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So my sister's boyfriend broke up with her recently. He said he needed some time by himself or something so they split up, she moved back in with me, etc.

She had an illuminati necklace thing but as far as that kind of thing goes that's the most she assosiates with it. He refused to put up with that kind of thing.

Then he goes and hooks up with a satanist.

Why. I've never, never seen my sister get this angry about anything. She punched a hole in the wall, right through something her boyfriend drew for her.

They were together for a little less than 4 years btw.

Hoo boy. Judging just by you've said, it seems to me like he was just trying to find an excuse to dump her. :X

Also, what is this iliuminati thing anyway?

Practicing viola sometimes helps with that whole thing.

Every now and then though I'll feel worse after I practice.

I can get really hypercritical of my mistakes while I'm playing sometimes.

Perfectionism is tough lol.

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...I never thought I could feel betrayed on For Glory.

I went on For Glory, found a guy named Blue. I was Jigglypuff, but he was too. We both courtesy taunted and I knew it would be fun.

And it was! He's pretty good, if a little worse than me. We were able to learn things from each other, with each unsuccessful Rest, it wasn't embarassing because neither of us punished it (Only used a single Jab to reset them to normal).

After a few legitimate matches, we were messing around a bit. Random Sings, uncharged Rollouts, grabs with no pummels or throws, and Rests while not even next to the other person.

We were using Sing and not following it up with anything. He used Rest across the stage and I ran to him to try to use Sing... I used Pound instead, and it hit him. Oops. I ran to the other side and tried to express my regret as much as possible, crouching faced away from him. He used Sing and I didn't mash out of it, I figured he forgave me and was just messing around... ;-;

9 seconds left on the clock. I thought we were stalling for a sudden death.

He used Rest. I died. And he left immediately. I'll never forget.

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Wow, sorry to hear that, Draco. :<

Google is your friend crizzie

So it's a secret society that's said to conspire to set up a new world order? Am I getting this right?

You're going to love it Draco once you get the wii u version and there's tags, oh boy.

Tags? o:

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You're going to love it Draco once you get the wii u version and there's tags, oh boy.

I was just thinking about this. At first I wanted this to be on Wii U so I could praise them for sticking around and making it fun.

Speaking of, this is the only fun I've had with this game - and the series as a whole - for awhile. I'm genuinely disappointed about what happened.

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sonic is bad.

I barely know any people that play the same games as me, only person I've played SSBB with in around a year is my parent's friend's daughter. We're pretty good friends and I get along especially well with her stepbrother.

She plays Sonic and only Sonic though. Ehhh.

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Thing is, apparently he's really good this time around. And this was the first I've ever seen an actually good Sonic in action.

Normally, I just mop the floor with all the regs that play the game, as swordsmen (barring Shulk, and TLink), and Zelda, when I decide to get off them. I've only ever come across maybe 3-4 good players at best, that main Rosaluma, Megaman, Mario and Random (no seriously) respectively. I'd definitely call them rivals at my level, but I still end up on top, in most of our rounds.

Its a funny feeling to get the hands, when I'm normally the one giving em

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You can main Random? o.o

Playing sonic is a great way to extract salt from your friends.
Needless to say, you should main him.

I never knew that Sonic irritated people so much...You're right; I should.

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I made a custom stage on Brawl a year or two ago. It's a square shape, there's little pits on both sides leading into/to the middle of the stage, the pits enclosed enabling wall jumps easily. There's one of those windmill things on the inside, moves around slowly.

I was playing with that one girl and her stepbrother, I told them to play someone who could wall jump. I was Mario, she was Sonic, he was Fox.

She was able outmaneuver us very easily. He and I stopped beating each other up in game to try and get her because she had almost no damage. We tried going in opposite directions to trap her but she just jumped on the windmill and ran right over us. She took out her stepbrother eventually, and I wanted to avenge him but to no avail. :/

. .......... .
. . w . .
. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .

The stage looks kinda like this. w = windmill thing.

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Playing sonic is a great way to extract salt from your friends.

Shezzy said this and that reminded me of that. Her brother and I were both pretty salty and she was laughing almost the entire thing since we couldn't do anything.

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Hmm... let's see.

  1. Sega was a rival for Nintendo.
  2. Don't like the gameplay of the platformers (too fast).
  3. Can't stand his character and role in SSBB. He's arrogant and he doesn't deserve to be the hero in the end of the game.

Ah, so you're loyal to Nintendo?

The speed is the point lol, but yeah, it gets really hard to follow when you're going too fast. (Another complaint I have is how rings are handled. :x)

That did feel a bit like a deus ex machina. I think they should have at least hinted to Sonic getting there before his huge entrance. Also it would've been funnier if it was Jigglypuff. Jigglypuff totally should have had a story role in SSE.

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