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nah i'm a dirty secondary whose only experience with it was from a friend complaining about the final boss and shitposting four when the game was released and then seeing people post about it when they went to go play yoko taro games in preparation for automata

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I'm finding it funny that you would call me out for "nitpicking" and then resort to a Berserk Button ad hominem when I call you out for a total coincidence. You have proven to like a game series just because it lets you do effortless pwnfests. That is not healthy. It's just mind-numbing bore-snore that just asks for the later games to add in Fake Difficulty and general annoyance. And yes, I am talking about Fire Emblem. Now I would actually be Complaining About Games I Haven't Played by ranting about Awakening, but people like MJEmirzian have played it and saw fit to deconstruct it mercilessly. And I'm not surprised, because I had from the start saw it reek of sell-out bullshit. If Pandering To The Fanbase like "Marth is a girl" and things like time travel in Fire Emblem weren't enough to bother me, how about the reported stupidity of Lunatic+? Or better yet, players put the games' characters on a pedestal like the characters are their own actual spouses rather than their avatars'. Because, you know, it'd be bad to have an actual wife who snarks you out often enough because somehow that wouldn't make her providing love making more satisfying, nor would it even allow for the idea that she'd be her own person. As to the gameplay, the alarming thing is that the pwnfest stupidity had been around as early as Seisen no Keifu. So why the hell do I take issue with it? Well, here's something to talk about: imagine you're cutting down these pathetic Bandits like weeds with a Kill Sword. And then suddenly you encounter this Armor guy who takes a spectacular 2 damage per hit from said Kill Sword. Well, congratulations, you'll deal 12 damage total with 2 criticals. Not like the Armor guy won't poke your guy silly in return. Now you could switch to an Armor Killer, deal a lot more damage, but wait, Armor Killer has accuracy problems guaranteeing the Armor's survival and if you fail to kill him, he has buddies who will end your swordsman easily. So you'd want more guys such as mages to help to blitz the Armor's health down to nothing and check those buddies of his as well, or at least check both. It's like you're...commanding. GASP But naw! We can't have the DEF stats buffed, likely with a secondary function that would let them function in the later levels! We have to have Speed and general ability completely determine a character's validity! This avoids making too much sense, after all! Ironically, it's not even that annoying hypocrisy on your part that brings me here. No, it's something I thought of watching Gaijin Goomba's video telling people to stop being victims, and as to my response to it, SSB proves popular enough and I doubt people will rant against SSB4 unless it proves messy enough. Brawl had notable rant and rage against it but it wasn't particularly strong. SSB4 could genuinely be good, but Kid Icarus Uprising had appealed to me with the power system because SSB didn't try to check stupidity like unconditional flinching. If SSB4 doesn't do something just as useful for balance, it's bound to have rant material, but I actually can't lose buying it since I'm expecting that much anyway. Actually, when I was initially listening to the video, I was expecting Gaijin Goomba to remark that people should make their own games. And oh hey, guess what? It made me think that the abusive users of the video game communities, like you, are the problem. Your inability to care, boundless as it is callous, makes any time you call ME shallow nothing more than cheap hypocrisy. But that's not enough to warrant this visit, oh no, of course not. You have to support trolls, who you know are scumbags to begin with, always looking for cheap laughs, because you are interested in that very same bullshit. By rewarding people for being assholes, you create an air of tyranny, and I assure you that it WILL suffocate you. Unpleasantly. You will make it impossible for good ideas to blossom because of all the God damned fear you promote with the blatant unhealthy favoritism. Nobody in their right mind will talk with you about possible good ideas. Not until you prove you can be trusted. I'll admit that I'm venting in frustration that I can't talk about my own story idea in considerable detail at all because it's insultingly easy to end up providing spoilers. Even mentioning that there will be a Gentle Giant female and I'm actually being wary to make sure she won't be an outright Mary Sue is pushing it. But you have dropped the hammer on other users who have simply asked about things. And you have the gall to call ME abrasive. I would actually laugh-cry if not for this God forsaken voice box of mine stinging like hell. Why should I share about my story to you? You proved you will just leak the spoilers. You already let trolls run rampant pulling harassment bullshit unchecked because THEY are somehow funny. Big hint: they aren't. You have always been interested in seeing my anguish and you have not cared who else has to suffer for it. You even play passive so that people don't suspect. But you have always had the ability to put a leash on those bastards. You haven't tried doing that. Because you only care about cheap laughs. And if you think you can just delete this comment, which by the way I can copypasta to friends on Skype or better yet put on Pastebin, then congratulations. You prove that I'm right. If you want to claim I have no opinion, so what? You're a community who should be above all that. Oh wait. Communities ARE above the notion of individuality. It doesn't mean they should give it the smallest bit of regard. Ugh, the idea that you would consider that is so disgusting. The Advance Wars communities died like bitches because they wanted to follow the same shit. Your popularity can't protect your own communities forever. And when it fails to, you WILL get everything you deserve. If you believe otherwise, then you just believe YOU are perfect even despite evidence that you're anything but. Claim otherwise all you like; your delusions won't change the truth. Maybe you are talented. I wouldn't know, and I'm certainly not going to care as long as you are going to be an asshole. It's a lesson you and your friends have taught me after all. You even taught me by being indifferent, so oh hey, guess what? I'm here because you have created this unwelcome environment through YOUR bullshit actions. If you can't prove yourself willing to do your part to fix this, then I have every right to complain. And with walls of text like this that YT in the past would have forced into segmented comments with a character limit, good luck trying to deconstruct me with ANY argument. Not to mention it's not even my actions that are in question. It's YOURS. ...oh I'm sorry. I think I commented to the the wrong person, no doubt a sycophant who doesn't have me blocked.

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1 minute ago, shezzy said:

They do.

But I honestly don't think reading let's plays do the games justice. it's a very different experience watching the ayy lmao go down with a controller in your hand then reading through it like a book

i'm gonna do enough reading when I sit down to play planescape torment

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> Otherwise, you're only proving you should be given dog collars for causing headaches for its own sake, instead of trying to have patience and understand where the other side could be coming from.

> You know how whoisthisgit is into shy girls because unlike shadowofchaos725 he actually would want to protect them from a rough world? I have similar sentiments toward Genki Girls, especially when they tend to be Stepford Smilers.

now this is a person who i would actually tell to go fuck off and die lolololol

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i have never actually seen a girl use PMS as an excuse for anything except for having cramps making them uncomfy (and cramps do actually feel like you're getting kicked in the organs)

in fact girls are the ones that want people to stop making PMS jokes looooooool

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I haven't actually sat down to play it, I did like the first five minutes for memes

it seems more of a game that you dedicate time and sit down to play and I've a got a long weekend starting after work tomorrow

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