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actually, yeah, probably

I myself do it when playing some games. I mean, not all japanese games are "omg this is so japanese" and not all western games are like "omg this is so western game". But with stuff like CoD? For sure.

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Engineers are just the true adults of the world. Everyone else just lives in a world of things and processes that they do not understand. Kinda like dumb rabbits, oblivious and unconcerned with how the trees around them got there, just hopping along taking it all for granted. The modern world is completely shaped by scientists and (mostly) engineers. Engineering is the single most important thing that mankind can do. It elevates societies to new levels. Look at the world around you, a few university-fulls of arts students couldn't figure out, given 100 years, how to manufacture even the simplest plastic garbage that they unquestioningly pull off of their morning iced frappucinos from starbucks. You're not even worthy of making garbage. You're too dumb to figure it out. Engineers don't just create high tech technologies like the internet, cellphones, satellites, automobiles, that most people think of, but everything. Name me anything of value and I'll name you engineers who had to do the real actual intelligent work of either creating the tool or coming up with the manufacturing process to do it. Even doctors are becoming useless. They basically just use tools that engineers build (e.g. every tool or measurement device used, every process involved in the manufacturing of medicine, hell even manufacturing the little tube on their stethoscopes). They will be easily replaced by Watson Like Robots eventually. Engineers can replace all of your jobs, because they are better. Complain on the internet webpage hyperlink: http://www.reddit.com if you would like.

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have fun being replaced by machines while draw glorious pornography that no machine can even DARE to replicate, SOP (science only people)

drawn pornography will have no purpose when virtual pornography becomes a thing

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i know an engineer and all he does is have like one touhou waifu (youmu basically shit) and then he spends most of his day playing engineering video games and then going to work to do engineering

engineers have no souls.......

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