra :(

Sure it's no Infernape, but I'm fond of the Sinnoh starters.

Edited by Sylveon Lord
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I like Torterra :(

Sure it's no Infernape, but I'm fond of the Sinnoh starters.

Well, I like it too, but I'm not so sure that Torterra is OU viable.

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I like Torterra :(

Sure it's no Infernape, but I'm fond of the Sinnoh starters.

Typhlosion is my favorite pokemon, but i'd never use it in a OU team (that said, i always use Garchomp, my second favorite pokemon, in them)
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-A random Haunter, because screw Gengar

-A random Jigglypuff

-Using Toxic against Reuniclus

-Said Reuniclus absolutely refusing to KO a Dragonite (it used a quad resisted Grass Knot, and followed it up with a resisted Focus Blast)

-Aqua Jet + ExtremeSpeed + Dragon Dance Dragonite. GGF. (I know full well that ESpeed + DD Dragonite is a thing, but the silly part is Aqua Jet)

-Ditto impostered as Dragonite that commited suicide against... a Destiny Bond Haunter, of all things. Given that Destiny Bond only has 8 PP, whilst ESpeed and Dragon Dance both have 5 PP each after Imposter...

-By the same token, unscarfed DItto

Edited by Levant Caprice
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To this day I don't get Overcoat Solosis/Duosion/Reuniclus since Magic Guard does the exact same thing and more...

Generation VI

Overcoat now also protects from powder and spore moves, as well as Effect Spore.

Overcoat isn't a worse Magic guard anymore. It also protects from spore now, for example. Still, I'd say magic guard is better, since it protects from steath rock/toxic/toxic spike and allows you to use a life orb without taking damage from it.

That buff was really good for mandibuzz, though.

Edited by Nobody
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Generation VI

Overcoat now also protects from powder and spore moves, as well as Effect Spore.

Overcoat isn't a worse Magic guard anymore. It also protects from spore now, for example. Still, I'd say magic guard is better, since it protects from steath rock/toxic/toxic spike and allows you to use a life orb without taking damage from it.

That buff was really good for mandibuzz, though.

I'm locked in Gen V land lol.

But that's good. Gen V overcoat was plain dumb, especially for that line.

And protection from a 100% accuracy Sleep move is always welcome.

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So? Lanturn is abysmal at worst and below-average at best.

Lanturn has a fuckton of HP, a fantastic typing, two amazing defensive abilites, and a spectacular moveset.

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Lanturn has a fuckton of HP, a fantastic typing, two amazing defensive abilites, and a spectacular moveset.

Yeah, its HP is balls to the walls insane, but if I remember correctly, it doesn't have a single stat besides HP that is higher than 76. And I don't know about you, but for me, if a Pokemon doesn't have good stats, I don't give two shits about its abilities, typing, or movepool.

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-Letting Forretress get up 2 layers of Spikes, both layers of Toxic Spikes, AND Stealth Rock, when he had Spore Smeargle. And Chandelure. And Magic Bounce Espeon. WTF?!

-Said Smeargle using Spikes 4 times in a row.

-Said Smeargle using Sludge Bomb against a Forretress.




-Confuse Ray Chandelure, Which it used on Gliscor.

-Facade Gliscor staying in on an obvious Hydro Pump.

-A random Spinda.

-Gengar trying to use Hypnosis on an Umbreon that was already Toxic'd.

-Said Umbreon having Shell Bell.

-Shell Bell. EVER.

-Mega Garchomp that refused to use EQ against a Mega Gardevoir and instead went for a Flamethrower (because why attack using your 170 base attack when you can instead use an unSTABed special move against something with great SP. Def?).

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Yeah, its HP is balls to the walls insane, but if I remember correctly, it doesn't have a single stat besides HP that is higher than 76. And I don't know about you, but for me, if a Pokemon doesn't have good stats, I don't give two shits about its abilities, typing, or movepool.

It's cute, if nothing else...
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It's cute, if nothing else...

...I honestly don't really see it.

Ledyba, on the other hand, that thing is just so fucking adorable I could squee so loudly it'd shatter glass all around the world.

Including plexiglass.

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