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Genealogy of the Roddle Bad

roddlevan.png: The hero of our story. Bad to the bone. Literally. And not the good kind of bad. Really, this guy's objectively terrible.

radney.png: Roddlebad's twin sister. A hardcore feminist.

skasaher.png: Roddlebad's sworn enemy. Actually badass. Wouldn't he be the hero of this story then?

lakche.png: Ulster's twin sister. Resident fanservice girl.

ira.png: Just what is her role?

celice.pngcelice1.png: Sigurd and Deirdre's son. Dreams of incest.

rana.png: Adean's daughter. Lewd.

lester.png: Adean's son. Likes taking care of his sick do.

mana.png: Some orphan. Wants to be screwed senseless by Seliph.

dimna.png: Mana's older brother. A complete loser.

delmud.pngdelmud1.png: Nanna's older brother. Kind of just there.

nanna.pngnanna1.png: Leif's girlfriend. Lascivious.

Edited by ZM.
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I don't get the anymous thing either.

It's like they're ashamed or something

Well, to me that was kinda the point when I resumed logging back after half a year of not doing it... and then I just kinda been lazy/forgetting to switch the anonymous thing off since it connects automatically when opening the browser.

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Oi where is Marf and Crizzizzizz

I need to ask you people something

what up?

Also, unless you lurk in chat threads a lot and don't want to be called out, I don't get why so many people are set to anonymous.

See now, I stay on anon so I dont have to sign out for when I'm not looking at SF. Its pure convenience cause mobile truly is suffering
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what up?

See now, I stay on anon so I dont have to sign out for when I'm not looking at SF. Its pure convenience cause mobile truly is suffering

Is FE11 Marth a boring and generic character like a certain person says

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lakche.png: Ulster's twin sister. Resident fanservice girl.

ira.png: Just what is her role?

You know. All those years... and only here and now I am realizing Ayra's and her daughter's face mugs only differ in hair length and clothes... wow...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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what up?

See now, I stay on anon so I dont have to sign out for when I'm not looking at SF. Its pure convenience cause mobile truly is suffering

Can't you like, keep it on Remember Me?

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No, it was the lasvicious part.

Nanna is a very well-mannered girl, thank you very much.

Ah, forget it.

And who's who, by the way.

You haven't seen the image set, have you.

Hmm? Roddlebad is the hero!

You know. All those years... and only here and now I am realizing Ayra's and her daughter's face mugs only differ in hair length and clothes... wow...


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Jules my friend request ;w;

And heh, thanks Shezzy

Whoops sorry!

Accidently thought it was a reply - approved ;)

I've enough from FE for today!

Needed for chapter 13 in FE5 about two hours and for about one third of chapter 1 in FE4 also more than 1,5 hours.

Edited by Mister CatTeaDawn
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