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Yeah, I know my sister's private school got rid of it too fsr.

AP Chemistry seems to be your big one.

US History is tough, I'm not too in the know about AP English though...

Good luck, if you can do Bio, you can do anything, lol.

no they just don't have those classes here

Meh I can probably handle it

Literally everyone is taking APUSH in my grade

I suppose

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I knew what I was getting into.

Which is worse than, say, freshmen first day, when I have no clue how high school will play out.

I know what you mean. It gets me everytime, only my summers always consisted of summer school, which kinda throws a wrench in my summers being any kind of eventful, or actually "good".

Its a lot to take in yeah, but you'll eventually get past it. Night Shez

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Being addicted to anything is never too healthy, so yeah.

DQ kind of became boring for me :/ s-sorry glace.

Addictions, hype, foolishness, all of it. Bad for you.

Well, that's to be expected, it's slow and mostly very boring, that series. DQ5 gets an exception from me, because it's just good. 6 was fun, but it didn't last.

Those are part of--- who am I kidding, the main reasons why I haven't played any more of them.

Now that Dragon Quest Heroes on the other hand, I'll take one of those.

oh also

Such a good father.


Edited by Soledai
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Dragon Quest VI shares the same fate with IX:

Good RPG, but outclassed by other ones. I'm still playing, if I've the time.

I'm focussing on ToS and ToV atm, because they're so damn good.

Only hope that ToV doesn't become Tales of Crashteria. All the lags really worried me yesterday.

If the internet connectivity of my PS3 worked, I could get the ENG translation patch for ToV. Though it doesn't work for some reason unfortunately.

Means watching a LP, whenever I stuck.

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Will be out of this forum from now on because of a personal reason!

I don't know, when and if I will return.

If someone wants to get into contact with me, please do it via Skype (account displayed in my profile)!

Goodbye to all people for now!

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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I don't even know what AP means, hello SFBlog.

oh also


Whoa, I remember posting that in HHH myself...

Draco, I adopt you as my son and heir. Citizens of the Hittite Kingdom, hail your future great king.


the true form of ana's husbando

Draco, what kind of monstrosity have you created?

You are disowned.

Next Tuesday.

Invite some HHH people.

I'll inform my team leader I won't be at work next Tuesday.

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Whoa, I remember posting that in HHH myself...

Draco, I adopt you as my son and heir. Citizens of the Hittite Kingdom, hail your future great king.


Draco, what kind of monstrosity have you created?

You are disowned.

Aw. I understand. :[

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Aw. I understand. :[

You know what? I'll go easy on you.

Since Shezzy's funeral is next Tuesday, you can be his successor as Sub-King of Arzawa.

I have high expectations of you, Draco. Be... draconic. :Wrys:

Edited by Hattusili I
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