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Had to be certain, is all. I try not to think of such scenarios. But alas...

You think I wanted to bring it up at all?

I had a point to be made to an idiot so I did

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Yeah, I know. Though most of the time, I don't really know what to say and I'd usually be hogging the conversation topic rather than contributing to the current one.

Well, this video perfectly explains how fatherly and caring yet how disgusting and reckless Harrison Wells is.

For explanation purposes, just equate each character in the video to the Batman equivalent to the right

The Flash = Batman

Cisco (the Mexican guy) = Robin

Harrison Wells/Reverse Flash = Alfred

Awh Randoman, it doesn't matter too much. As long as you stop by, that's enough.

Who is Harrison Wells?

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Dude, that show is amazing. But spoilers! Obvious spoilers, but still!

Glad to meet another fan of the TV series. It's a shame that more people aren't watching it.

...and yeah, I guess I am spoiling major plot points, but I thought showing them the biggest spoilers would be a good ploy into getting them curious enough to watch the series.

Awh Randoman, it doesn't matter too much. As long as you stop by, that's enough.
Who is Harrison Wells?

I suppose. Though at times this thread can get really heated and flamey and I feel like even if I'm trying to change the topic to something more positive, others will just get even angrier, so it'd be best to post nothing until things cool down.

Wells is to Flash as Alfred is to Batman. Harrison Wells is essentially the one running The Flash's secret base/hideout and providing him with intel and technology for his missions.

However, despite how sincere and gentle of a mentor and friend he is, Wells' true intentions lie elsewhere, and he resorts to really dark methods (that The Flash himself wouldn't approve of) such as murder to protect the Flash/fulfill his own selfish plans for his agenda behind everyone else's back.

A character in the smashing Flash TV show.

Yep, and a really awesome and well written one at that.

He's definitely my favourite character in the series so far, even in episode 1 and 2. Even then, he was just so mysterious, awesome, kind, dedicated, cold, brutal... And that scene where he stabs Simon Stagg out of nowhere made me all "Woah... Why'd he do something that brutal!? Now I have to watch this series and see what his true objectives are." And even after the big villain reveal, part of me still views him as a good guy because of the gentle and fatherly demeanor he has, even when murdering others and doing other really dark things.

Edited by Randoman
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Glad to meet another fan of the TV series. It's a shame that more people aren't watching it.

He's definitely my favourite character in the series so far, even in episode 1 and 2. Even then, he was just so mysterious, awesome, kind, dedicated, cold, brutal... And that scene where he stabs Simon Stagg out of nowhere made me all "Woah... Why'd he do something that brutal!? Now I have to watch this series and see what his true objectives are." And even after the big villain reveal, part of me still views him as a good guy because of the gentle and fatherly demeanor he has, even when murdering others and doing other really dark things.

Indeed. Though it may not be a show everyone's watching, it's still fairly popular.

Mmm...Wells is tough competition for my favorite character, honestly. I mean, I like pretty much all the main characters in this show, and some of the villains as well. It's interesting, really. He does have the kinder mentor side throughout most of the series, so there's this hope that he's not all bad, at after everything, but...you don't know, because he is still Eobard Thawne.

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Indeed. Though it may not be a show everyone's watching, it's still fairly popular.

Mmm...Wells is tough competition for my favorite character, honestly. I mean, I like pretty much all the main characters in this show, and some of the villains as well. It's interesting, really. He does have the kinder mentor side throughout most of the series, so there's this hope that he's not all bad, at after everything, but...you don't know, because he is still Eobard Thawne.




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I suppose. Though at times this thread can get really heated and flamey and I feel like even if I'm trying to change the topic to something more positive, others will just get even angrier, so it'd be best to post nothing until things cool down.

Wells is to Flash as Alfred is to Batman. Harrison Wells is essentially the one running The Flash's secret base/hideout and providing him with intel and technology for his missions.

However, despite how sincere and gentle of a mentor and friend he is, Wells' true intentions lie elsewhere, and he resorts to really dark methods (that The Flash himself wouldn't approve of) such as murder to protect the Flash/fulfill his own selfish plans for his agenda behind everyone else's back.

That's true. For your sanity's sake, that's probably the best thing to do anyway lolol.

Ohhhh, I see! That is interesting. 0:

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