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Finally after almost one month a real summer day; a day I could spend in the garden.

The weather sucked for the most in my semester break; only two weeks left now. At least it was bearable at night.

Thankfully it will become very warm and sunny in the upcoming week. Better doing free time activities than hanging around at home the entire day with playing FE and chatting. A little bit variety is quite nice for me. I guess I'm going to do a few cycle trips.

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Well, it's not as hot as in LV and not as muggy as in the south states.

I mean 90°F isn't too bad for cycling.

Heat is ok as long it's not in my bedroom.

In the past month I had to sleep at 85°F. Not very comfortable!

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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I know and that's the reason, why I actually wouldn't like to spend my holidays there, even if it has a great countryside.

Would prefer California, because it's not as muggy and the nights are cooler.

Only was once in NY in the autmun, when I was 7 or 8. At least I could leave footprints on the WTC.

Will travel to US again, when I've finished my study.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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In Cleveland it's actually as warm as in my town, only a little bit warmer at night.

I definitely don't want to live in AZ. In Phoenix the night temperature = day temperature in my location

If the Rocky Mountains didn't exist, the US would have less freak weather in most areas.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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The temperature is pretty nice in the Netherlands at the moment.

Antalya was kill. Over 40° C with a lot of humidity...

Dutch weather is actually pretty alright (though we always like complaining about the rain).

I definitely don't want to live in AZ. In Phoenix the night temperature = day temperature in my location

Haha, when I was in Antalya, the minimum night temperature there was 10° C higher than the maximum day temperature in the Netherlands. 8]

Idk why but I like Myouren for whatever reason even I don't fully understand.

Hi Konngara.

Although I have some reasons...

Edited by Hattusili I
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The temperature is pretty nice in the Netherlands at the moment.

Antalya was kill. Over 40° C with a lot of humidity...

Dutch weather is actually pretty alright (though we always like complaining about the rain).

The weather should be basically the same for living 40 miles away from your location.

It was a little bit disappointing the past two weeks.

Yeah, I know from my holidays trips in this region that's very warm there in the summertime (>25°C). Though my bedroom can match up with it.

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California is pretty nice right now. Humidity's at 50-60% and there's a gentle, ~78 degree breeze.

Color me jealous. I have to wait until Thursday at the least before I see a break in the heat wave Jersey's under.
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