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I don't know, with all the 'band-wagoning' going on, it felt nice, to be nominated even though there would be no chance in reality of me actually getting interviewed.

Yeah, the bandwagoning is sure something. I think the logic behind that is "well, this person's getting the most votes; xe'll probably win so I might as well just vote for xir now and save the vote I actually want to say for later".




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I wasn't going to come here because I really didn't want to, but you know that feeling like you can't let something go because it's gnawing at the back of your mind like razor sharp teeth?

Yeah, the bandwagoning is sure something. I think the logic behind that is "well, this person's getting the most votes; xe'll probably win so I might as well just vote for xir now and save the vote I actually want to say for later".

Shit logic/10

Let me not think for myself and just follow along, real class act.

Not even disavowing bandwagoning(even if I personally have no great opinion of it), but if a person has someone in mind instead of the "obvious" they should go for it, if they don't win, keep voting for them, at least they'd know you're thinking of them.

What actually is more funny than that... is when people bandwagon along and then don't even ask any questions, at least make it look like you DIDN'T just sheep along.

Edited by Soledai
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Another thing I don't really have a particularly favorable view on...

Picking people at random because you never voted for them prior or no one else did.

Because !lolrandom! is always cool.

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I wasn't going to come here because I really didn't want to, but you know that feeling like you can't let something go because it's gnawing at the back of your mind like a razor sharp claw?

Shit logic/10

Let me not think for myself and just follow along, real class act.

Not even disavowing bandwagoning(even if I personally have no great opinion of it), but if a person has someone in mind instead of the "obvious" they should go for it, if they don't win, keep voting for them, at least they'd know you're thinking of them.

What actually is more funny than that... is when people bandwagon along and then don't even ask any questions, at least make it look like you DIDN'T just sheep along.

Yes, but....uh...?

That's a good pount, but either way, the bandwagon will eventually have to die...I think.

Another thing I don't really have a particularly favorable view on...

Picking people at random because you never voted for them prior or no one else did.

Because !lolrandom! is always cool.

-nods slowly-

I have posted here before.

I know that; it's just that I haven't seen you here in a long time. :'D

the acts in the voting thread really irritate ya, huh?

well some of it can get annoying, so i feel ya there

What do you expect when it's literally a popularity contest, though?

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No the thread is not stupid, that thread is one of the best ideas the SF community has ever produced.

That, however, does not disallow it from having disliked moments.

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Yes, but....uh...?

That's a good pount, but either way, the bandwagon will eventually have to die...I think.

-nods slowly-

What do you expect when it's literally a popularity contest, though?

"But uh" what?

I guess, if something lives, it will eventually die.

That's what it is and ironically not the point of the thread, you're supposed to get to know the people you don't know

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What do you expect when it's literally a popularity contest, though?

probably it's only flaw in my opinion

is it's a glorified popularity contest

meaning people lower on the chain don't have a chance unless a group of people rally or by some stroke of luck or curiosity, like how i won

Ahh, much better, thanks a lot Shock.

No prob, bro owo)b

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No the thread is not stupid, that thread is one of the best ideas the SF community has ever produced.

That, however, does not disallow it from having disliked moments.

...Of course. o:

Was curious about the two days with no activity. But that's over, obviously.

Haha, well, that happens every now and then when no one feels like posting. This place has gotten really quiet since HHH became...what it is.

"But uh" what?

I guess, if something lives, it will eventually die.

That's what it is and ironically not the point of the thread, you're supposed to get to know the people you don't know

Nothing. >~>;

But with how nominations work at present, how is it not supposed to turn into one?

probably it's only flaw in my opinion

is it's a glorified popularity contest

meaning people lower on the chain don't have a chance unless a group of people rally or by some stroke of luck or curiosity, like how i won

Yeah, you always have to feel bad for the underdogs. :C

I do have this feeling like the interview thread will die. And sooner than a lot would think.

Not too many people are asking questions anymore, and a lot of the people who members have been constantly voting for have already been nominated anyways.

SF popularity contest should die, in my opinion. It's been fun enough interviewing prominent members, but now it's going to waste away in band-wagoning and petty popularity contests.

Perhaps I'm being a little too hypocritical, as myself getting nominated made me all too delighted.

Probably, yes. People tend not to be too interested in unpopular people, from what I've seen. I feel like Makaze should have chosen a different way to determine how nominations go, but hm.

It's all right. I think that's very natural.

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Haha, well, that happens every now and then when no one feels like posting. This place has gotten really quiet since HHH became...what it is.

Really? Hmm...

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Nothing. >~>;

But with how nominations work at present, how is it not supposed to turn into one?

I see.

......Are you getting the message I'm sending here? I'm not questioning how or why, I'm pointing out the irony for what it is.

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...but not in Nottingham. (wonders if anyone gets the reference)

@ Shezzy: I don't blame you for feeling that way. It really sucks not being as popular as Integrity and them on SF. Though it is really nice to be appreciated by your close SF friends, you always have that hunger for more popularity and praise from others.

It'd mean the world to me if I got nominated and interviewed in that thread, but even if I did it'd probably be only a few people asking me questions, even if it was as the peak of the interview thread's activity.

I remember for the Appreciation Thread, there wasn't too big a variety of people complimenting me, at least compared to when others had their turns.

Keep in mind, I am really grateful for people who do appreciate me on SF and support me for when I get my turn in special threads like the appreciation one.

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HHH is and has become one giant cluster really. Good and bad flow through it so fast you don't know which is which. At least that's my experience with it.

This thread has been nicer than I originally perceived, though most of this was just seeing a lot of people who generally didn't know me well.

Things changed though, and LtPW seems good enough for me.

What...? No... Let's compare:

HHH: Lots of people.

Ltpw: Barely anyone.

Thing is when you have lots of people, you're going to run into a lot different situations good and bad, but in a quiet place with barely anyone around, that same thing is not going to happen, and if anything, not as often.


Well, every place will have its ups and downs.

Literally this.

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Not just unpopular people, but people they don't know.

Part of the whole idea for it was to 'get to know other members better.'

Nowadays everyone just post questions for whoever they are friends with.

Which wasn't a problem a little while ago, since the people getting nominated had already established themselves quite well.

That's true.

I kind of hope that when all the popular people have been interviewed, the community will start voting for people they aren't super close to. I doubt it, though.

Really? Hmm...

Yeah, LtP's changed a lot since you (and a bunch of others) left. ^^;

I see.

......Are you getting the message I'm sending here? I'm not questioning how or why, I'm pointing out the irony for what it is.


HHH is and has become one giant cluster really. Good and bad flow through it so fast you don't know which is which. At least that's my experience with it.

This thread has been nicer than I originally perceived, though most of this was just seeing a lot of people who generally didn't know me well.

Things changed though, and LtPW seems good enough for me.

HHH now is very similar to what LtP was in the past.

You make me wonder what HHH people say about LtP, especially those that used to come here.

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HHH now is very similar to what LtP was in the past.

You make me wonder what HHH people say about LtP, especially those that used to come here.

I'll spare you the curiosity...

Afaik, nothing

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You make me wonder what HHH people say about LtP, especially those that used to come here.

the only ones that mentions ltpw from time to time is hk and david .w.

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